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Indigenous Australia Research Paper

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Explain the importance of education and training and health to the indigenous community of Australia. What is the evidence on closing the gap in these areas with the non indigenous community? Assess the implications of your results for employment, income and hence the standard of living?

It is very important to provide better education training and health facilities to the indigenous community of Australia for the prosperous economy of the country. These are the fundamental elements to get higher productivity, to create more employment opportunity following by the higher income level with higher HDI of the country. It is important to share in the prosperity of the nation. Providing Indigenous Australians with …show more content…
The Future of Indigenous Australia: Is there a path beyond the free market or welfare dependency? Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research.
Alford, K. and Muir, J. 2004. “Dealing with unfinished Indigenous business: The need for historical reflection.” Australian Journal of Public Administration 63(4): 101-107.
Biddle, N. 2011. “Measures of Indigenous Wellbeing and their Determinants across the Lifecourse: Definitions of Indigenous wellbeing and their determinants across the lifecourse”. 2011 CAEPR Lecture Series, CAEPR, ANU, Canberra.
Cape York Institute 2005, ‘Can Cape York communities be economically viable’, Viewpoint, November 2005, viewed 15 August 2017.
Australian Government Department of the prime minister and cabinet (2017). closing the gap prime minister’s report 2017. Retrive from
Marmot, M., Friel, S., Bell, R., Houweling, T.A., Taylor, S. and Commission on Social Determinants of Health, 2008. Closing the gap in a generation: health equity through action on the social determinants of health. The lancet, 372(9650), pp.1661-1669.
NSW, Qld, NT, WA, SA, NT Registries of Births, Deaths and Marriages (accessed via ABS.Stat 9 Feb

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