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Attentional Capture

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Attentional Capture using sudden onset


Attentional capture is achieved through the novelty of sudden onset stimuli when near complete cognitive load is not reached. This experiment, where participants must identify a target letter in an array of distractions, employs manipulations of the presence of an onset, target location and cue presence. By lowering the frequency of the onset, the capacity to capture attention was expected to decrease reaction time to locate the target. By cueing attention to targets prior to the onset, it unexpectedly did not result in a failure of attentional capture. In all trials, one stimulus (either the target or one of the distractors) was an abrupt onset. The effectiveness of presence of a cue was …show more content…
Also having no central cue but only presenting a sudden onset in six of the 32 trials, condition 2 was found to be statistically significant with a 30-millisecond change and having a p value of 0.003.

Condition 3 and 4 arrow 100% validity, given 200ms to focus on the target as well as a sudden onset for every trial was not statistically significant for condition 3, where as sudden onsets present for six of the trials was significant for condition 4 having a p-value of 0.002.

With the target appearing in the same location in every trial for Conditions 5 and 6, with condition 5 having sudden onset on all trials and condition 6 having sudden onset for only six trials, both were statistically insignificant having P-values of 0.029 and 0.034 respectively. Figure 1 shows these trials to have the quickest reaction times of participants. Figure 1. Reaction Times for each condition …show more content…
This is a result of spare attentional capacity, leaving participants prone to distraction. This coincides with Yantis and Jonides, 1984, ideals of external factors controlling attention by further testing to what frequency the visual system is more sensitive to a sudden onset of stimuli. Both outcomes confirm sudden onset to always be processed first, showing a control of ability to allocate attention to itself, satisfying the load

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