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Atomic Bomb Dbq

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In the year are 1945, America dropped the atomic bomb on Japan. As the years and decades have passed, the controversy has only grown. Millions of people both American and foreigners have questioned America’s choice and have even condemned both America and President Truman for making a decision that killed tens of thousand. Many claim that the use of the Bomb was mainly to scare Russia and to get ahead on the already developing Cold War. However, I believe that the dropping of the atomic bomb was the course of action that would have caused the least amount of bloodshed for both the Allies and the Japanese.
There are several arguments that justify the dropping of the atomic bomb. For example, the bomb ironically saved Japanese lives. Casualty …show more content…
Some people could claim that the dropping of the bomb was illegal. In order for aerial operations to be legal, they must comply with the laws of aerial warfare. “On September 30th, 1938, the League of Nations ‘under recognized principles of international law’ issued a unanimous resolution outlawing the intentional bombing of civilian populations.” The League of Nations goes on to state that “‘Any attack on legitimate military objectives must be carried out in such a way that civilian populations in the neighborhood are not bombed through negligence.’” The intentional bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, civilian populations, killed tens of thousands of civilians. Another example is that the dropping of the atomic bomb was racially motivated. After the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, many Americans were hateful towards the Japanese. Japanese americans were the only group of people who were interned in the U.S. Many singers were making propaganda songs in order to elicit a strong sense of hatred in the citizens of America. One of these songs include “Remember Pearl Harbor” by Carson Robison. It was a hit when it was first released during the war. This piece of propaganda urges Americans to “wipe the Jap from the map.” The lyrics go on to say “All right, they've asked for it, and now they're going to get it. We'll blow every one of them right off of the face of the Earth.” These lyrics …show more content…
could have made at the time, I believe that dropping it was the best thing America could have done. Not only did it save lives but it reminded us, humanity, what we were capable of doing and how powerful we really are. You can believe what you want to believe but before you go I have a question for you. If you were the president at the time and you had to choose between Operation Downfall and dropping the atomic bomb, what would you have

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