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Catastrophes While Driving Research Paper

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Picture this: A loving mother receives a sudden phone call saying that her child is in critical condition, and she needs to come to the ER immediately. The worried mother questioned if her child was going to live, and why did this tragedy occur. She is overwhelmed by the unknown. After rushing to the hospital, the mother finds out why this tragedy occurred. Her child was texting while driving. He unknowingly ran a red light and got t-boned by an 18-wheeler that was traveling 70 miles per hour. The mother’s precious baby dies from broken bones, internal bleeding and multiple fractures to the skull. From this day on, the heartbroken mother’s sole purpose in life is to prevent tragic catastrophes like this happening to others. There are many distractions while driving …show more content…
Opening one’s favorite dipping sauce for his/her chicken strips requires taking both hands off of the steering wheel. By taking both hands off of the steering wheel, one is in turn not focusing on the road. Therefore, the driver’s safety is at high risk. A car is not a restaurant, the driver is sitting in the driver’s seat not a table, so it only makes sense that one should not eat in the car. In addition to opening dipping sauce, one can spill his/her hot coffee or cold soda on his/her lap. Since the driver attempted to clean up the spill immediately, he/she became sidetracked from driving. As a final point, eating while driving while in a rush is extremely dangerous. One is late for work, so he/she is forced to drive-thru McDonalds and order his/her favorite breakfast; a mocha frappuccino, an egg white delight, and two hash browns. The driver is preoccupied by rushing to work and trying to fit the most important meal of the day in. Under those circumstances, the driver is more likely to speed through school zones, run a stop sign, and even spill something. To put it briefly, eating while driving can cause an immense amount of dangerous

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