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Baby Stroller Safety Research Paper

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Top 10 Baby Stroller Safety Tips
Baby strollers are an essential part of family life. They help us parents get on with what we need to do when our children can't keep up with us. They give our children as 'safe place' to retreat to when the world gets a little too big for them. For the most part baby strollers are very safe. However as with any 'tool' there are always risks and dangers. This article will give you 10 basic safety tips for using your baby stroller to make sure that it is as safe as possible for you and your children to use. Basic Baby stroller Safety
1.Be sure the stroller you're using is the right size for your child. Much like with a car seat, different sized kids need different sized strollers. This is not only for their comfort, but also for their safety. In the wrong size of stroller padding doesn't rest where it should on the child's body, hands can reach things they shouldn't, and weight isn't distributed properly which can make a stroller unbalanced. …show more content…
Properly strap your child in at all times. If you start off using the belts right from the start and stick with it, you'll get no complaints from your kids. Just be sure that they are secure enough, but not too tight. The straps aren't only to keep the child from climbing out of the stroller, they also keep them from falling out if it tips severely, or hits a big rut.
3. If you are using a combo unit (car seat and stroller together), always double check to be sure that the car seat latches in properly. Baby stroller

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