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Chapter Summary: The Militia Movement

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The writers from the book refer to the term "militia" in a different way compared to the news media outlets. One of the different terms for militia came from Alexander Hamilton when he spoke of well-regulated militias in The Federalist Papers (The Federalist No. 29) when he preference the term “select militia” to what is now known as the National Guard (p. 153). Adam Smith talks about the difference between militia and military forces when he says, “In a militia, the character of the labourer, artificer, or tradesman, predominates over that of the solider: in a standing army, that of the solider predominates over every other character” (p.148). According to the article Daily Writing Tips, the militia includes reserves of the Army and Air National …show more content…
Free citizens willing to protect themselves and their country while using their given right to bear arms and their self-defense right. The news outlets call militias terrorists, extremist, rebels, guerrillas, and mercenaries in a negative way versus how the writers portrayed the militia in the book. News article titled The Telegraph termed militia groups as, “Right-wing anti-government extremist” ( After the deadly standoff in Waco Texas, the Militia Movement was brought about which included anti-government formal and informal armed paramilitary groups with an ideology of anti-government and conspiracy-oriented in nature with their primary focus on firearms. Some groups in the movement are, Kentucky State Militia, Ohio Unorganized Militia Assistance and Advisory Committee, Southeastern Ohio Defense Force, Michigan Militia ( The second Amendment is important when it comes to militia’s and anti-government groups. The Second Amendments states, “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”

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