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Aveda Letter Of Intent Analysis

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Aveda Letter of Intent After a few years of soul searching I have learned many things about myself, who I am, and what I am passionate about. I believe attending Aveda Institute for Esthiology is the beginning of a path which can provide many open doors and options for my future in the beauty industry. I can say with confidence that this is where I belong and if given the opportunity it is where I will succeed.
Success in my opinion means a few things. First and foremost setting goals and reaching them but also challenging yourself. A successful person to me is a person who loves what they do for a living. Having a career doing something that you are passionate about makes every day exciting, and work becomes more than just a job that pays …show more content…
I am the first person out of my family to earn a college degree however for me it goes deeper than just receiving a diploma. Being in college was a tough experience but it is one that I would never take back. Everyday a constant internal battle grew stronger as I became more and more unsatisfied with the direction my life was taking. This was a result from not following my own dreams but rather the dream of a life someone else had envisioned for me. I knew what kind of future I wanted for myself and attending a university was never going to get me there. That thought alone constantly crushed my spirit. My heart desired to pursue a career in the beauty industry which made attending class harder and harder each day. I constantly debated quitting however if I would have done that I never would have forgiven myself. All the long nights, early mornings, all the mental and emotional stress would have been in vain. As hard as it was to continue I pushed through and prevailed. Overcoming this rut and coming out on top was one of the most satisfying feelings I have ever felt. Almost just as satisfying as when your winged eyeliner is symmetrical on both

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