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Axial Coding Paper

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Other than the methods discussed above, there are few other methods can be applied under the grounded theory such as open coding, axial coding, selective coding, memoing, sorting, writing and many others.For our research purpose as stated by Holy Feen we will be only looking at the first three methods. The first method is known as open coding. Open coding is carried out by analysing a research by identifying, naming, categorizing and describing a phenomena found in the text. The only way for us to analyse a research is by going through each line and paragraph and also reading and re-reading in search of the answer by questioning ourselves 'what is the objective about?' or 'what is being referenced in that particular line?'. These categories may consist …show more content…
The frame may consist elements such as phenomenon which will help the patient to develop the natural high insight, self-awareness and self expression inside them. The second element is the casual condition that involves Art Therapy drawing, collage, mask making that can help the patients to be cured from the addiction of chemical dependency. The third element is the context. This element contains activities like treatment program, philosophy and so on. The fourth element is intervening conditions that comprises of short lenght of stay, patients compliance, willingness, individual patients needs, strengths and deficits. All the above four elements can be inter-linked with the fifth element of action strategies. Under this element, the Art therapist will assess the needs of patients and then determine the appropriate art therapy approach like selecting type of media, the art project, supportive or confrontive techniques. This element will then be connected to the final element of consequences where patients will be able to express and understand their

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