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Babies Experience In The Womb

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How much do babies experience in the womb? Do these experiences affect the baby and to what extent? How much do genetics influence both of these relationships? Babies have many different experiences in the womb and there is a relationship within the uterine environment and the outside environment that the mother experiences. These experiences do affect the baby and to what can be a great extent. There has also been research that supports the impact of genetics in these relationships. As protected as the womb is, there are still things that the baby can experience from the mothers environment. These experiences are centered on hearing and taste. Hearing has developed by 18 weeks and the baby can hear the moms voice, heartbeat, digestion, etc. …show more content…
For example depression and stress all have poor affects on the baby and can impact him/her later on in life. If the mother is taking drugs or drinking alcohol, this can also impact them immediately and have a lasting impact on their life. Teratogens can cause malformations or abnormalities in the baby (Robbins, 2015). If the mother has any disease or conditions like HIV/AIDS, Rubella, Thyroid deficiency, an eating disorder, malnutrition, these can hurt the baby (Robbins, 2015). Even the mother’s age, environmental hazards, and the health of the dad and his sperm can have a negative impact on the baby’s growth and …show more content…
What is epigenetics? Epigenetics happens when it changes the phenotype with no change to the genotype and changes how the cell reads the gene. Vitamins, smoking, stressors, etc. that the mother experiences can go to the fetus that is developing and affect it through epigenetics (Griffins, 2012). Studies have shown that women who don’t eat healthily have a greater chance of having children who grow up obese. If they smoke, their children have been show at a greater risk to having asthma (Griffins, 2012). Epigenetics has also been shown to affect your baby even if you are not pregnant. Epigenetics can happen to the eggs that are in the ovaries and haven’t been fertilized (Griffins, 2012). Epigenetics also affect us after being born, later in life, that have been brought about by an environment

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