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Value-Driven Attentional Capture Study

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Through studying the impact of Value-Driven Attentional Capture (VDAC) on adolescents, researchers are more able to understand the correlation between learned stimulus-reward associations and the behaviours that follow. Roper, Vecera, & Vaidya’s (2014) study is highly relevant and applicable to gaining an understanding of the difference in attentional capture between adolescents and adults. The use of dynamic visual cues to present reward-stimuli and distractors to the subjects produce clear results comparing the attentional capture of both adolescents and adults. Although this study has a clear and useful methodology and produces results relevant to the hypothesis, certain improvements could be made which would enhance the study. The inclusion of a variety of arousing stimuli for the other senses rather than only testing visual cues; the use of more …show more content…
Humans are driven to concentrate on possible threats and rewards and many studies highlight that arousing stimuli are salient and draw attention (Lang, 2010; Mather 2007). Taking into account the sample groups, what may be perceived as a negative stimulus may not be applicable for both groups, similar to the monetary incentive. Therefore there must be established objective negatively arousing stimuli. In a study based on the effects of negative arousal and short term attentional capture (Sunderland & Mather, 2012), negative sounds associated with human struggle such as screams, physical abuse, vomiting, and bomb explosions were used as distractors in a visual attentional capture task. This variety of stimuli could provide more comprehensive results and more clearly show the difference in value-driven attentional capture of adults and adolescence as both positive and negative stimuli would take

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