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Attention And Driving Essay

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In today’s society, attention is very much needed while driving a car. Attention is the functioning of your brain which involves cognitive processing that focus on incoming stimuli. It is also a mental process to specific information from your surrounding environment. It is the ability to keep the mind focused by carefully observing and hearing. Technology and social medias are considerably dominant and driven in this generation, and accomplish to make individuals not pay attention to what actually is going on in front of us in the real world. “According to the research, the mental activity of conversation, whether in person or over the phone, is what takes one's mind off the road” (Strayer, 2009). Drivers have a difficult task, which requires rigorous attention on the road. …show more content…
“Because of our attentional capacities, only a limited amount of information is processed in-depth at any one time”(Fort, Martin, Andrieu, Pangaud, Daligault, Foliot, Delpuech, 2010). There’s only so much our brain can handle with the amount of stimuli that appear in our environment, hence the urge for safety, attention and alertness in driving. It is also important to acknowledge the important and relevant stimuli and ignoring the irrelevant stimuli. There are also other factors for why your attention and concentration can be distracted such as involuntary and voluntary activities. Using the phone, putting on makeup, singing, eating, smoking, or drinking are common examples of voluntary activities while driving. Involuntary activities take place when an individual is lost in their thought, not looking at the important stimulus on the road, or looking at people on the sidewalk who you seem to think is attractive. These activities are caused by the physical and cognitive disruptions. Many drivers use poor judgment when there is a high risk in

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