Premium Essay

Attack and Die


Submitted By grovestwg
Words 1845
Pages 8
Timothy Groves
Military History
Prof. Timothy Orr
3 March 2015

Attack and Die Civil War Military Tactics and the Southern Heritage

This was a intriguing book, the authors offer a different version of the severe loss of life suffered by the Confederacy States of American during the Civil War. The authors pull social and cultural elements together with military history to create their central thesis: the Southern military leadership failed to recognize new tactics and technological advances and willingly threw away men’s lives due to their Celtic heritage. If the South had adopted a more defensive posture, it very well could have weathered the storm of assaults by the Union, but the leadership of Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee prevented this because they desired to wage an aggressive war.
The book is broken down into different sections, the book begins by comparing Union and Southern losses in battles which major assaults took place and field works. The numbers are very telling, as Southern forces time and again take heavy losses by waging an aggressive war. Union commanders more easily recognized the change in warfare due to technology and more readily adapted; which leads into the part of the book, which discusses at length the reasons for the belief in aggressive tactics. The Mexican war had a profound effect on the thinking of the soldiers who fought in it, and these lessons were remembered and reinforced in the period leading up to the Civil War. The final chapters of the book discuss the cultural of the Southern aggressiveness, owing it to their Celtic heritage.
During the Mexican War, the smoothbore musket was the staple weapon of the infantry, but some units were equipped with new rifles, so they could be used as hit and run force. The officers who would grow to command the Union and Southern armies earned their spurs during this war and

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