...Evidence Based Nursing in Pediatric Asthma When embarking on an evidence based practice (EBP) it is important to start with a PICO question, which helps in organizing the clinical care and consequently, choosing the appropriate study design. The most common study methods include qualitative research, meta-analysis, cross-sectional studies, randomized controlled trials, case-control studies, animal research studies, and editorials and opinions. Introduction Asthma is the most common chronic disease in childhood and accounts for substantial morbidity and health care costs. While we don't know why asthma rates are rising, we do know that most children with asthma can control their symptoms and prevent asthma attacks by avoiding asthma triggers,...
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...Bronchial Asthma is an inflammatory disease that deals with your airways and your lungs.Asthma doesn't yet have a cure, but there are specific medications you can take that are their to control your asthma symptoms.Asthma is associated with your respiratory system and it can cause trouble breathing with symptoms of coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and tightness in your chest.This disease has been more prevalent in recent years, with an increased rate of children with asthma. When it comes to bronchial asthma there are many different factors that can trigger an asthma attack,but with different people the triggers for each person may vary.Some of the factors that trigger asthma attacks include many different type of allergens like pollen,pets, mold, dust mites, tobacco smoke. Other things include exercise, inhaling cold or dry air, and Gastroesophageal reflux disease is also known as acid reflux which is a digestive...
Words: 516 - Pages: 3
...Asthma Asthma is a respiratory condition that can cause serious problems for an individual. This condition causes difficulties in breathing and can cause the airways to become inflamed and swollen. Some of the more obvious symptoms of asthma include coughing, tightness in the chest area, wheezing and difficulty in breathing. These symptoms often become worse when a person has a cold or flu. Asthma can significantly hinder daily routines and are enhanced with physical activity and exercise. As a result of these conditions, a person may feel tired or even have anxiety attacks. Asthma obviously greatly affects the respiratory system causing difficulties during an asthma attack. The airways can become irritated and inflamed and, in severe cases,...
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...Asthma is a chronic disease of the lungs that affects millions of children in America. Millions of children are diagnosed with the disease each year, and are frequent visitors of the countries’ emergency rooms. Asthma is Greek for panting, which is what asthmatics experience when they experience an asthma attack (Eisele, 2003). According to Neergard (2006), more than 20 million Americans have asthma, and the chronic lung disease is on the rise. This paper will discuss the, causes, symptoms, treatments and the demographics of children being diagnosed with the disease. In order to understand the severity of the disease called asthma, one must understand it causes. These causes lead to the symptoms that have thus far caused the disease to kill 5,000 people every year and accounts for 2 million emergency-room visits (Neergaard, 2006). Though there are treatments for the disease widely available, certain causes of the diseases aren’t concretely founded, causing asthma to remain a mysterious disease to doctors. In the following we will go on a journey to discover the mysterious, precarious reality of children diagnosed with asthma. According to Eisele (2003), five thousand people die of it every year in the United States. Currently it's the sixth most common chronic condition in the nation. Three times as many people have it now as in 1980. Some 6 million of them are children. For children, asthma is the most common chronic disorder, the leading cause of missed school, and the leading...
Words: 2015 - Pages: 9
...Asthma Asthma can be a very frustrating disorder. It affects so many people of all ages. There are many different types of asthma with many different symptoms. The way asthma affects one person may be very different from how it affects another person. Etilology Asthma is when your airways become narrow and inflamed. There’s extra mucus that is produced which makes it very difficult for someone to breath. Causes of asthma are unknown but heredity seems to play a role along with allergens and environmental factors. The strongest factor for developing asthma is Atopy, which is the genetic development of an IgE-mediated response to common aeroallergens. There happens to be two categories of asthma: allergic and idiosyncratic. With allergic asthma there is an antigen/antibody reaction on cells in the respiratory tract, which causes inflammation. Idiosyncratic asthma is a result from neurological imbalances in the autonomic nervous system. Asthma in people between the ages of 5 to 15 years usually have an allergic asthma and people that get asthma later in life are more likely to get idiosyncratic asthma. Mild asthma attacks are more common and the airways usually open up anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours. Severe asthma attacks are less common but they last longer and end up requiring immediate medical help. Pathophysiology Asthma is considered an airway disease. It can be classified physiologically as a variable and partially reversible obstruction to...
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...had at Cotabato Regional and Medical Center opened the door of opportunity to experience things that broadened our knowledge and enhanced our skills. We were exposed to different cases of various clients. We became accustomed with the routines in the hospital and interacting with our patients, even with their watchers. We encountered some difficulties and struggles, yet that didn’t hinder us in giving our best to do our job. That exposure gave us an opportunity to handle different cases. With all those we’ve encountered, we chose one to be the subject of our case study. We are presenting to you Bronchial Asthma which is the case of our patient at Medicine Ward Room C whom we will call Mr. Theodore for the purpose of confidentiality. Bronchial asthma is a disease caused by increased responsiveness of the tracheobronchial tree to various stimuli. The result is paroxysmal constriction of the bronchial airways. Bronchial asthma is the more correct name for the common form of asthma. The term 'bronchial' is used to differentiate it from 'cardiac' asthma, which is a separate condition that is caused by heart failure. Although the two types of asthma have similar symptoms, including wheezing (a whistling sound in the chest) and shortness of breath, they have quite different causes. Bronchial asthma is a disease of the lungs in which an obstructive ventilation disturbance of the respiratory passages evokes a feeling of shortness of breath. The cause is a sharply elevated resistance...
Words: 3907 - Pages: 16
...Asthma Case Study Lisa, a four-year-old with status asthmaticus, is admitted from the emergency room via a wheelchair to a medical pediatric unit. She is accompanied by her parents who both have anxious, tense facial expressions. Lisa’s vital signs are T-36.9° C, P- 140 (apical, regular), R 38 (regular but shallow), BP 118/78. She is pale but has no evidence of cyanosis. Her breath sounds are normal in upper lobes, with inspiratory and expiratory wheezing and scatter crackles in all lobes. Breath sounds in lower lobes are diminished. She has moderate intercostal retractions, some nasal flaring, and an occasionally loose, productive cough. Lisa has thin, whitish nasal discharge and tears are dried on her cheeks. She is irritable and appears frightened. Other significant data include: Wt 19 kg, Hemoglobin 12.5, Hematocit 37.3, theophylline level 10.5 mg/dl before treatment in ER. The chest x-ray films show that her lungs are hyper inflated with some infiltrates but no atelectasis or consolidation. Three days ago, Lisa came home from the day care center with the sniffles. By evening, she had rhinorrhea and a cough but no fever. This developed into a head cold. Two days ago, she helped her father rake leaves and then played in the leaves pile with a friend. About noon today, the day care center called Lisa’s mother because she said she couldn’t catch her breath and was tired. At home, Lisa’s mother gave her an Albuterol treatment, which helped for about 30 minutes...
Words: 1254 - Pages: 6
...Asthma is a disease in which the lungs become inflamed, causing symptoms like wheezing and coughing. It affects about 7–10 percent of children and about 7–9 percent of adults, the majority of them being males. Children who have asthma have an increased susceptibility to allergens such as pollen, dust mites, or animal dander, which can cause an allergic reaction. Furthermore, activities such as sports and exercising can cause an asthma attack. The amount of asthma cases in urban areas has steadily increased from 150 million in 2002 to 235 million in 2011 worldwide. Many people think that air pollution, crowded living conditions, smoking, exposure to secondhand smoke, and even cockroaches are to blame for this recent increase. In addition less...
Words: 330 - Pages: 2
..."Is it Asthma or a Panic Attack? This article asks the question in the minds of a psychologist. People who suffer from asthma are misdiagnosed with the wrong types of medication in order to get this problem under control. A patient would be given an asthma medication, when they are having a panic attack and not an asthma attack. There was a case study done on a sixteen year old boy in order to determine if he was having an asthma attack or a panic attack. Psychologist with the assistance of doctors has to get the right types of therapy and medication to someone, so they can become a better person within society. What is Asthma? It is a breathing condition caused from the lungs not being able to receive enough air to the lungs to produce carbon-dioxide. You cannot breathe and you feel like you are being checked out. When this happens, you must use an inhaler in order so you can breathe. If you cannot get the asthma attack under control, you usually have to go to the hospital. The hospital will give you a breathing treatment with oxygen. They will hook you up to an oxygen mask connected to a breathing machine. You will have a mask over your nose...
Words: 1051 - Pages: 5
...This is the second case study that is required for the class. Please submit a paper (doesn’t have to be long; you could even give me bullet-point answers to the questions listed below) that answers all of the questions posed after Case Study 1. I have included an easy second case study which, if you complete it, will be worth extra credit. Answers to the first Case Study are worth 25 points and responding to Case Study 1 is required work for the course. The extra credit, which is not required, will be worth a total of 10 points. Both are due at the beginning of class on Tuesday, March 10, 2015. Case 1 R.S. has smoked for many years and has developed chronic bronchitis, a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). He also has a history of coronary artery disease and peripheral arterial vascular disease. His arterial blood gas (ABG) values are pH = 7.32, PaCO2 = 60 mm Hg, PaO2 = 50 mm Hg, HCO3- = 30 mEq/L. His hematocrit is 52% with normal red cell indices. He is using an inhaled ß2 agonist and theophylline to manage his respiratory disease. At this clinic visit, it is noted on a chest x-ray that R.S. has an area of consolidation in his right lower lobe that is thought to be consistent with pneumonia. Discussion Questions 1. What clinical findings are likely in R.S. as a consequence of his COPD? How would these differ from those of emphysematous COPD? Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is comprised primarily of two related diseases: Chronic Bronchitis...
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...Asthma What is Asthma? Asthma is an incurable lung disease in which the airways of the lungs swell and narrow making it difficult to breathe (National Institutes of Health, 2011). Symptoms of Asthma include: • Shortness of breathe • Tightness in the chest • Coughing • Wheezing Causes The exact cause of Asthma is still undetermined but researchers believe genetic and environmental factors may play an important role in the diagnosis (Mayo Clinic, 2011). Some of those factors are: • An inherited predisposition to have allergies • The parents have Asthma • Mother smoked while pregnant • Exposure to airborne allergens or viral infections while the immune system is still developing • Being overweight • Low birth weight A person living with Asthma can function normally; they do not experience symptoms on a daily basis. Although daily activities are not compromised in any way, people with Asthma must be aware of conditions that can cause the airways to narrow and swell (Mayo clinic, 2011). Some things that can trigger Asthma symptoms are: • Allergens from dust, mold, pollen, etc. • Irritants like cigarette smoke and chemicals such as cleaning products • Physical activity • Respiratory infections like colds Diagnosis Asthma is diagnosed by a primary care doctor and the diagnosis is based on family history, medical history, a physical exam, and test results (National Institutes of Health, 2011). The tests commonly used to diagnose Asthma...
Words: 2357 - Pages: 10
...ASTHMA in Adolescents and Adults ASTHMA in Adolescents and Adults Susan Corbridge and Thomas C. Corbridge ASTHMA in Adolescents and Adults Many individuals suffer from a respiratory condition known as asthma and experience the acute and sometimes chronic effects of this disorder. This disorder often presents itself in an individual exhibiting the hallmark signs and symptoms of breathlessness, wheezing and coughing, due to the airway wall being inflamed and smooth muscle bronchospams. At this time it is imperative to assess the situation and take the appropriate action. Research shows that there is various causes to why inflammation and bronchospasm obstruct the airway, making it difficult to pin point any one cause. This article states that atopy has been identified as a risk factor, as well as exposure to allergens can increase or induce an asthma attack (GINA: the Global Initiative for Asthma, Global strategy for asthma management and prevention). There are many factors that can affect any one person with this condition, such as heredity, obesity, smoke, exercise, upper respiratory tract infections, perfumes and certain occupations can trigger respiratory distress with an asthmatic episode. There are other treatment considerations that evaluate and treating other conditions...
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...Asthma An important issue that needs to be further researched in the health care field is Asthma. Asthma is a disease that affects the lungs; it causes wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and coughing (CDC, 2014). Asthma affects children and adults, but is deemed the most common long-term disease among children (CDC, 2014). It is a prevalent disease in the United States affecting 25.7 million people, including 7.0 million children (CDC, 2015). The reason it is important to continue further research on Asthma is because in most cases, the causes remain unknown. With such a large number of people affected by this disease, research related to this issue is important from an organizations perspective. Organizations have the duty to ensure that health care is affordable and accessible to those who are in need of health care. Curing asthma would be a great start in cost reduction; price cuts are a necessary component in making health care more affordable. Research There are a multitude of research applications that can be applied to one’s thinking and decision making as a heath care professional in regards to Asthma. Health care professionals must direct their research to the cause of Asthma. Without knowing the cause, a cure will be obsolete and treatment options will only be help to control the disease, never cure. Programs such as the National Center for Health Statistics and the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion are working...
Words: 568 - Pages: 3
...ASTHMA BRIEF BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory system in which the airway occasionally constricts, becomes inflamed, and is lined with excessive amounts of mucus, often in response to one or more triggers. These episodes may be triggered by such things as exposure to an environmental stimulant (or allergen), cold air, warm air, moist air, exercise or exertion, or emotional stress. In children, the most common triggers are viral illnesses such as those that cause the common cold. This airway narrowing causes symptoms such as wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing. The airway constriction responds to bronchodilators. Between episodes, most patients feel well but can have mild symptoms and they may remain short of breath after exercise for longer periods of time than the unaffected individual. Signs and symptoms In some individuals asthma is characterized by chronic respiratory impairment. In others it is an intermittent illness marked by episodic symptoms that may result from a number of triggering events, including upper respiratory infection, stress, airborne allergens, air pollutants (such as smoke or traffic fumes), or exercise. An acute exacerbation of asthma is referred to as an asthma attack. The clinical hallmarks of an attack are shortness of breath (dyspnea) and either wheezing or stridor. Although the former is "often regarded as the sine qua non of asthma," some patients present primarily with coughing...
Words: 3267 - Pages: 14
...The Truth about Vehicle Exhaustion Our world is filled with many environmental issues that we are not aware of. An example of an issue that is getting worse every day is air pollution. We don’t pay attention to air pollution because it’s something we can’t see and aren’t aware of the different effects it has on us and our planet. Certain forms of air pollution are the cause for some of our existing health problems. One such form of air pollution is vehicle exhaustion. Inhaling fumes produced by motor vehicles could cause detrimental health problems if inhaled too frequently and in a worst case scenario death. Smog and carbon monoxide are two of the worst types of air pollution right now. Every type of car releases these pollutants.. So what does this pollutant cause? Pollution can actually make pre-existing illnesses worse. A main ingredient in smog, ground level-ozone, is dangerous to inhale because it can cause lung damage and upper respiratory problems. This ingredient is made from hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxide function with light from the sun and warm weather that creates this ground level-ozone. A car releases emission even if it is standing still (Motor Vehicle Pollution) The problem is more prominent in children and older people. Children are exposed to this danger every day and even worse when they go to school. Since their bodies immune system is not fully developed their exposure to this air pollution is more severe. For many children, getting on...
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