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Auditory Imagery

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"Don't judge a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes." Individuals alive today to view what transpires throughout the world, know how many issues are a result of not understanding differences between the fellow human, and one's self. India and Pakistan are both near centers of conflict in the Middle East, many of these conflicts are, in actuality, due to prejudices due to overall differences between cultures there. Potentially, the best solution to said conflict may be to educate individuals on the traditions of others, therefore reducing the prejudice the lack of understanding causes. In India and Pakistan literature, authors made an effort to accomplish such a goal by presenting their perspective through use of visual and auditory imagery.
Auditory imagery allows the reader to …show more content…
Indian and Pakistani literature utilized auditory imagery to assist the reader in understanding what civilization and oppression were like for people in that geographic region. Humans are attached to locations they were a part of in their life. Sounds that are attached to a location, such as the revving engines of a car or indistinguishable chatting amongst citizens walking along the sidewalk in a city, remind individuals of those places they are attached to. In "Fellow-Feeling", sounds are used as a key reminder in the quote,"Fruit-sellers and beedi-and-betel-sellers cried themselves hoarse. Latecomers... shouted... the engine added... with the low monotonous hum... the first bell rang" (Narayan 527). Individuals who have attached themselves with a place, such as what was described, may be able to relate themselves to the author or character, allowing them to go further in understanding the similarities between the two cultures, rather than the differences. The feeling of oppression can be best explained by one who has been oppressed, and varies in effect because of varying interpretations. Anyone else in the world may not be able

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