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Asthma Attack Summary

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Karen J. Tien, Jeffery L. Goodie, Christina L. Duncan, Margo M. Szabo, and Nicholas A. Larson help published this article in titled "Is it Asthma or a Panic Attack? This article asks the question in the minds of a psychologist. People who suffer from asthma are misdiagnosed with the wrong types of medication in order to get this problem under control. A patient would be given an asthma medication, when they are having a panic attack and not an asthma attack. There was a case study done on a sixteen year old boy in order to determine if he was having an asthma attack or a panic attack. Psychologist with the assistance of doctors has to get the right types of therapy and medication to someone, so they can become a better person within society.
What is Asthma? It is a breathing condition caused from the lungs not being able to receive enough air to the lungs to produce carbon-dioxide. You cannot breathe and you feel like you are being checked out. When this happens, you must use an inhaler in order so you can breathe. If you cannot get the asthma attack under control, you usually have to go to the hospital. The hospital will give you a breathing treatment with oxygen. They will hook you up to an oxygen mask connected to a breathing machine. You will have a mask over your nose …show more content…
Stress will set off a panic attack. You will have hot flashes, become cold and start to sweat. When you experience these symptoms you will not be able to breath and it fairs up the asthma. You become tired really easy and mouth becomes dry. Because of this reaction most people are misdiagnosed when having an asthma attack. Most doctors would give a patient asthma medication, when they need medication for the panic attack. If you are having a panic attack and you have been to a doctor about the issue, you might want to see a psychologist. This is what helps me, but I think I need to go back to the doctor to get medication for the panic

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