...When thinking about the topics for this assignment the first thing I had to do was analyze the relationship between the entrepreneurs from today and the entrepreneurs from yesteryears. The entrepreneurs from today can learn how to profit and be social responsibility by studying the leading entrepreneurs of the past. Throughout this paper I will analyze leadership styles and major principles for a profit-oriented entrepreneurial approach in which the primary goal to provide a product or service to consumers and to make a profit. Also their major business principles for a social-responsibility oriented entrepreneurial approach in which the primary is goal to make a positive impact on society (people, families, ecology, or similar) while providing a product or service to consumers and to make a profit. This paper will also show what three resources or tools available through the Small Business Administration and SCORE would be the most useful. When thinking of leadership style I would say Blake Mycoskie who is the founder of Toms has an authoritarian or autocratic leadership style. This style is used when leaders tell their employees what they want done and how they want it accomplished, without getting the advice of their followers. Some of the appropriate conditions to use it are when you have all the information to solve the problem, you are short on time, and your employees are well motivated. They have clear expectations for their team's performance, and they communicate...
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...1. Analyze and describe the founding leader, leadership style, and major business principles of a profit-oriented entrepreneurial approach in which the primary goal is to provide a product or service to consumers and to make a profit. “Entrepreneurship is the willingness to take risks to create and operate a business. An entrepreneur is someone who sees a potentially profitable opportunity and then devises a plan to achieve success in the marketplace and earn those profits.” (Boone & Kurtz, 2011) Being an entrepreneur involves taking risk, stepping out on a limb to take a chance on an idea. That is what Steve Jobs; CEO of Apple, did, he took a chance on an idea. Steven Paul Jobs was born in 1955 on February 24, and given up for adoption by his parents. (Isaacson, 2011) Job’s biological parents were two graduate students from the University of Wisconsin, who felt it necessary that their unnamed son be adopted by great parents that had went to college themselves. Jobs biological parents wanted the best for him and that included a great education. (Isaacson, 2011) Although Paul and Clara Jobs were not college or even high school graduates, they promised the biological parents that they would send Steve Jobs to college and started a savings account to fund his education. Steve Jobs interest in technology was shaped by his father and the neighborhood he grew up in. The neighborhood was filled with engineers working on electronics and other gadgets in their garages on weekends...
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...Assignment #1: Entrepreneurial Leadership Some consider Max Weber (pronounced VAA-ber) to be the father of sociology; however, he was also one of the earliest writers in the field of entrepreneurship. Weber viewed entrepreneurs as innovators, independent people whose role as business leaders conveyed a source of formal authority. As Weber discussed, among other attributes, successful entrepreneurs must possess effective leadership skills. For this assignment, you will listen to a podcast of Steve Case, former Chairman and CEO of AOL discussing his views of entrepreneurs. In another podcast you’l l hear James Kouzes, co-author of The Leadership Challenge, describe the five basic points that the best leaders use to motivate. In addition, you will read an article written by Peter Drucker entitled, Entrepreneurial Strategies. Drucker has been referred to as the most influential management thinker in the 20th century. Finally, you will read a conference proceeding from the Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship that describes entrepreneurial leadership dimensions and offers a new definition of entrepreneurial leadership. Former AOL CEO and Chairman Steve Case have identified three words 1. People, 2. Passion, and 3. Perseverance as the foundation of successful entrepreneurs. He relies on these three P’s (people, passion, and perseverance) to guide his goals, direction, and decisions. Case states that if you have all three P’s in the right balance, almost anything...
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...Assignment #1: Entrepreneurial Leadership 01-17-2011 Assignment #1 Entrepreneurial Leadership1. Discuss the common elements described in the theories/philosophies of Case, Kouzes, and Drucker including how their principles/strategies relate to the new definition of entrepreneurial leadership presented in Understanding Entrepreneurial Leadership in today's Dynamic Markets.The theories and philosophies of Steve Case (2010), James Kouzes (2008), and Peter F. Drucker (1985) have similar qualities. Both Case's and Kouzes' theories stress the importance of utilizing human resources in a business. Case stresses the importance of hiring and retaining key people. This is the first “P” of his three “P” theory. Kouzes theory of celebrating the values and victories in which leaders recognize individuals for their contributions to success by showing that they are valued in the company. Case's and Kouzes' theories align with the entrepreneurial leader who is a transformational leader who empowers the people. Though stated differently; Case, Kouzes and Drucker all agree that that a leader must possess an intense desire to succeed. Case describes this intense desire as passion, the second “P” of his theory. He says that a leader must possess a passion for the business. Similarly, Kouzes says that a leader can motivate others by aspiring to a shared vision (or passion). Drucker's theory of “Fustest With the Mostest” is aligned with both Case and Kouzes in that to be effective...
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...VAA-ber) to be the father of sociology; however, he was also one of the earliest writers in the field of entrepreneurship. Weber viewed entrepreneurs as innovators, independent people whose role as business leaders conveyed a source of formal authority. As Weber discussed, among other attributes, successful entrepreneurs must possess effective leadership skills. For this assignment, you will listen to a podcast of Steve Case, former Chairman and CEO of AOL, discussing his views of entrepreneurs. In another podcast, you’ll hear James Kouzes, co-author of The Leadership Challenge, describe the five (5) basic points that the best leaders use to motivate. In addition, you will read an article written by Peter Drucker entitled, Entrepreneurial Strategies. Drucker has been referred to as the most influential management thinker in the 20th century. Finally, you will read a conference proceeding from the Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship that describes entrepreneurial leadership dimensions and offers a new definition of entrepreneurial leadership. Former AOL CEO and Chairman, Steve Case, has identified three (3) words 1) People, 2) Passion, and 3) Perseverance as the foundation of successful entrepreneurs. He relies on these three P’s (people, passion, and perseverance) to guide his goals, direction, and decisions. Case states that if you have all three P’s in the right balance, almost anything is possible; if you don’t, nothing is possible Some consider Max...
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...Three Pillars of the College of Business Servant Leadership, Entrepreneurial Spirit and Innovation Grand Canyon University: Introduction to Graduate Studies in the College of Business The three pillars of the College of Business are servant leadership, entrepreneurial spirit and innovation. The first one that I am going to discuss is servant leadership. Servant Leadership According to Robert Greenleaf, the term servant leadership “involves putting people and ethical considerations intentionally ahead of short term institutional or personal self-interest.” The article that I wrote about in my reference assignment was Servant Leadership, 2.0 .This article discussed the business community and how it is embracing servant leadership. The ten tables of servant leadership. The ten tables are, listening, empathy, healing, awareness, persuasion, conceptualization, foresight, stewardship, commitment to the growth of people & building communities. (Spears, L.) These ten characteristics have been the foundation for servant leadership scholarship for more than 30 years. According to Barbuto and Wheeler (2006) there are five leadership factors. These factors are altruistic calling, emotional healing, persuasive mapping, wisdom, and organizational stewardship. “Sendjaya, Sarros, and Santora (2008) identified six dimensions of servant leadership, which are voluntary subordination, authentic self, covenantal relationship, responsible morality, transcendent spirituality, and transforming...
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...Introduction to Entrepreneurship Session 1 Olivier Witmeur September 2011 2 Desired outcomes of the session • • • • Introduce the course Tour de table What is entrepreneurship, what are the key constructs Who is the entrepreneur • AGENDA 1. Introduction 2. Course design and organisation 3. About entrepreneurs 4. What entrepreneurship is GEST-S547 - 2011-2012 © Olivier Witmeur 3 1. INTRODUCTION 4 What have these companies in common? • • • • • • • Delhaize , Colruyt, Leclerc, Sears & Roebuck Solvay, Pfizer, Yves Rocher Citroen, Renault, Ferrari McKinsey, Deloitte & Touche, JP Morgan McDonald, Neuhaus Dell, Hewlett-Packard Siemens, Dyson GEST-S547 - 2011-2012 © Olivier Witmeur 5 Examples of successfull entrepreneurs GEST-S547 - 2011-2012 © Olivier Witmeur 6 Entrepreneurship is … (3 minutes) GEST-S547 - 2011-2012 © Olivier Witmeur 7 La laiterie du Berger – Danone Latitudes GEST-S547 - 2011-2012 © Olivier Witmeur 8 2. COURSE DESIGN 9 Desired outcomes of the course • Understand why entrepreneurship matters • Introduce key-concepts and best practices in various settings • Develop your entrepreneurial mindset • At the end of the course each student must be able to: – Assess entrepreneurial opportunities in various contexts – Identify and master the main challenges associated with their exploitation – Understand when and where entrepreneurial management style is relevant End-up...
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...Running Head: Entrepreneurial Leadership “Assignment 1 - Entrepreneurial Leadership” The Business Enterprise – BUS508 Darren Smith Professor Derek A. Smith October 25, 2010 1. Discuss the common elements described in the theories/philosophies of Case, Kouzes, and Drucker including how their principles/strategies relate to the new definition of entrepreneurial leadership presented in Understanding Entrepreneurial Leadership in today’s Dynamic Markets. According to the online article, Understanding Entrepreneurial Leadership in today’s Dynamic Markets, the new definition of entrepreneurial leadership is explain through Sashkin M. Rosenbach as, “…clarity, communication, consistency, caring, creating opportunities, self-confidence, power need and its use, and vision. They also include how they are defined and their importance, coordination, how people work together to get the job done, and the strength of shared values and beliefs, that is, the degree to which people in the organization generally agree that these values and beliefs are important and should guide their actions.” (2010) In a pod cast by Steve Case, he states, “….entrepreneurship is important not just in terms of creating value that rewards shareholders or employees. It’s also important in terms of the underlying economic future of our country.” (Steve Case, Feb. 2010) Steve also believes that the three P’s; people, passion, and perseverance, are the focus points on being an entrepreneur because...
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...Assignment #1- Entrepreneurial Leadership T’Juan Rucker Dr. Birmingham The Business Enterprise- BUS 508 October 28, 2010 Discuss the common elements described in the theories/ philosophies of Case, Kouzes, and Drucker including how their principles/strategies relate to the new definition of entrepreneurial leadership presented in Understanding Entrepreneurial Leadership in today’s Dynamic Markets. Entrepreneurial Leadership has many different meanings across disciplines. The new definition of Entrepreneurial Leadership is one of an enterprising, transformational leader who operates in a dynamic market that offers lucrative opportunities (Tarabishy, Fernald, Solomon, 2010). The theories of Case, Kouzes, and Drucker share many similarities to the new definition of entrepreneurial leadership. The main elements shared by these individuals and the new definition of entrepreneurial leadership is entrepreneurial leaders have a clear vision, create opportunities, and adapt to change. One common element Case, Kouzes, and Drucker share with the definition of Entrepreneurial leadership is that entrepreneurial leaders have a vision for their business aspirations. Each theory of the characteristics of entrepreneurial leadership states that these leaders have a clear picture of the aspirations for their business venture, potential success, and the means in which to achieve the goals. Entrepreneurial leaders not only vision, but can effectively articulate their vision to...
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...30/N28-403-1732433/N28-403-1432427/N28-403-20 | iskandar@utm.mymhafiz@utm.myhalina@utm.myhaslinah@utm.mynorris@utm.myhaza@utm.myaryati@utm.mynorasnita@utm.my | Synopsis | This 1-credit course will provide an extension to the existing 2-credit subject (UCD2762) on how to analyze and evaluate the business opportunities using the knowledge and skills acquired from the previous subject. Class members will consider business planning, self-assessment, idea generation, and operating strategies required to start a new small business. Students will also be exposed to Harvard Business School Case Method in order to give them exposure to the real world problems and their solutions. Active participation by students during class discussions and activities is encouraged & expected. Students successfully completing this course will be able to: * Research, recognize and access business opportunities. * Use analytical and critical thinking skills to determine the feasibility of a business concept. * Gained hands on experience with conducting research, develop, write, evaluate, presenting and defending segments of a business plan. | | Learning Outcomes | At the end of the semester, the student will have the: | CO | Course Outcomes | Related Program Outcome (PO) | Evaluation Method | 1. | Ability to think...
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...Entrepreneurial Leadership 1 Discuss the common elements described in the theories/philosophies of Case, Kouzes, and Drucker including how their principles strategies relate to the new definition of entrepreneurial leadership presented in Understanding Entrepreneurial Leadership in today’s Dynamic Markets. What is an Entrepreneur? We find entrepreneurs in manufacturing, business, agriculture, health care, tourism, education, government, and the arts. Essentially, we find them among employees and employers in all sectors of life. Being an entrepreneur means more than being a business owner. It means possessing entrepreneurial qualities and characteristics essential to being a productive citizen and excelling in one’s career. Being entrepreneurial means creating something new or developing ideas or projects; it means not following prescribed paths and thinking outside the box. The entrepreneurial spirit is the heart of a society that moves forward and adapts to changing economic, technological, and social challenges. Entrepreneurial leaders tend to crave new beginnings, recognize a need for change and aren’t afraid to take the necessary risks. In regards to Case’s podcast “People, Passion, Perseverance: You’ve Got Entrepreneurship”, Kouzes’ podcast “Rising to the Leadership Challenge” and Drucker’s article “Entrepreneurial Strategies”, all three passionately briefed about possessing the spirit of being an entrepreneur. The gentlemen shared the same common leadership elements...
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...Entrepreneurial Leadership BUS508 Assignment 1 Dr. Janet Durgin 1.) Discuss the common elements described in the theories/philosophies of Case, Kouzes, and Drucker including how their principles/strategies relate to the new definition of entrepreneurial leadership presented in Understanding Entrepreneurial Leadership in today’s Dynamic Markets. Both cases Kouzes and Drucker both agree that the leader must have a very intense passion to succeed. The two authors description of the desire needed by leaders is passion which is a deeply intense desire to succeed and strive to make the business grow. It was stated a leader must possess passion for the business, which gives them drive to want to plan and accomplish goals. Kouzes makes similar statements, he says that a leader can motivate others by aspiring to share their goals, encouraging others under them they can obtain the same success and accomplish many goals. Drucker’s thoughts were very similar to Case and Kouzes, along the lines of being effective it requires extreme discipline of effort and passion for anyone gaining success focusing on their goals. The theories of all three gentlemen are share similar thoughts and agreements on leadership being ready to take charge and lead in spite of discouraging or opposing others to be passionate about their positions, jobs or business. Kouzes mentions the leaders should challenge the process by searching for opportunities to grow and improve 2.) Discuss your leadership style...
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...Personal Evaluation of Entrepreneurial Characteristics Introduction The purpose of this report is to give a wide overview about the aspects of the entrepreneur and examine the student’s characteristics in this respect. This will be achieved by presenting three strengths and three weaknesses of the student relating with them theories that have been developed by scholars over the years. The Table 1 below is a summary of some contributions that have been made by economists, sociologists, political scientists etc. in their effort to define the entrepreneurial personality. However there is not a term that has been universally accepted yet. Joseph Schumpeter was the first scientist that made contributions trying to examine the entrepreneurial character. He argued, “It is in most cases only one man or a few men who see the new possibility and are able to cope with the resistance and difficulties which action always meets with outside of the ruts of established practice” (Joseph A. Schumpeter, 1947). Table 1: Definitions of Entrepreneur (Journal of Entrepreneurship, 2000) 1. Strengths 1.1 Risk Taker Scientists have given a lot of emphasis on the characteristic of risk bearing with respect to the entrepreneurs. Noah Webster in Webster’s Third New International Dictionary (1961) refers to the entrepreneur as “the organizer of an economic venture, especially one who organizes, owns, manages and assumes the risk of a business”. On the other hand, Schumpeter (1934) argued...
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...Entrepreneurial Leadership Terrence A Reed Jr Professor Christopher Mc Grath BUS 508, Strayer University 7/21//2011 Q1. Create a hybrid theory/philosophy which combines the common elements found in the thinking of Case, Kouzes, and Drucker. In your philosophy, be sure to include the new definition of entrepreneurial leadership presented in Understanding Entrepreneurial Leadership in today’s Dynamic Markets. These three different people all had different beliefs on what they believed could make a business successful. These ideas were what they found to be important in their own pursuit of developing a business. Their beliefs concentrated on areas such as practices of leadership, entrepreneurial leadership, beliefs that they have developed that were successful. Steve Case had developed a belief which made him successful in his business practice. He believed in a system that he called the three P’s, they concentrated on: People, Passion and Perseverance. This believed you should have the right people in place with the same creative passion. These workers must be willing to overcome any obstacle they encounter. Next we will discuss the beliefs that James Kouzes had developed that made him a success. First off, he believed that leadership pertained to anyone who leads people regardless of their position. These are practices that he felt a leader should perform, they are Model the way, Inspire assured vision, Challenge the process...
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...Assignment #1: Entrepreneurial Leadership Karla Canas BUS 508 – Contemporary Business July 17, 2011 Create a hybrid theory/philosophy which combines the common elements found in the thinking of Case, Kouzes, and Drucker. In your philosophy, be sure to include the new definition of entrepreneurial leadership presented in Understanding Entrepreneurial Leadership in today’s Dynamic Markets. Entrepreneurial leadership is the common element found in the thinking of Case, Kouzes, and Drucker. All of their strategies to become a successful leader are very similar. They all emphasize the importance of being risk takers, being persistent, being creative but most of all to recognize the people around you for their contribution to your success. According to Steve Case if you have the three P’s; people, passion, and perseverance together in the right balance almost anything is possible. The key to any entrepreneurs’ success is being passionate about what they do, surround yourself with the right people, and always try to persevere. Case firmly believes that entrepreneurship is important in “terms of underlying economic future of our country.” Entrepreneurs need to take the necessary risks in starting a new business because that will make a significance improvement to today’s economy. James Kouzes gives us five basic points that leaders must possess in order to be successful. In his book, The Leadership Challenge he stresses the importance of modeling the way in order to obtain...
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