...COM 150 Assignment: Characteristics of Expository Essays (UOP) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Assignment: Characteristics of Expository Essays • Resources: Characteristics of Expository Essays, The Art of Cookery Web site, About Web site, and the Fishing Florida Online Magazine Web site • Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum • Read two of the following essays: o http://www.artofcookery.com/settingthetable.htm o http://womenshistory.about.com/library/weekly/aa062899.htm o http://deafness.about.com/cs/cochlearfeatures/a/cochlearimplant.htm o http://capmel.com/how_to-fillet_fish.htm • Address the following points about the two essays you read: o What characteristics make these essays expository? o Identify the type of organization each author used to develop the essay (topic, time order, space order, or informative process). o Why do you think each author chose that type of organization for his or her essay? In what ways does this organizational choice make the essay effective? What effect could the author have achieved with another type of organization or another type of expository essay? o In what ways are these expository essays alike? In what ways are they different? o Explain your answers. -------------------------------------------------------------- COM 150 Capstone (UOP) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Capstone Discussion Question • Due Date: Day 3 [Main] forum • Post your response to the following:...
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...The final project is comprehensive, designed to apply all you have learned in this course. This assignment provides an opportunity to exercise academic writing skills as you create an expository essay, using the steps in the writing process—planning, drafting, developing, revising, editing, and proofreading. For this essay, choose one of the following topics: • Healthful eating • Oil and gas prices • Education • Media in the courtroom • Cosmetic surgery • Tattoos or body piercing • Language in the United States • A topic of your choice, approved by your instructor Final Project Timeline You should budget your time wisely and work on your project throughout the course. As outlined below, some CheckPoints and assignments in the course are designed to assist you in creating your final project. If you complete your course activities and use the feedback provided by the instructor, you will be on the right track to successfully complete your project. □ Suggested in Week One: Read the Final Project Overview and Timeline in Appendix A. □ Suggested in Week One: Read Characteristics of Expository Essays on the student Web site. □ Due in Week One: Expository Essay Topic CheckPoint □ Due in Week Three: Evaluating Sources CheckPoint □ Due in Week Four: Brainstorming CheckPoint □ Due in Week Four: Documenting Sources Assignment □ Due in Week Five: Thesis Statement CheckPoint □ Due in Week Six: Topic Outline and Working...
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...Axia College Material Characteristics of the Expository Essay What Is an Essay? An essay, or personal-opinion paper, is an important part of your college experience because it requires critical thinking as well as organization and research. Essay is a broad term. Sometimes an essay is just a page long; sometimes, essays are five pages or longer. Essays, however, focus on a single subject and idea. They also have different purposes: to persuade, explain, or entertain. Consider the following essay titles: • “Why You Should Never Vote for a Democrat” • “My Friend Harry Reasoner” • “Cells Phones: Getting the Most for the Least” • “Gay Marriage Does Not Hurt Traditional Marriage” • “How to Write an Essay” How would you categorize the essays above based on the titles? Is “Why You Should Never Vote for a Democrat” a persuasive essay or an entertaining one? Does “How to Write an Essay” explain or persuade? Even within a classification, writers use different types of development and have multiple purposes for their essays. Essay Classifications Writers classify essays in different ways. The following table includes common types of essays as well as examples: |Type of Essay |Definition |Example | | | | ...
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...Associate Program Material Characteristics of the Expository Essay What Is an Essay? An essay is an important part of your college experience because it requires critical thinking as well as organization and research. Essay is a broad term. Sometimes an essay is just a page long; sometimes, essays are five pages or longer. Essays, however, focus on a single subject and idea. They also have different purposes: to persuade, explain, or entertain. Consider the following essay titles: • “Why You Should Never Vote for a Democrat” • “My Friend Harry Reasoner” • “Cell Phones: Getting the Most for the Least” • “Gay Marriage Does Not Hurt Traditional Marriage” • “How to Write an Essay” How would you categorize the essays above based on the titles? Is “Why You Should Never Vote for a Democrat” a persuasive essay or an entertaining one? Does “How to Write an Essay” explain or persuade? Even within a classification, writers use different types of development and have multiple purposes for their essays. Essay Classifications Writers classify essays in different ways. The following table includes common types of essays as well as examples: Type of Essay Definition Example Expository Uses evidence, examples, or facts to explain a concept or to inform about a topic with a thesis as its base; the information must be presented fairly and in a nonbiased manner “How to Stop Smoking” Persuasive or Argumentative Uses evidence, examples, or facts to persuade your...
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...|f[pic] |SYLLABUS | | |College of Humanities | | |ENG/101 Version 5 | | |Effective Essay Writing | Copyright © 2011, 2009, 2007 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description In this course, students develop academic writing skills. Students use the writing process to construct an expository essay with an emphasis on coherence and correctness in written communication. Students also conduct basic research for the expository essay. Selected readings provide the basis for discussion regarding the difference between fact and opinion. Grammar exercises focus on verb tense and form, subject-verb and pronoun-antecedent agreement, and pronoun case. Students also complete exercises covering topic sentences, paragraph development, citations, and formatting guidelines. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: • University policies: You must be...
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...section Vi essay forms Many people use the term “essay” to mean any paper written for a class. In actuality, there are many different types of essays, each of which has a unique purpose, form, and style. We call these different types of essays “modes of discourse,” and they include expository, persuasive, and comparecontrast essays to name just a few. This section of the Guide has a dual purpose. First, various types of essays are described and suggestions are included about how to approach each particular type of writing. Second, the sample essays are good tools for you to see how these different essays look in their final form. These are not templates (no essay can be a carbon copy of another even in form), but they will give you a good idea of what a final piece of writing for each mode of discourse looks like. It would be advantageous to critically analyze the form and content of each sample against the instruction for how to write each type of essay. chapter 21 expository essays Jennifer propp An expository essay explains something using facts rather than opinions. The purpose of this type of essay is to inform an audience about a subject. It is not intended to persuade or present an argument of any kind. Writing this type of essay is a good way to learn about all the different perspectives on a topic. Many students use the expository essay to explore a variety of topics, and do so in a wide range of formats, including “process” and “definition”...
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...AIMS: English for Academic Purposes is designed to help students to critically engage with texts, research and write effective essays for academic audiences, and participate intelligently in oral and written discussions on a variety of topics, while developing an understanding of the linguistic context in which they operate in the Caribbean. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the course, learners will be able to: (USE LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT) Describe the essential characteristics and functions of language, especially in relation to the English language Define the Caribbean community and identify language-related issues that affect communication in one or more language communities in the Caribbean (READ) Distinguish academic writing from other kinds of writing Decode meaning in samples of academic writing Respond critically to a variety of texts, identifying the rhetorical context and evaluating rhetorical strategies (WRITE) Assess the needs of their audience and summarise material appropriately Engage in various stages of the writing process and write an effective documented expository essay Consult the Internet, library databases and other information sources for research and use information appropriately in assignments Use approved citation and documentation techniques to incorporate information from credible sources (SPEAK) Present ideas individually and in groups Discuss and critically evaluate oral presentations and written passages RECOMMENDED MATERIALS: (All books listed...
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...2001) Common wisdom tells us that there are, in general, two kinds of writing: creative and expository. Creative writing tells about feelings, opinions, points of view, things that originate inside the writer. Expository essays tell about facts, things outside of the writer. Essays on literature examine a literary text, a thing outside the writer. Lab reports describe experiments with chemicals and other stuff that really exists and can be measured. Research is factual; fiction, poetry, and the personal story are emotional. Wrong. Writing is not that simple. The farther you go in your academic or professional career, the less you are able to simply report what you see. The more you know about your chosen field, the more you realize that the researcher argues for his/her point of view even as he/she reports the facts. When we ask how to provide medical care, how to enforce the law, how to work in the legal profession, how to do science, how to educate children – when we ask how any profession should be done – there is always more than one possible answer. We have to decide which answers work best, and the research almost always provides some evidence for both (or many) sides. Facts mean nothing without interpretation – we have to decide what the facts mean, what their consequences are. So we need to get used to using facts, not just reporting them. We need to write expository essays that include our own opinions and points of view. Ethnography is a science that allows for...
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...ART 2 • MUSEUM – BASED ESSAY • DUE: MAY 4/5 Suggested Locations* L.A. Country Museum of Art (LACMA) • lacma.org for info. The Getty Center (Santa Monica) or Getty Villa (Malibu) • getty.edu for info. The assignment is to write an expository essay that focuses on an interpretation of one artwork using a specific symbol or theme (see examples below). Your interpretation must include an analysis of the subject & style of artwork in relation to the function of the object, as we do in class. (Remember the 4 Steps of Interpretation). Also, you should identify the style characteristics of the period-culture to which it belongs. In the paper you will provide “proof” for identifying style and/or meaning by comparing it to objects in your textbook. This assignment is NOT a “report.” That is, you will not find much information about the artwork at the museum. The point of this paper is to interpret the object based on similarities to other objects that are more “known.” Your interpretation should be made primarily of your own observations in relation to the information provided by the textbook and research you conduct about the artworks’ style, symbolism, cultural context, etc. You must support your observations with facts. Also you must properly cite your sources of information in a works cited list. Consult the articles on writing available on our MyECC teamsite in the Writing Resources folder. Examples of Symbols: sun, moon, star, flower, halo, cross, tree, horn, offering...
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...We write: Essays Research Papers Coursework Thesis Dissertations Term Papers UK Essays # Count of pages: Number of words: Choose your academic level: Term: Discount Code (optional): Discount: 0% Price: $0 Official PayPal Seal website security Types of Essays A big problem that most students and new essay writers run into is “How to write an essay.” usually roughly all essays follow a common structure of writing which comprises of an introduction, the body, and the conclusion. Once the writers are lucid about the technique of writing an essay and how to write an essay outline, the next step that they face up to is how to move toward a particular research paper topic. And what type of writing works best? Students often complain about a certain type of essay they have been assigned with. It seems to them that writing within essay type boundaries doesn’t allow them to think out the box, limits their potential. But writing a paper without any directions could be even more confusing than the class assignment you got. Do not think about the limitations as of the prison walls, but as of the walls in your room where you feel free to paint murals or change nothing whatsoever, simply being in control of it, being yourself. Tweet Quick Navigation through the Types of Essays Page Basic Types: Narrative, Descriptive and Persuasive How Can We Help Personal Essays Argumentation Essays Information Essays Analysis Essays ...
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...Dual Enrollment English 112 is a pre-college composition course provided to the students at Brooke Point High School. Students must have completed Dual Enrollment English 111 to move on to this course. Similar to English 111, English 112 continues to develop college writing while putting emphasis on critical essays, argumentive styles, and research. The second semester of Dual Enrollment will have taught me how to accurately embed research into my papers by locating, evaluating, and documenting APA format, while effectively editing for style and usage. In this last semester of English 112, our class has written four different types of papers to improve our writing skills and show the importance of research. The first paper written in Dual Enrollment...
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...listener nearly every time they speak. The stylistic elements in a piece of writing work to produce a desired effect related to the text’s (and author’s) purpose, and thus reveals the rhetorical situation. In classical rhetoric, figures of speech are divided into two main groups: Schemes — Deviation from the ordinary pattern or arrangement of words (transference of order). Tropes — Deviation from the ordinary and principal meaning of a word (transference of meaning). *Important Note: Words marked with an asterisk* are words for which it would be impossible for you to write 3 examples for your weekly vocabulary assignment. In those cases, please write only the definition, in your own words, and the rhetorical uses/effect of that device, or do what you are instructed to do under those words. Please mark these words that deviate from the ordinary assignment with an asterisk* when you type them on your page. Common Schemes — Deviation from the ordinary pattern or arrangement of words (transference of order). Schemes of Construction — Schemes of Balance 1. Parallelism — similarity of structure in a pair or series of related words, phrases, or clauses. This basic principle of grammar and rhetoric...
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...Writing Assignments i n World Politics Courses Thomas 0. Schlesinger Walking out of Rounds Hall with me after class, Benny, a sophomore in one of my international relations courses, asked for, and received, some pointers on the required paper. “You’ve just told me to write exactly as I’ve been taught not to write,” said he. “And who, pray tell, taught you?” asked I. He gave an over-the-shouldernod across the street, toward Ellen Reed House--the English Department. "Hmmm. . . fine--I'mnot surprised to hear they tell you something different,” I told him. “The English profs teach you to write in a generic way, say, fiction, or generically expository stuff. I want you to write a social science paper.” With some ”Hmmm-ing” of his own, Benny shuffled off, wearing a mildly annoyed and not altogether convinced frown. How dare they teach different ways to write in different departments at the same college! Benny did make an effort to heed my suggestions, but it took persistence. For example, the introduction to his first draft, included a vague Writing Across the Curriculum, Vol. 11, August 1990 35 36 Writing Across The Curriculum (August 1990) statement like: ”Conflict between Arabs and Black Africans in the Sudan is a serious problem and should be examined in greater detail. . . including its history, causes, and future.” The purpose statement I eventually settled for read more like this: ”This paper will examine social, economic, and political aspects...
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...own discipline. Teaching strategies break off into braches to create types of lectures that fit with the learning styles of the students. There are a number of teaching strategies, some are: Role playing; where simulations in class can be an excellent way to engage students. Case studies; these have been used for actively engaging students in problem solving applicable to their discipline. Effective discussions; engage students in thinking and analyzing or in defending one side of an issue, rather than listening to lecture. Debates; where students are forced to deal with intricacy and gray areas and are rooted in rich content. Alongside these teaching strategies we have lecture types which consists of: Informal oral essay; a type of persuasive lecture. Expository; which explains the ‘what and why’ of the subject. Provocative; this...
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...Composition Pedagogy, Race, and the African American Student: An Annotated Bibliography Bernstein, Susan Naomi. “Writing and White Privilege: Beyond Basic Skills.” Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature, Language, Composition, and Culture 4.1 (2004): 128-31. Evaluating the relationship between white, middle-class privilege and both standardized testing and standard conventions of writing, Bernstein offers a classroom strategy for underprivileged students (either from racial or class position or both) to counter the negative effects of academic standards in relegating them to remedial positions in order to acquire basic writing skills before being granted access to the university at large. Encouraging her students to explore their previous educational experiences related to both testing and writing through a workshop format, as well as to evaluate their own imaginative writing and the reading of creative texts, Bernstein found that these can be used as means of critical resistance to their remedial designations. Ultimately, though, she concludes that it is not the student’s responsibility alone to resist relegation but also educators as well, who need to address and seek to resolve the conditions that produce “basic writers” even before their arrival at the university, and this, according to the author, will produce an awareness and restructuring of white privilege in determining academic success. Campbell, Kermit E. “ ‘Real Niggaz’s Don’t Die’: African...
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