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Autobiographical Narrative

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Autobiographical Narrative As I look back on my 16 years of life, I’ve been very blessed and can say that no huge event took place that completely shook my reality. With that being said, what I have done until now sets the stage for a future in my own hands, of which I am very excited about...maybe even a little too excited. When I was young, I could be considered a trouble maker. From biting my nanny to stealing from cubbies in 3rd grade to bullying kids at camp, sometimes, I was quite unpleasant to be around. I even remember telling my dad, “I hate the sun...I wish it would just go away.” I loved rainy days, thunderstorms, and scary movies. While those things can be enjoyed by people of all types, looking back they contribute to the bad side of the little girl I used to be. I still don’t know why I ever acted so poorly...maybe I had to live out some karma or it was just part of how I needed to grow up. …show more content…
For example: wanting to fit in with the cool girls, doing things that weren’t the best just because someone else was, becoming curious about things I know better than to get into now. As I left each of those periods of time, I was able to take valuable life skills into the recent years of my life and will also take into my future. I’ve lived in Nashville, TN most of my life, with time in Florida for 5 years. All the while, I have lived in 9 different homes and gone to 7 different schools (8 if NHS is included.) I have grown to enjoy change and embrace the many lessons to be learned in many different environments. So far, my high school experience is where I have grown the most. I went from wanting to go to an prestigious college on full ride academic scholarships to now graduating early and going into an wonderful life insurance sales company, where both of my parents are apart of as

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