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Military Working Dog Research Paper

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Dogs are known as a man’s best friend and are widely used as guard dogs , service dogs or just merely as house pets . Thus , it is not a surprise that dogs are trusted to be used during wars as well. These dogs are called Military Working Dogs and without them , many of our brave and heroic soldiers would have lost their lives . There is a story about a dog name Brutus , who served in Iraq . At that time , his handlers and four other soldiers were taken hostage by the enemies . Brutus and his handler were able to communicate by sign language and he gave the sign to Brutus which means ‘ go away but come and find me later’ . When he came back later , he killed two guards and manage to free his handler and soldiers by jumping against the door repeatedly . Looking at this story , it tells us of the importance of these military dogs . There are many type of war dogs that are trained to serve but today , I am only going to point out the roles and duties of military working dogs in explosives detection , locating …show more content…
As of 2012, that number has increased to around 600. The number of IED detection dogs have increased dramatically and became the most reliable option. Ever since the United States of America begin to involve themselves in these war zones , roadside bombs become one of the main threats to the soldiers . These bombs are usually buried under the ground and they are known as the improvised explosive device , IED . The IED is triggered and explodes when a person steps on it . This is where military dogs help avoid these casualties . Dogs possess incredible sense of smell . With the help of special training , these dogs will sniff out the scent of the chemicals used in the explosives . Marines were initially skeptical about the efficiency to sniff out the IEDs but it has been proven that dogs are indeed a reliable asset

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