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Driving While Driving Research Paper

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In the recent society, cars are very essential. You need to have a vehicle to take you from one place to another. Riding in a cab, bus or train is quite tiring and sometimes a hassle especially when there are a lot of passengers waiting to ride on public transportations. The benefits of having your own vehicle are countless, however there are also things you need to consider and you need to allot a budget for your car maintenance to make sure that your vehicle is at its tip top shape. You also need to consider the price of gasoline nowadays. You need to take good care of your car at all times. For people who are car enthusiasts and love to collect cars, most especially expensive ones, car valeting is the best option for you. In this way, you …show more content…
Of course I was young, sixteen and really irresponsible and texting was all the craze. In the high world of technology life moves fast, faster then most people can handle. With thing like sidekicks which give you access to instant messaging and the Internet its hard not to get distracted. I was actually on the way to school in the morning, and I take the parkway cause its faster to beat traffic. Speed had nothing to do with my accident, it was the simple task of texting which requires you to look away from the road and pressing the buttons, which requires you to look at the phone taking your eyes off the road also. The traffic was moving a long, so I figured hey I got some room I can text and drive and I will be at school in no time. Little did I know that a stalled car on the side of the road caused the other cars in front of me to slow down, start rubber necking and build the traffic up. I wasn't paying attention to the cars slowing down and I smacked right into a jeep wrangler ruining the hood of my car and the back wheel tire of some other guys ride. I should know better, I come from a family of cops and I was warned but like every teenager I thought I could multitask. After all the stories you hear, and all the news reels you see of accidents and teens speeding it really still to this day freaks me out. Its a scary thing thinking about how one look away from a phone can cause my death. When it comes down to it no text, no phone call is worth risking your life. Lots of people think that its important, you can just answer it later. Nothing is ever that serious that you should take your eyes off the road. My friends were well informed of exactly how serious the situation was after I had to get a job to pay for not only the damages to my car, but the damages to the other guys car that I hit. Your fist accident, should be your last. Its something terrifying that no one should

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