...2nd Assignment Explain the importance of education and training and health to the indigenous community of Australia. What is the evidence on closing the gap in these areas with the non indigenous community? Assess the implications of your results for employment, income and hence the standard of living? Introduction It is very important to provide better education training and health facilities to the indigenous community of Australia for the prosperous economy of the country. These are the fundamental elements to get higher productivity, to create more employment opportunity following by the higher income level with higher HDI of the country. It is important to share in the prosperity of the nation. Providing Indigenous Australians with...
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...Have you ever wondered how people celebrate christmas in Australia? Well in Australia, Christmas comes in the towards the beginning of the summer holidays! Children have their summer holidays from mid December to early February, so some people might even be camping at Christmas. Australians focus on family and feast together, they decorate their houses, and they celebrate with music similar to the United States. On Christmas Day the people who live in the outback send Christmas greetings to each other over the radio network. Australians also decorate their houses with bunches of Christmas Bush. This is a native Australian tree with small green leaves and cream colored flowers. In summer the flowers turn a deep shiny red over a period of...
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... supported by model WHS regulations; model Codes of Practice and a National Compliance and Enforcement Policy. Safe Work Australia is the national policy body responsible for the development and evaluation of the model work health and safety laws. The Commonwealth, states and territories are responsible for regulating and enforcing the laws in their jurisdictions. The model work health and safety laws are the basis for harmonised laws across Australia. For the model work health and safety laws to become legally binding they need to be enacted or passed by Parliament in each jurisdiction. Under the Intergovernmental Agreement for Regulatory and Operational Reform in Occupational Health and Safety all jurisdictions have committed to adopting the model work health and safety legislation, with minor variations as necessary to ensure it is consistent with relevant drafting protocols and other laws and processes operating within the jurisdiction. Safe Work Australia is a tripartite...
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...Why do immigrant workers in Australia perform better than those in Canada? Is it the immigrants or their labour markets? Andrew Clarke Department of Economics, University of Melbourne Mikal Skuterud Department of Economics, University of Waterloo In the following assignment I will be summarizing the research paper written by Andre Clarke and Mikal Skuterud about the differences between Canadian and Australian immigrant Labour markets. More specifically the authors want to know why immigrants are more successful in Australia than in Canada. Canada and Australia have a similar cultural history and legal system having both previously been British colonies, and since to this day approximately 20% of Australians and Canadians are born abroad...
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...Trends in manufacturing to 2020 A foresighting discussion paper Future Manufacturing Industry Innovation Council i Date: 30 September 2011 For more information, or to comment on the paper, please contact: Manager Future Manufacturing Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research GPO Box 9839 Canberra ACT 2601 Phone: (02) 6213 6000 Facsimile: (02) 6213 7000 Email: Futuremanufacturing@innovation.gov.au ii Future Manufacturing Council discussion paper: Trends in manufacturing to 2020 Table of Contents Executive summary ....................................................................................................................................1 Background.................................................................................................................................................2 Future Manufacturing Council................................................................................................................2 Defining manufacturing...........................................................................................................................2 Profile of Australian manufacturing........................................................................................................4 Trends to 2020 ... and beyond: Issues and opportunities for Australian manufacturing...................12 Terms of trade driving value and volatility of the Australian dollar and structural changes in the economy – an upside...
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...Introduction This is a critique of “An Ageing Australia: Preparing for the Future, the Overview” (the Overview), published in November, 2013. It is an outline of, and included in, the full research paper (the Paper) produced by the Productivity Commission which is an independent research and advisory body of the Australian Government (Productivity Commission, Inquiry Report No. 84, 2017). The summary in this critique will outline the substance of the Overview followed by brief sequential discussions of its aims, intended audience, and the circumstances and reasoning surrounding its’ commissioning. Finally, a critical evaluation is made concerning the article’s contribution to our understanding of ageing populations and dementia care, and its’...
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...W1T 3JH, UK Journal of Sustainable Tourism Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rsus20 Synergies between Australian indigenous tourism and ecotourism: possibilities and problems for future development Jeremy Buultjens , Deborah Gale & Nadine Elizabeth White a a b a Regional Futures Institute, School of Commerce and Management, Southern Cross University, Lismore, Australia b School of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Southern Cross University, Lismore, Australia Available online: 23 Apr 2010 To cite this article: Jeremy Buultjens, Deborah Gale & Nadine Elizabeth White (2010): Synergies between Australian indigenous tourism and ecotourism: possibilities and problems for future development, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 18:4, 497-513 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09669581003653518 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Full terms and conditions of use: http://www.tandfonline.com/page/terms-andconditions This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae, and drug doses should be independently verified...
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...An agenda for Australian higher educ ation 2013–2016 a smarter australia Universities australia An agenda for Australian higher educ ation 2013–2016 a smarter australia This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial -NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Further inquiries should be made to the Chief Executive: GPO Box 1142 Canberra ACT 2601 Ph: +61 2 6285 8100 Fax: +61 2 6285 8101 Email: contact@universitiesaustralia.edu.au Web: www.universitiesaustralia.edu.au ABN: 53 008 502 930 ii universities australia Contents Preface 1 Summary 3 Vision 6 Policy context 1 Increase Australians’ university participation 8 13 2 Develop Australia’s globally engaged university sector 25 3 A powerful research and innovation system that drives economic and social progress 35 4 Efficiency, investment and regulation 49 Appendix: Development and consultation process 64 Notes 65 Tables Table 1: Gross expenditure on research and experimental development by sector, 2008–09 38 Table 2: Expenditure on research and development as a proportion of GDP, Australia and the OECD, 2008 38 Figures Figure 1: Increase in low SES domestic students in higher education, 1992 to 2011 15 Figure 2: Australia’s benefits from research 37 Figure 3: Commonwealth per student funding, 1989 to 2010 55 Figure 4: Public investment in tertiary education as a percentage of GDP 55 Figure...
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...Monitoring sustainability with a monitoring system that is itself sustainable: addressing the cause and the symptoms IAN WATSON,1 AND PAUL NOVELLY, 2 1 Department of Agriculture and Centre for Management of Arid Environments PO Box 483 Northam, Western Australia, 6401 Ph 08 9690 2000 Fax 08 9622 1902 iwatson@agric.wa.gov.au 2 Department of Agriculture and Tropical Savannas CRC Kununurra, Western Australia ABSTRACT Throughout the 1970s and 1980s much effort was expended on a range monitoring program in Western Australia. Unfortunately, much of the system put in place is now inactive. Such a situation is not unique and the rangelands of the world are littered with monitoring sites that are no longer part of an operating system. A need has emerged for a biodiversity monitoring system in the rangelands and the discussion is currently at the point where the range management discipline was in the early 1970s. Efficiencies can be made when developing the biodiversity monitoring system by learning from the experience of the range management profession. Monitoring sustainability will only be possible if the monitoring system is itself sustainable. We suggest a number of attributes for the system that need to be in place before the system can be judged at all sustainable. These attributes are a mix of biophysical, social and institutional and highlight the view that monitoring systems of the type being suggested constitute an unusual mixture of attributes not found in...
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...Covenant Action Plan is issued following the demerger of Cadbury and Schweppes in Australia. After a long and fruitful partnership Cadbury and Schweppes are going their separate ways in 2009. This new action plan provides Cadbury with the opportunity to re-baseline the National Packaging Covenant KPIs based on Cadbury data, and reset our targets. The National Packaging covenant initiatives fit well within our Global Environmental Programme, called ‘Purple Goes Green’. Cadbury has a global target of 10% reduction in packaging as part of our Purple Goes Green commitments. This target has been publicly stated, and programmes to meet the target are subject to ongoing assessments to ensure they are on target. Cadbury has enjoyed significant benefits from a number of good results of initiatives designed to reduce packaging and it’s environmental impacts throughout the supply chain. We are proud of our achievements, including: • The average percentage of Post Consumer Recycled content in our packaging continues to increase, reflecting ongoing success in influencing our suppliers to provide recycled content materials. • ECoPP has been included in our product design review processes with the use of the “Packaging Impact Quick Evaluation Tool” (PIQET). PIQET was developed through the RMIT Centre for Design and funded by a small industry group. PIQET was commissioned as a web format in May 2008 and our Australia Packaging design...
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...MPE711: Global Trade and Markets ASSESSMENT GUIDE In both assessment 1 (presentation) and assessment 2 (written research article) you will be required to work in a group on the same research topic. Groups should consist of 3 to 4 individuals. Exceptions to this can be made for offcampus students if they can demonstrate difficulty in finding group members. You are free to form your own groups, whether through face-to-face contact or by using the ‘group formation’ forum on CloudDeakin. Ensure once your group is formed that you register it on CloudDeakin. You are required to finalise your group formation by the second week of trimester. GROUP WORK TIPS Your group will benefit from diversity. You are encouraged to form groups with a broad range of skills covering quantitative analysis, writing, editing skills and leadership skills. You should also try to form groups that cover diverse industry groups and cultural backgrounds. You should consider appointing a leader for the group. The role of the leader is to coordinate meetings and set deadlines. However, the group should still agree on decisions made by the leader and the group cannot expect the leader to bear responsibility for the group’s performance. At the initial stage, avoid assigning different tasks to each member. You are encouraged to work as a group, meaning you should first think about the project as a whole, write down some bullet points, and then meet together to work out a plan prior to the assigning of tasks...
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...Guidelines for Course Paper: General Electric in Australia (60 points) This paper must be e-mailed to me as an MS-Word document before June 14, 2015. You may use any reference materials that you wish and consult with other people for help, but the document must be written by you. Write the answers in your own words. Do not cut and paste sentences from Internet sources. Answer the questions as if you were the Country Manager in Australia for the General Electric Corporation. You decide which existing or new products you wish to write about. Try to answer each question with no more than ten sentences. You may use tables, diagrams, or graphs from Internet sources, if you wish. Please note the sources of information that you use. International Business Project Objective: To create a business opportunity for General Electric (GE) products (goods and/or services) in Australia. Since GE already operates in Australia, you must write about something new from your own ideas. Questions: 1. What is the size of and composition of the market for your products (sex, age, race, and ethnic demographics; socioeconomic status; urban/suburban/rural locations; educational level, etc.)? 2. What about the socio-cultural acceptance of the products–Is adaptation necessary? Any restrictions based on language, religious beliefs, gender role tradition, or other cultural influences? 3. What is the legal/bureaucratic environment (laws and regulations concerning investment...
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...Employers and employment relations - What affects employers to adopt management strategies? Abstract This paper aims to examine how management strategies will influence employees in improving their performance. There are many factors that influence the managers’ decisions on which management strategy they should approach. A suitable management strategy can help the organization to achieve their goal efficiently. This paper summarizes and concludes articles from three academic journals research. All findings indicate that managers are acting a very important role to decide what strategies to use in different business environment and employee’s features. It also provides some factors and suggestions for managers to consider when they design their management strategies. Introduction In recent years, employers and employment relations had become a global issue. It refers to any relationship between managers and workers. Many researches are paying attention on how managers design their management strategies to influence employees. The manager acts as a strategic actor that shaping employment relation and the characteristics of productive enterprises (Allan, Brosnan & Walsh 1999). Therefore, managers are acting a very important role in designing which management strategy is suitable in the specific business environment. Generally, the goals of management strategies are to try to minimise the labour cost, maximize the profit and improve the performance of employees. It is...
Words: 2013 - Pages: 9
...stressed out and have no time to write your paper just remember that help is here. The professional writers at Bestessays.com.au are ready to help you with all of your paper writing needs. We are number one essay writing service chosen by the Australian students! See for yourself how the most experienced custom writing service in Australia can help you with your assignments. When you need a custom term paper, essay, research paper or even a dissertation our professional writing team is here to help. We can meet any deadline no matter how difficult your assignment is. We can take the stress out of your school work and let you enjoy your free time. Contact us now to get your custom written paper by a professional essay writer today! Get High-quality Writing Help from Professional Writers Once you place your order, we will assign it to a professional writer with knowledge and experience in your exact field of study to ensure your total satisfaction. We have the resources to conduct the necessary research for any project you may have. Whether you need a simple essay or a complex dissertation, remember Bestessays.com.au is here to help! Try our custom writing services today and you will understand why we are the leading custom writing provider in Australia and beyond! We are available 24/7 and guarantee to meet any deadline. Stop stressing out over your tight schedule and take action by ordering a custom essay, research paper, term paper or thesis today. Get a real advantage with...
Words: 304 - Pages: 2
...Best Practices To Support Asian Women Who Have Been Trafficked Into Australia for the Sex Trade: a research proposal It has become evident that our service, Women’s Community Centre, is experiencing a growth in the number of Asian women using our facility. A review of the case notes has revealed symptoms and histories that would indicate that many of these women may have been trafficked into Australia for the purpose of sex slavery industry. As a social worker, at the Women’s Community Centre, there is a need to research issues surrounding this cohort of women and the best practices that may be implemented to support them without causing further risk of harm. I ask that the board of Women’s Community Centre support this research. Human trafficking is described by the United Nations (2009) as the acquisition of persons by improper means, either by force, fraud or deception, with the explicit aim of exploiting these persons. World Vision (2012), state that people who are trafficked are placed into many different exploitive situations. These include: ‘commercial sex workers, sex shows, pornography….. non-commercial sexual exploitation through marriage’. They also note the rise in online sexual exploitation through the use of video-cams and the internet. Literature Review With the increase number of Asian women, who are presenting to our service, who state they have been bought to Australia and now find themselves ‘bonded’ and working in the sex trade industry, it has...
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