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Popular Participation and Representation in Australia and America


Submitted By Aussieoz
Words 1609
Pages 7
Politics and Law Essay
Popular participation is a key aspect of good governance in both the United States of America (USA) and Australia, it derives from the freedom to speak out, assemble and associate, take part in public affairs, as well as having the ability to register as a candidate and campaign for election; by allowing these elements to occur. It is established on the credence that those who are affected by a decision have a right to be involved in the decision making process. However in both countries there are significant, almost insurmountable challenges that interdict a citizen’s ability to engage in and be represented in their respective political system.
Popular participation in Australia is countenanced in a multitude of ways
* Increase opportunities to vote, on and before, Election Day. In 2013 Election the Australian Electoral Commission undertook extensive remote area mobile polling services. Voting facilities were widely available. There were polling booths at airports (eg. For ‘fly in fly out’ workers to vote early and with convenience), postal votes and early voting at shopping centres and local government offices

* Variety of political parties. In the 2013 Federal Election 54 different parties contested the available seats in the Federal Parliament. Individuals can join a political party and they can also form a political party and contest seats at the next election eg 2013 Clive Palmer and the formation of a new political (just before the election) being the Palmer United Party, which won seats in both the HOR and the Senator. There are no qualifications for being the Prime Minister apart from the requirement of being an Australia Citizen.

[Undermine] * Fewer people in recent years are actively involved in traditional political groups eg trade unions and professional associations (7%). However, there has been an

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