...WEEK 5 DQ 1 THE IMPACT OF EVOLVING TECHNOLOGIES To purchase this visit following link: http://www.activitymode.com/product/eng-225-week-5-dq-1-the-impact-of-evolving-technologies/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM ENG 225 WEEK 5 DQ 1 THE IMPACT OF EVOLVING TECHNOLOGIES ENG 225 Week 5 DQ 1 The Impact of Evolving Technologies The Impact of Evolving Technologies. There are many ways in which technology is affecting the production, distribution, and appreciation of films. According to the first letter of your last name, respond to your designated topic. Indicate Topic A or Topic B in the “Subject” of your post. Topic A (Last names beginning with A through M) Think of how CGI, animation, and other advances in digital technology have changed the ways in which stories are told on film. Choose a film and discuss the importance of these advancements to its success as a mode of storytelling. How might it have been told differently, for better or worse, without these technological advancements? Topic B (Last names beginning with N through Z) ENG 225 WEEK 5 DQ 1 THE IMPACT OF EVOLVING TECHNOLOGIES To purchase this visit following link: http://www.activitymode.com/product/eng-225-week-5-dq-1-the-impact-of-evolving-technologies/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM ENG 225 WEEK 5 DQ 1 THE IMPACT OF EVOLVING TECHNOLOGIES ENG 225 Week 5 DQ 1 The Impact of Evolving Technologies The Impact of Evolving Technologies. There are many ways in which technology is affecting...
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...ENG 225 Week 5 DQ 1 The Impact of Evolving Technologies NEW To Buy This material Click below link http://www.uoptutors.com/eng-225-ash/eng-225-week-5-dq-1-the-impact-of-evolving-technologies-new The Impact of Evolving Technologies. There are many ways in which technology is affecting the production, distribution, and appreciation of films. According to the first letter of your last name, respond to your designated topic. Indicate Topic A or Topic B in the “Subject” of your post. Topic A (Last names beginning with A through M) Think of how CGI, animation, and other advances in digital technology have changed the ways in which stories are told on film. Choose a film and discuss the importance of these advancements to its success as a mode of storytelling. How might it have been told differently, for better or worse, without these technological advancements? Topic B (Last names beginning with N through Z) Consider how the Internet has changed the way we access, evaluate, and discuss films. Choose a film that gained notoriety due to the Internet and discuss how social media and other instant modes of communication have changed the ways in which we approach, appreciate, and consume films. What do these changes imply about the future of film distribution and audience participation in the film’s lifespan? Indicate Topic A or Topic B in the “Subject” of your post. Your initial post should be at least 200 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required...
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...Negative Effect of Technology On Our Lives Chapter I Introduction: Modern day technology is probably the main attention of every person nowadays. And it is well evolving in a very fast rate. As we can see, almost every person in the world has their own kind of high-tech materials. Such as cell phones for communication; computers in making documents and other important files; laptops that became the next generation desktops; MP3 players for a much portable and convenient way of listening to music; cars for a much comfortable ride; cameras that is used for capturing the most unforgettable happenings on a person’s life, and many more. In fact, most people can’t live without it. Technology has performed a good impact towards the people, and there is no doubt about it. It lowered the average effort of humans to accomplish a certain task. For example, within just one click, you will see what you are looking for in the computer using the internet. Not like before, you have to go to the library to browse a handful of books in order for you to know what you want; which is a hustle. However, negative effects is always hidden beneath as such; although many will use to emphasize modern technology for many of its advantages and achievements, what many don’t realize is that it has affected and continues to affect the people in a negative way, generally the youth. A. Statement of the problem Childhood is all about exploration, through the interactive world of technology, most teens are...
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...THE IMPACT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ON THE ACCOUNTING PROFESSION. 1.1 Introduction It has become increasingly necessary for all businesses to incorporate Information Technology (IT) solutions to operate successfully and be able to maintain a competitive edge within the market they operate. As a result, many corporations have adopted Information Technology on a large scale by investing in Enterprise Resource Planning systems (ERPs) to accomplish their business transactions and data processing needs. Through the use of technology, various organisations have ventured into more efficient ways of conducting their business operations. Focus has since shifted to adopting the latest technology in order to beat competition. In light of the accounting division, this has meant adopting different forms of ERPs, some of which have led to huge failures even in reputable organisations. In some organizations, decisions with regards to adopting newer technology are made independent of the accounting function. This implies taking on such projects without prior consultation of personnel in the accounting division. As a result, some of the failures in those projects have adversely affected the accounting function of many organizations. In this study of the Impact of Information Technology on the accounting function I intend to establish a conclusion as to whether the impact being made by Information Technology on the accounting profession is positive or negative with particular attention...
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...DELIVERING RESULTS: EVOLVING BPR FROM ART TO ENGINEERING Richard J. Mayer, Ph.D., Associate Professor Department of Industrial Engineering Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas Paula S. deWitte, Ph.D., Executive Vice President Knowledge Based Systems, Inc. College Station, Texas Abstract This chapter presents an approach to BPR that is focused on achieving results from the first stages to implementation. The engineering approach presented utilizes an integrated set of methods applied incrementally. This allows BPR practitioners to more realistically approach a project; assess its impact, duration, and required budget; and mitigate the risks of failure. We present the approach as a phased BPR methodology along with methods, proven strategies, and tools To be published in a forthcoming book on Business Process Reengineering by Kluwer. 1 2 Evolving BPR from Art to Engineering we have worked with successfully at each phase. We present motivations for initiating a BPR effort that have been shown to result in successful cases for action. We present rationale for justifying change and a method for building a business case that includes the use of cost benefit analysis in formulating the justification rationale. An approach to planning for a BPR effort is presented that uses the same methods normally applied in the BPR process itself. We cover the issues associated with setting up a BPR project including: forming cross-functional teams, and selecting method and tool...
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...care to aid the low income, to include the impoverished. Several local health departments do not only have the responsibility for the core public health functions; but are increasingly called upon to provide health care services for those individuals who cannot afford it. This assignment discusses the three forces affecting the development of our healthcare system. The three areas of interest and selected to discuss are diseases, availability, and social organizations. Several other areas have been impactful on the development; however, these areas seemed more prevalent and more commonly discussed regarding healthcare plus its reform. The evolving area of information technology in the healthcare industry will be discussed. The importance and relevance of information technology is a key contributor of communication. Information technology regardless of the industry is an extensive key thing for business, but relevant to healthcare information it articulates and organizes, the accessibility. Our health system has focalized on treating short term health concerns; however, chronic conditions such as obesity, diabetes, or heart disease are rapidly growing at epidemic portions and with the baby boomers, the largest percentage of an aging society are living longer lives and increased health concerns. The increase caused rises in the overall healthcare cost. * Obesity significantly increases the risk of developing conditions, to include, but not limited to diabetes and heart disease...
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...In today’s 21st century, technology is all around us, we live, eat and breathe with the help of technology. Technology is constantly on society’s mind and therefore has a large role in effecting the writing environment. As technology evolves, writing pursuits quickly afterwards, starting on walls and paper, writing is now much more than ink on a page. Writing adjusted to suit our technological desires and needs, allowing us to communicate and examine things in new ways. Communication technology has been shaped around writing and has enabled many writers to explore and develop new techniques with the help of, smart phones, laptops and social media. It is this multimodality that opens up new media possibilities and opportunities for great works to be presented and published online. Audiences can interact with works, stimulating creativity and allowing new experiences to be ‘breed’ in the dynamic writing ecosystem. Interactivness has been established thanks to technological advances, allowing pieces like, ‘Welcome to Pine Point’ (Shoebridge, P., & Simons, M) to accentuate the possibilities that interactive media has on writing environments....
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...Cell Phones and their Impact on Civilization Cian Velinov Stuart College Abstract Modern cell phones are actually “pocket pcs”, with more computing power than the lunar lander possessed. As such, they are capable of so much more than most people realize. There are several aspects of this fairly modern technology that many people may not have considered, both good and bad. It has been widespread in news feeds lately how governments are spying on individuals via their cell phones, but this capability can also be utilized for legitimate purposes. Few people know that if a crime occurs at a given location, Law enforcement can request access to cell phone global positioning system (GPS) records from providers to see if one was in the immediate area at the time the crime occurred, thus giving them a list of suspects and witnesses. Multiple new industries have sprung up with the advent of the modern cell phone ranging from manufactures and accessory manufactures as well as companies and individuals who have almost overnight become millionaires by writing and selling programs for the phones. Even clothing manufactures have redesigned their clothing to accommodate the modern cell phone. Repurposing of cell phones has recently become widespread, with old cell phones being utilized as alarm clocks to IP surveillance cameras, adding new life to otherwise discarded technology. Impact of Cell Phones on Civilization When portable phones first came into existence a few years...
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...Impact of the Institute of Medicine in the Nursing Practice Nurses play a critical role in our country’s medical field to provide safe and quality care for all patients. The Institute of Medicine (IOM, 2010) appointed a committee on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation in 2008 with the purpose of creating a report that would make recommendations for a plan for the future of nursing. In order to keep up with the rapid increase in the health care demands changes have to be made, approved and implemented. The IOM report has impacted the future of nursing education, nurse’s role as a leader and the nursing primary care practice (IOM, 2010). The nurse’s education is constantly evolving to meet the demands of the population’s health care needs. The IOM report (2011) encourages nurses to achieve higher levels of education and recommends that they be educated in new ways that better prepare them to meet the needs of the population. Training nurses to deal with the changes in the health care system involves the input of the health care employer agencies, the school system and the community (IOM 2011). As stated in the IOM report, continuing education raises the capability needed to deliver care for various populations through the life span (IOM, 2010). To encourage nurses to advance their education there have been proposals for health care agencies to offer incentives for nurses that continue their education. Higher education will provide competent nurses that will be able to provide...
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...Surname Instructor Class Date Media's Effect upon People Media has been evolving in the past few decades, initially media was used as a tool of sending news and beefing people with the information. That is history now, because of the emergence of the new technologies, which has enhanced communications. Furthermore, there has emerged an adaption of electronic messaging from millions of individuals in the world. Electronic messaging has come in different ways, which in effect has enabled unique and specialized ways of sending messages according to the needs of an individual. The massive impact of media in the society has also enhanced the great expansion of media from all the directions. This paper will outline the media effect on people. Television emerges as one of the oldest screen media; this has enabled a number of generations to incorporate it domestically. However, this form of media has experienced major substantial changes that have seen the emergence of video recorders, camcorders, and cable television. This has had a positive impact to the society, for instance in the United States, many households have familiarized themselves with the new television prospective technologies and have readily adopted them (Marie, 2). Unlike in 1950s where few of Americans homes had television, today 99% of all Americans homes have television, with research indicating that some families have more televisions sets than phones. Many children have their own television sets in their own...
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...Topics Covered Chapter 12: Logistics and Supply Chain Information Systems Overall importance of information systems to logistics and supply chain management. Key issues in information systems. quality of information, and what to measure to assure that this quality exists exists. The architecture and objectives of information systems. role of logistics in the “connected” economy, and impact of evolving technologies on logistics and logistics processes. structural components of the logistics information system, and contribution of each to the overall effectiveness of logistics and supply chain processes. importance of adapting to new information technologies. 2 Logistics Profile: Applebee’s… Logistics and Supply Chain Information Systems: Introduction Restaurant ordering practice has progressed from phone to fax to Internet. Information systems (IS) help Applebee’s to monitor pre-negotiated prices and rebates, and to better manage inventory tracking. Internet-enabled information systems have great potential to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of supply chain activity. 3 Many firms view effective management of logistics and supply chain activities as: Prerequisites to overall cost efficiency, and Keys to ensuring their ability to competitively price their products and services.1 Effective information management also can help ensure that a firm meets the logistics needs of its customers. 4 Customer...
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...CIPD Level 5 Diploma in Applied Human Resources | Assignment: Understanding the Business Context of Human Resources (5CBIC) | Name: Sian GluckTutor: Tim BatesDate: 29/08/2014 | No. | Understanding the Business Context of Human Resources (5CBIC)Contents: | 1.0 | Compare two different types of organisation and their operational/business purpose (AC:1.1) | 2.0 | Assess how business type and purpose affects the HR Function (AC: 1.2) | 3.0 | Explain how different organisational structures and management roles can impact on the HR Function (AC: 1.3) | 4.0 | Explain the role of the HR function in formulating organisational strategy (AC: 3.2) | 5.0 | Explain how organisational strategy is translated in HR strategy and policy (AC:3.3) | 6.0 | PESTLE Analysis | 7.0 | How does PESTLE or SWOT affect the organisation’s HR Function (AC: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4) | 8.0 | Analysis of techniques/tools you used and conclusion(AC: 2.5, 3.1) | 9.0 | Reference List | 10.0 | Bibliography/Webography | 11.0 | Appendices | Assignment 1: Understanding the Business Context of Human Resources 1.0 Compare two different types of organisation and their operational/business purpose (AC:1.1) There many different types of organisations, such as: Large private sector, public sector, voluntary sector, SME’s, networked organisations and multinational organisations, as defined by Taylor and Woodhams (2014). This is a comparison of two of these types, focusing on the large private...
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...Introduction As a project manager, it is important to understand change in the organization that you are working within. The necessity of projects as vehicles to accomplish an organization’s strategic goals is imperative to an organization and a project manager. A project manager must also understand the evolving changes in the world and how they can affect the way a project is managed, what change will allow for improvement, and what alternatives exist. Organizational Objectives, Goals, and Strategies to the Project Outcomes The necessity of projects as vehicles to accomplish an organization’s strategic goals is beneficial to the organizational objectives, goals, and strategies to the outcome of the project. In fact, a project should be viewed as a financial and strategic investment (Resch, 2011). In order for a company to be successful, the organizational objectives must be met with effectiveness and productivity. This is because projects are needed to accomplish goals. Without goals an organization would be short with obtaining their objectives. All projects are one-time, temporary endeavors that are meant to meet business objectives (Resch, 2011). Some examples of projects include re-designing a project, building a bridge, and upgrading to a new software release. All of these examples are important with accomplishing an organization’s strategic goals. The responsibility for the project achieving its goals does not rest solely with the project manager, but rather...
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...This course has opened my eyes to the ever evolving world of Information Technology and its effect on the business world. If companies fail to adapt to new technologies and changing markets they will find themselves struggling to compete and survive. Just a few of these new technologies such as social networking, biometric technology, RFID, and cloud networks have completely changes the way companies operate. They have redefined and replaced older technologies and have managed to do so at a rapid pace. If companies do not set themselves up with flexibility to implement new technologies they will soon be out of business. Cloud networks have become increasingly popular due to the cost savings and effectiveness of their design. A company is able to save money by not having the overhead and staff to maintain and service their own servers. I think that this type of network will soon become a standard business model for all companies. As the security features continue to advance, the cost savings provided by the cloud will be too great to pass up. The cloud has also contributed to the rise in another type of network, the social network. The increasing popularity of social websites such as Facebook and Twitter has spawned new ways to market and advertise. The traditional forms of advertising are slowly being phased out and being replaced by more direct advertising based on the information a user provides to their social networking site. The ability to capture and use...
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...corporate businesses can essentially change their Information Technology plan. As the technology grows, Cloud computing introduces new ways to conduct business but also bring in some new challenges, specifically when planning the privacy and security of the information stored within the cloud servers. This technology also uses expandable computer resources and offers them as to users using Internet as a medium. Allowing companies to share resources and among vast number of consumers cuts a large amount of costs in ownership of Information Technology. In today's business world many companies are shifting to Cloud Services which improves the scalability and also makes the companies have a larger reach of clients. Private clouds are a type of cloud computing that delivers some of the advantages of public cloud, including self-service and scalability, but through a user built architecture. A private cloud is dedicated to a single organization unlike public clouds, which deliver services to multiple organizations. Also, private cloud offers protection to its users with the use of a firewall, so it lowers the security concerns some companies have about using the a cloud. With a private cloud companies have complete and direct control over their data and do not have to rely on third party servers. Companies use private cloud projects to allow their IT infrastructure to become more capable of adapting quickly to always evolving business...
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