...Name: David Jenkins Topic: Traffic Accidents Narrowed Topic: Three main causes of fatal traffic accidents in Jamaica. Audience: Drivers, Pedestrians, Police Purpose: To educate the audience of three motives as to why traffic accidents occur in Jamaica and result in loss in life. Thesis: Three causes of traffic accidents are drivers refusing to adhere to road safety rules, deplorable road conditions and environmental factors. I. Drivers have very little caution on the roads, therefore accidents occur on a daily basis with the fault being their own. a. Some drivers have bought their licenses and therefore have no knowledge of the Road Safety Act. b. Dr. Parris Lyew-Ayee of the Mona GeoInformatics Institute, University of the West Indies, Mona, reports that most accident arose from the drivers err tailgating a perfect example to convey this c. Speeding is also a very danger factor and vehicle operators seem to speed more during rain. Drivers, however are not aware that vehicles could “aquaplane” or virtually careen off the road as a result of water forming a second surface between the tyre and asphalt (Boyd, 2012). II. Another cause of fatal traffic accidents are bad road conditions present in Jamaica. d. As a result of lack of financial resources, roads are not repaired whenever damages are present. e. Jamaica, being a Caribbean country experiences long periods of rainfall. This contributes to the deteriorating of road. With no...
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...REGENT UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF THE VALUE ADDED TAX (VAT) SCHEME ON THE REVENUE GENERATION CAPACITY IN GHANA A LONG ESSAY PRESENTED TO THE SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES (SASS), REGENT UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE IN ACCOUNTING AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS NII TORTO QUAO (022 0207) DECEMBER 2009 DECLARATION I hereby declare that this long essay is the original research undertaken by me, including all references from other books, handouts, internet, magazines, textbooks, etc under the supervision of the under signed lecturer. Mr. Albert Akanferi …………………………….. ……………………………….. (Supervisor) Signature Date Nii Torto Quao …………………………….. ………………………………. (Student) Signature Date i ABSTRACT A strong and efficient tax system provides the basis for enhanced economic growth and development. Ghana’s fiscal structure prior to 1983 had generally been characterised by low tax revenue. As a result Ghana undertook a number of reforms prescribed by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank under the Economic Recovery Programme (ERP) and the Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP). Tax reforms constituted one of the essential ingredients of SAP. The tax reform process has assumed diverse dimensions over the pass two and half decades. One of those tax reforms was the Value Added Tax scheme (VATs). The purpose of this study is to assess...
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...2.5.1: * VoiceOver problemen opgelost (dankzij: Josè Tralli, Vainer Broccoli, Roberto Fortunati and IBRISAN). * Betere VoiceOver ondersteuning in Nederlands, Engelse en Italiaanse versie (Italiaans dankzij: Josè Tralli). * Problemen met het encoderen naar DVD-Video mpg opgelost. * Nieuwe 64-bit PowerPC G5 en Intel versie. * Ondersteuning voor m4a audio bestanden toegevoegd. * Probleem met CD-Text audio bestanden zonder tags opgelost. * Probleem opgelost met het van volgorde veranderen, toevoegen en verwijderen van Audio-CD bestanden met CD-Text opgelost. * Andere problemen met CD-Text opgelost. * Diverse problemen met Brand in Mac OS X 10.3.9 opgelost. * Audio-CD bestanden die al omgezet zijn worden niet opnieuw omgezet. * Ondersteuning voor volgorde veranderen van meerdere audio en video bestanden toegevoegd. * PowerPC G4, G5 ffmpeg-mt versie bijgewerkt. 2.5: * Probleem opgelost met het authoriseren van DVD-Video schijven. * Ondersteuning for joliet lange bestandsnaam hack (103 karakters). (dankzij: mkisofs). * Probleem met 'Apple Intermediate Codec' video bestanden opgelost. * Probleem met een aantal aspect ratio's opgelost. * Maakt een .isoInfo bestand, zodat 'Brand' Audio-CD iso bestanden kunnen worden gebrand. * Probleem met Audio-CD schijven kopiëren opgelost (veroorzaakte vastlopers). * Probleem met Franse spelling opgelost (dankzij: Alexandre Leroux). * Probleem met mono audio bestanden opgelost (aardeekhoorn / chipmunk probleem). * Probleem opgelost...
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...INTRODUCTION The role of women in politics and public affairs is one of the current governance issues because of the perceived and acknowledged potential and contribution of women to governance processes. Participating effectively and meaningfully in order to have an impact is a process of empowerment that enhances self-worth of individuals and groups at the political level. There is no disputing the fact the number of women is seeing a steady growth from local government level in particular especially in the number of contestants and actual elected women. At the national level, particularly in the legislature, the picture has not seen much significant change since 1996. This reflects strongly in the composition of the membership of standing committees and selected committees of parliament where real debate on legislative issues takes place. Certainly, this affects the contribution of women to the policy making process. At the political party level , although all the parties selected for the study which are the National Democratic Congress (NDC), the New Patriotic Party (NPP), the People’s National Convention (PNC), the Convention People’s Party (CPP) except for the Great Consolidated People’s Party (GCPP), make claims in their manifestoes to their commitment to gender issues in general and women’s concerns in particular, it is not very evident even in their party leadership structure and in their own internal organization. Some party leaders corroborated this by stating...
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...á«Hô©dG ô°üe ájQƒ¡ªL º«∏©àdGh á«HÎdG IQGRh ÖàμdG ´É£b iOGóYE’G ådÉãdG ∞°ü∏d ∞````«dCÉJ πª÷G ø°ùM óªfi º«gGôHEG Ω 2012 - 2011 ≈°SGQódG ΩÉ©dG º«∏©àdGh á«HÎdG IQGRh êQÉN ÜÉàμdG Gòg ∫hGóàH ìô°üe ÒZ CMYK CMYK á`````eó```≤``e AÉ°SQEG ≈a ÉgQhO ,™ªàÛG ≈a ICGôŸG QhO óMCG ≈∏Y ≈Øîj ’ º∏°ùdG ≈Øa .Üô◊Gh º∏°ùdG ≈a ÉgQhO ,¬°ù°SCG â«ÑãJh ,¬ªFÉYO ¢Sô¨Jh ,áÁƒb ájƒHôJ ¢ù°SCG ≈∏Y ∫É«LC’G Å°ûæJh ôª©Jh ≈æÑJ .샪£dGh Iõ©dG º¡«a ,√QRCG øe ó°ûJ ¬d GAOQ πLôdG AGQh øe ∞≤J Üô◊G ≈ah k ä’ƒ£H ∫ÉÛG Gòg ≈a â≤≤M óbh .ô°üædG ¬d ºàj ≈àM ¬æ«©Jh .ÚØ≤ãª∏d GOGRh ,ÜÉÑ°û∏d Ihób âdGRÉe ,IódÉN k â≤°T ,äGódÉîdG ÉæFÉ°ùf øe IóFGQ Ωó≤f ÜÉàμdG Gòg ≈ah ,É¡JOGQEG Iƒbh ,É¡àÁõ©H Égó› â©æ°Uh ,ôî°üdG ≈a É¡≤jôW .(@)zQódG Iôé°T{ á°üb É¡fEG ∞``dDƒ```ªdG .AÉàdG ¿hóH zQódG ôé°T{ OQh ɪc ™LGôªdG ¢†©H ≈a AÉàdÉH zQódG Iôé°T{ º°SG OQh (@) .Qƒ°TÉY ìÉàØdGóÑY ó«©°S :Qƒàcó∏d zΩÉ°ûdGh ô°üe ≈a ∂«dɪªdGh ¿ƒ«HƒjC’G{ :™LôªdG CMYK º`````jó```````≤J ¬JÉÑdÉWh iOGóYE’G ådÉãdG ∞°üdG ÜÓW ÉæJÉæHh ÉæFÉæHCG ¤EG π˘˘Ñ˘ ofh áÁõ˘˘©˘ dG ᢢHÓ˘˘°Uh IOGQE’G Iƒ˘˘ b ó˘˘ °ùŒ ᢢ °üb º˘˘ μ˘ d Ωó˘˘ ≤˘ f ¿Éc ɪ¡e ¿É°ùfE’G 샪W ≥«≤– ≈a ∂dP ôKCG RÈJh ,¥ÓNC’G â°TÉY ób ÉÄk «°T ÉgôeCG øe ∂∏“ ’ IÉàa √ò¡a ,∫ÉæŸG Ö©°U ’h ,ájQÉ÷G ¥Q ∞≤j ⁄h ,iΰûoJh ´ÉÑoJ ájQÉL ¤hC’G É¡JÉ«M É¡aGógCG ≥«≤– ≈∏Y â∏ªY ó≤a ,É¡MƒªW ΩÉeCG ICGôŸG ∞©°V áë∏°ùàeh ,É¡Jó°T øe ºZôdÉH äÉÑ≤©dGh ÜÉ©°üdG πc IRhÉéàe iCGôdG ÉgRƒ©j øμj ⁄h .Ú∏J ’ IOGQEGh ,∞©°†J ’ áÁõ©H ,çGóMCÓd á«∏Ñ≤à°ùe ájDhQ É¡d âfÉc ó≤a ¬«dEG êÉà– ÚM ójó°ùdG â©bh GPEÉa ,∫ƒ∏◊G É¡d ™°†Jh ,É¡Yƒbh πÑb É¡H Égô©°ûà°ùJ .ádƒ¡°Sh...
Words: 32038 - Pages: 129
...Introduction Auditing is an independent, objective assurance & consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organization’s operations. It helps an organization accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control and governance processes. Auditing is globally recognized. It is counter check to accounting data so that any error, mistake or fraud can be easily detected through the technique of auditing. It is the primary source of advice on efficiency, effectiveness and overall economy of an establishment. Auditing starts its journey where accounting end. In today’s society the exercise of an auditor’s to the economic and ethical leadership sets the bounding standard or in other words equips an auditor in such a way that recognizes him as a reliable body. With the growing conscious recognition of the importance of financial data in the ordering of everyday business and economic life, the need of basic economic facts is providing a constantly enlarging opportunity for the accounting profession. The auditors' reports have an especial capacity to fulfill the need for reliable and authoritative financial material not only because of the reputation or prestige of the certified statements, but also because of the significance generally attached by the business man to the functions of the auditor and his reports. These functions, and the scope of these reports, have in the past...
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...Introduction Auditing is an independent, objective assurance & consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organization’s operations. It helps an organization accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control and governance processes. Auditing is globally recognized. It is counter check to accounting data so that any error, mistake or fraud can be easily detected through the technique of auditing. It is the primary source of advice on efficiency, effectiveness and overall economy of an establishment. Auditing starts its journey where accounting end. In today’s society the exercise of an auditor’s to the economic and ethical leadership sets the bounding standard or in other words equips an auditor in such a way that recognizes him as a reliable body. With the growing conscious recognition of the importance of financial data in the ordering of everyday business and economic life, the need of basic economic facts is providing a constantly enlarging opportunity for the accounting profession. The auditors' reports have an especial capacity to fulfill the need for reliable and authoritative financial material not only because of the reputation or prestige of the certified statements, but also because of the significance generally attached by the business man to the functions of the auditor and his reports. These functions, and the scope of these reports, have in the past...
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...Decentralization and Local Government in the Zimbabwean Constitution By Dele Olowu, Africa Europe Foundation, Netherlands Paper prepared for the Constitutional Conference, Zimbabwe, October 26-29, 2009, Rainbow Towers, Harare, Zimbabwe Introduction Local community governance is essential not only for the practice of good governance but also of economic growth and development. For this reason most of the developed countries of the world, irrespective of their political or economic systems, have a robust system of local or community governance. This also explains why many developing and former communist states have made solid efforts to enhance the capacities of their systems of local governance since the third wave of democratic revolution swept through the world in the 1980s and 1990s and the results have been quite impressive. Africa may be the only exception to this general principle even though there have been some progress as well in some countries. Unfortunately, Zimbabwe has not been part of the good news as far as the effort to enhance the capacity of local governance is concerned. It is ironic that over time, the resilient institutions of local governance that were inherited at independence have deteriorated over time-both in the cities or in the rural areas. It is even further ironic that though community organs were crucial during nationalist struggles in the countries in which political independence involved military engagement between occupying powers and...
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...WOMEN IN POLITICS AND PUBLIC LIFE IN GHANA By Beatrix Allah Mensah AUTHOR: Beatrix Allah-Mensah Department of Political Science University of Ghana, Legon ISBN: 9988-572-87-5 © Copyright Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation, Accra Published in 2005 Printed & designed by O´Mens Graphix, Accra, Tel.:021-238098 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I wish to acknowledge the contribution of all those who made this project a success. First, I give glory to the Almighty God for bringing me this far in my academic and professional pursuit. Secondly, I express my thanks to all my lecturers in the Department of Political Science, University of Ghana, who have nurtured me onto this path of professional and academic life. Thirdly, I am grateful to all our key informant interviewees from all the institutions/ministries/political parties who gave us their time and valuable information used for this study. Fourthly, I wish to sincerely acknowledge the contribution of my research assistants, Alfred Appiah and Nimingah Beka, national service personnel of the Department of Political Science for their dedicated service during the data collection. Finally, I would like to express my thanks to the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES) for commissioning this study and giving me the opportunity to carry it out with financial and institutional support. I would like to state that, except for quotations or references which have been dully acknowledged, this is the result of a research I conducted personally. God Bless all...
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...Ibong Adarna Script Posted by Bokals on Saturday, March 5, 2011 Labels: Mga Script "Ibong Adarna" Narrator: Magandang umaga/hapon sa inyong lahat. Ngayong hapon, magpepresenta kami ng isang dula na pinamagatang "Ibong Adarna". Ang kwento nito ay nagsisimula sa isang masayahing kaharian ng Berbanya. Doon, halos araw-araw ay may handaan. Ang hari ng Berbanya ay si Haring Fernando. Ang asawa niya ay si Reyna Valeriana. Ang mag-asawa ay may tatlong binatang anak. Sina Don Pedro, Don Diego at Don Juan. Haring Fernando: Magsisimula na ang handaan, mga anak! Pumili na kayo ng mga babae na isasayaw ninyo. Maraming magagandang mga babae na nandoon na sa labas. Reyna Valeriana: Ehem... Haring Fernando: Ngunit, mas maganda pa rin ang reyna ng puso ko. Alam mo na man, 'di ba mahal kong, Valeriana? Narrator: Habang nag-uusap ang selosang reyna at ang kawawang hari ay nag-uusap rin ang tatlong mga prinsipe. Don Diego: Narinig mo si papa, mga kapatid? Marami na raw'ng chicks sa labas! Ano pa ba ang hinintay natin? Don Juan: (Hahaha) Haay nako, si Kuya Diego talaga! Don Pedro: Tumigil nga kayong dalawa! Para kayong mga naliligaw na mga unggoy na nanggagaling sa kagubatan! Narrator: Kitang-kita na naman ang mga iba't ibang kaugali ng mga magkakapatid. Ang panganay na si Don Pedro, ay seryosong-seryoso. Isang chicksboy naman si Don Diego ang ikalawa. Ang bunso na si Don Juan ay mabait na mabait. Babae #1: Wow, ang gwapo talaga ng mga prinsipe! Babae #2: Haay! Ang suwerte natin talaga...
Words: 10980 - Pages: 44
...ASSESSING THE CHALLENGES OF TAX REVENEUE MOBILISATION IN GHANA: A CASE OF SUNYANI MUNICIPALITY. By EGYIN, KODWO BOAKYE (PG 2043808) A Thesis submitted to the Institute Of Distance Learning, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of COMMONWEALTH EXECUTIVE MASTERS OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION JUNE, 2011 1 DECLARATION I hereby declare that this submission is my own work towards the CEMBA and that, to the best of my knowledge, it contains no material previously published by another person nor material which has been accepted for the award of any other degree of the University, except where due acknowledgement has been made in the text. Kodwo Boakye Egyin Student Name ................................... Signature .............................. Date Certified by: Mr. Jones Lewis Arthur Supervisor ................................... Signature .............................. Date Certified by: Professor Isaac Dontwi Dean ................................... Signature .............................. Date 2 DEDICATION I dedicate this work first to the Almighty God who has brought me this far, to my father, Kwamina Akwaa Egyin, who mentored me through my education, my loving wife, Yvonne, my sweet kids, Papa Akwaa, Araba and Kurankwesi who stayed by my side all along. 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I am most grateful to the Almighty God for His protection throughout the course and seeing to a successful end. My special...
Words: 18978 - Pages: 76
...Life is a blog ------------------------------------------------- Poshmaal ghazal : poetic expression of both the pain of loss or separation and the beauty of love in spite of that pain Aah Ko Chaahiye - Mirza Ghalib Aaina mujse meri pehli si surat mange Aaj jaane ki zid na karo - Faiyaz Hashmi Aap ki yaad aatee rahee Aap ko dekh kar, dekhta reh gaya - Aziz Qaizi Aawargi - Mohsin Naqavi Ab ke ham bichhde - Ahmed Faraz Apni dhun mein rehataa huu.N - Nasir Kazmi Aye husn-e-beparwah Aye Mohabbat Tere Anjaam Pe Rona Aaya Baabul Moraa - Baat niklegi - Kafeel Aazer Bhooli bisri chand umeedein - Razi Tirmizi Chamakte chaand ko - Anand Bakshi Chhaa rahii kaalii ghataa - Qalander Baksh Jurrat Chupke chupke raat din - Hasrat Mohani Denevaale mujhe maujo.n kii ravaanii de de - Shadab Lahori Dil dhoondhta hai, phir wahee - Gulzar Dil mein ik lahar sii uThii hai abhii - Nasir Kazmi Duniyaa jise kahate hain - Nida Fazli Duniya kisi ke pyaar mein - Dukhi Prem Nagri Ek purana mausam lauta - Gulzar Faasle aise bhii honge - Adeem Hashmi Gulon mein rang bhare - Faiz Ahmed Faiz Har ek baat pe kahte ho - Mirza Ghalib Hazaaron Khvaahishen - Mirza Ghalib Honton se chhoo lo tum - Indeevar Hoshwaalo.n ko khabar kya - Nida Fazli Humko kiskay gham nay maara - Masroor Anwar Hungama hai kyon barpa - Akbar Allahabadi Itni muddat baad mile ho - Mohsin Naqvi Jab bhii aatii hai terii yaad - Krishan Adeeb Jhoom kay jab rindo nay pila di - Kaif Bhupali Jhukii jhukii si nazar...
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...ÑÎÄÅÐÆÀÍÈÅ Ðóññêî-èòàëüÿíñêèå áóêâåííûå ñîîòâåòñòâèÿ . . . . . . Îñîáåííîñòè èòàëüÿíñêîãî ïðîèçíîøåíèÿ . . . . . . . ×àñòü 1. Ðå÷åâîé ýòèêåò Çíàêîìñòâî . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ïðèâëå÷åíèå âíèìàíèÿ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Îáðàùåíèå ê íåçíàêîìîìó ÷åëîâåêó . . . . . . . . . . . Îáðàùåíèå ê çíàêîìîìó ÷åëîâåêó . . . . . . . . . . . . Ïðèâåòñòâèå . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ïðîùàíèå . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ðåïëèêè, ïðåäâàðÿþùèå ïðîùàíèå . . . . . . . . . Ïðîñüáà . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ñîãëàñèå â îòâåò íà ïðîñüáó . . . . . . . . . . . . . Îòêàç â îòâåò íà ïðîñüáó . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Êàòåãîðè÷åñêèé îòêàç . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ïðèãëàøåíèå . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ñîãëàñèå â îòâåò íà ïðèãëàøåíèå . . . . . . . . . . Îòêàç â îòâåò íà ïðèãëàøåíèå . . . . . . . . . . . . Ñîâåò. Ïðåäëîæåíèå . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ïîçäðàâëåíèå. Ïîæåëàíèå . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Âðó÷åíèå ïîäàðêà . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Òîñòû . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Áëàãîäàðíîñòü . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Îòâåò íà áëàãîäàðíîñòü . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Èçâèíåíèå . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Îòâåò íà èçâèíåíèå . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Êîìïëèìåíò . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Óòåøåíèå. Ñî÷óâñòâèå . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ×àñòü...
Words: 39180 - Pages: 157
...REGENT UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES UNDERGRADUATE CATALOG 2013-2014 (Fall 2013-Summer 2014) Regent University 1000 Regent University Drive Virginia Beach, VA 23464-9800 800.373.5504 admissions@regent.edu www.regent.edu PREFACE Regional Accreditation Regent University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award associates, baccalaureate, masters, and doctorate degrees. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 or call 404-679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of Regent University. National and State Accreditation Regent University’s undergraduate school is accredited or certified by the following bodies: Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) (www.chea.org/) The Teacher Education Accreditation Council (TEAC) The Regent University School of Education's educational leadership and teacher preparation programs and the College of Arts & Sciences interdisciplinary studies program, which are designed to prepare competent, caring, and qualified professional educators are accredited by the Teacher Education Accreditation Council for a period of seven years, from January 9, 2009 to January 9, 2016. This accreditation certifies that the educational leadership, teacher preparation and interdisciplinary studies programs have provided evidence that they adhere to TEAC's quality principles. Teacher Educational Accreditation Council, One Dupont Circle, Suite...
Words: 74326 - Pages: 298
...Reserve Fund Mesopotamia Luca Pacioli Provident Fund Depreciati Income & Expenditure Credit TM AccountAble Handbook Budget & Balance Report vFkZ'kkL= Corpus Voucher NGO Fixed Assets Register Grants Accounting Standards Narration Receipts and Revenue Stamps Benedetto Cotrugli Ledgers Regulation Cash Box Revolving Funds Accounting Multiple Cash Books Trial Balance Auditors Computerized Accounts Deficit Endowments Investments Journal Honorarium Form IIIA Bank Reconciliation Account Payee, Not Negotiable ction 10(23C)(iv) Blank Cheque Tax Exemption vkpk;Z dkSfVY; Key Persons ACCOUNTABILITY Contribution in Kind INCOME Transparency Public Disclosure Auditors’ Certificate Debit Stock Register Receipts & Payments Societies Registration Act, 1860 Public Trust TM AccountAid India Section 25 Non-profit Company Section 80G New Delhi Donation Ear-marked Funds Salary Register izfrxzkgdSÜpk;a Gratuity Conflict of Interest About this book (front inside cover) The AccountAble Handbook is a compilation of the individual issues of ‘AccountAble’, released by AccountAid India since 1994. These issues have been designed and circulated on a monthly basis primarily for the partners of our client Agencies. ‘AccountAble’ is circulated to about 1,200 persons, including Chartered Accountants. It is also available through e-mail, on a complimentary basis. The present compilation brings all issues of AccountAble...
Words: 101450 - Pages: 406