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Att Analysis Paper


Submitted By rivevi8
Words 274
Pages 2
Assignment 1: Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness
A Report on AT &T Wireless

History AT&T was founded in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the first telephone. For over 100 years, AT &T was the primary local phone company, which was considered a monopoly until AT&T and the Justice Department agree on diversification in which AT&T split off it’s local phone service into seven regional bell companies that operate the local services. AT&T then primarily focused on its long distance manufacturing, and research and development operations. In 1994 AT&T acquired McCaw Cellular, in which eventually adopted the AT&T Wireless name. Finally in 2001, AT&T completes its spin-off of AT&T Wireless, which becomes an independent company.
Vision & Mission Statement “We aspire to be the most admired and valuable company in the world. Our goal is to enrich our customer’s personal lives and to make their businesses more successful by bringing to market exciting and useful commuincations services, building shareowner value in the process”.
AT&T has been a driving force in the wireless world. They have been one of the industry’s leaders in technology, and had been a global presence. For several years, they were the only carrier to carry the Apple Iphone, which set them above the rest in the wireless industry. This was a strategic move on both Apple and AT&T parts, and the Iphone became the top selling phone in the industry. By doing this, I believe that AT&T lived up to their mission and visiion statement, and they continue throughout this day.
Global Impact on AT&T

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