...Back to shcool For many families, the crisp scent of the fall air is a signal that it is time to start preparing for going back to school. Shopping for new pencils, backpacks and notebooks is always an exciting time for both parents and children alike. Because children have an interest in the things that they are purchasing for school, this is also a great time to discuss how to budget a back to school allowance. When planning for how students will be spending their back to school funds, there are a few key areas that families will want to keep in mind. 1. Back to School Lunches School lunches can vary in both their price and their appeal according to different school systems. Parents will need to consider whether their child will be taking their lunch on some days or buying a lunch from the cafeteria during the week. Another aspect of school lunches for families to discuss is if a student will also be buying breakfast as this can substantially increase a back to school budget. If the student will be allowed to purchase extras such as dessert, then this will also need to be planned out beforehand. Families will also want to plan for any extra snacks or meals that a student might wish to have for when they get home after school. Depending upon the school, parents can decide upon the best way to handle this portion of a student’s back to school allowance for kids. Some schools arrange for an account to be set up so that parents can prepay while others simply accept cash. How this...
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...2014 Back to School Coming back to school can be a little annoying and stressful, especially when I’m coming back from a long summer. I have to wake up early in the mornings; there is not much free time for myself; how could I possibly like that? Well, like everything else in life, it’s all about perspective. My life has the potential to be an art, and coming back to school can be an opportunity to prove it. I just have to be creative. I may think school is just taking away all of my time and that I don’t have the chance to play sports or do the things I like, and it might be true. But changing my perspective can allow me to see that school is not keeping me from doing what I always do, but it is an opportunity to learn something new. Now that it’s my senior year and that I’m a member of the student council, school is an opportunity to leave my mark in this school and to make a change in the students’ lives. It’s also an opportunity to learn and prepare myself for the life that I have ahead of me in the future. School can be great if I am patient enough and aware of what is happening around me. That’s why I have to pay attention to my surroundings. But what happens if I find myself in a situation where I have the potential to do something amazing, but I just don’t know what to do? That’s what preparation is for; school can help me prepare myself for the opportunities that may cross my way in the future, so that I can take advantage and make the most of them. School can...
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...Essay about President Barack Obama’s speech “Back to school” Education is enormously important. The wish of having a good education system and people who freely use it is not something that only a few countries want or wish, but almost the whole world takes aim at this. The focus on education has particularly in the United States big mentions and support. The current Government, which are sitting on the power right now, has this area high on their list of upcoming plans for the future of the US. President Barack Obama has therefore also this topic involved in most of his performances and in most of the speeches he makes. Therefor, it’s definitely an option for the President to talk about the education topic in his speeches, which we also see in one of his speeches from 2009. This speech was held in Arlington, Virginia on September the 8. Obama visited Wakefield High School and presented his speech in front of a lot of older students, but also upcoming students, who was just about to start in a new step in the school system. As mentioned earlier, a clear point in President Barack Obama’s speech is how important the role of education has. This may also be the most important point he tells his audience about. He explains how, in this century one only can count on being considered for a job if one has an education. One can’t just expect that a job will appear and choose one, if the person has no proper education. Therefore will many good properties and abilities of the people...
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...Back to school Obama starts by establishing a contact between him and the audience. He does this by telling the children of the schools that he knows it might be preferable for them to stay home under the bed sheets instead of getting up early for school. He also expresses his understanding for anyone nervous about going to a new school or a new part of school. Then he tells a short anecdote about his mother getting him up at 4:30 in the morning to be home schooled in Indonesia. Obama tells the children that he did not like getting up early either. He does this to make them understand that even the president himself did not love getting up early for school in his youth. The little story also works as an icebreaker with the punch line of the joke coming in the end, when Obama says he had to get up at 4:30. Having established a contact and gained some trust through his intro, Obama goes to a more serious tone in his speech. This is obvious when he says: “But I’m here today because I have something important to discuss with you. I’m here because I want to talk with you about your education and what’s expected of all of you in this new school year.” He starts out by assuring the students that he does everything in his power as the president to give them the best conditions in their schools. This brings him to the core of his speech; the responsibility of the students. Responsibility is a word he brings up several times throughout the speech from that point. Obama brings up the...
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...School has never been one of my favorite places. As soon as I could I left school and went straight to work. After several jobs, I decided my dream was to have a profession in the electrical field. Over the years I have worked hard and had to be away for many hours with my career choice. I decided to go back to school, college, at this time in my life to further my career and make life easier for my family and me. When I left school I went to work as a bus boy and soon picked up a second job at an automotive parts store. At 18 I went to work at a cotton mill. While working there I met my wife and had two of my three children. While at the mill, I applied for a job in the professional field I had always wanted to work. I got the job and left the mill. I worked at this job, Mastec an electrical contractor, for twelve years. After 1 year, I received a promotion and was given my own crew. I worked very hard for this company and loved my job. During the twelve years I had my third child and at this time decided I wanted more. I applied for a job with the main power company, Progress Energy, and got the job. Progress Energy was my overall dream job. Working with any power company can require many hours away from home. Being away from home can be very stressful on a family. Long hours away from home you can miss watching your children grow and time with your spouse and overall these were the most important things to me. When a parent works long hours, and I know that this cannot...
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...August 15, 2014 Mrs. Pinnau, Mrs. Horras, Mrs. Hockinson Harlem High School 1 Huskie Circle Machesney Park, IL 61115 Dear Teachers, I am Logan Close, and I am sad yet relieved to be in senior year of my high school career. While no one, including me, enjoys going back to school, it only means that I am one year closer to going to college and becoming a responsible adult in the so-called real world. I am hoping to get into Madison Media Institute with my friends to become game designers. My second choice of schools is NIU as of now. Since I was a young child, around seven to eight years old, I began to leave the sport of baseball and become more into soccer. I eventually dropped baseball to focus more on soccer, and since then I have been involved in at least one soccer league a year, most of the time more than. I am currently trying out for Harlem’s Varsity team. It is tough trying out for varsity compared to junior-varsity, but it will be a fun and amazing experience if I do get placed on the team. In a few days I will find out which team I make it on. In terms of academics, I am decent, but not really much to be proud of. I am known for procrastinating, which then turns into not doing work and not turning it in for a grade. I know I am better than what I put out, but I get bored of school and decide to give up. Even though I know this flaw in me, I do not do much to change it, even when I tell myself I need to and will. As it always goes; the first quarter...
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...Barack Obama is a master of speeches. In his speech “Back to school” Obama encourages students to study hard and urges them to make their education a priority, because they are the only people who are responsible for their own future. The speech takes place at Wakefield High School in Virginia, and goes out to every student in America. Obama starts out by politely greeting everyone watching from the school, TV, and thanking everyone who has been helpful. He modifies his language to children and young people so he is easily understandable. He doesn’t talk down to the audience, he shows them understanding. He is also using humor to put himself on the same level as the audience, making them feel comfortable; “… some of you are probably wishing it were still summer and you could’ve stayed in bed just a little longer this morning” (p. 1- L. 8-9) This way he doesn’t come off as this strict man from the White House, who is just trying to lecture the students about homework and school. He is not the president of the United States; he is just a man trying to reach these students, trying to tell them the importance of education. When Obama speaks in public, he uses a lot of different techniques to create a more emotional connection, and therefore he creates an impact on his audience. By using himself as an example he tries to encourage the students to take responsibility for their education, the future of their country, and their lives. “I know that feeling. When I was young...
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...on your own. Mommy and daddy don’t hold your hand while waiting in line to get your schedule. In college you’re expected to keep up with current and upcoming assignments on your own accountability, as for in high school you are walked through and updated on a constant basis. Also, there might be some programs that help with transportation but usually you are pretty much responsible for getting to school. Unless you live nearby the college campus, you cant stand at the your neighborhood street corner chatting it up with your high school buddies waiting on the school bus to get you to school on time to make breakfast. More likely you’re going to have to travel quite a distance to get to school and there will be no warm breakfast to be spoon-fed to you. Since this is a grown up world, it’s going to be up to you to get a good night sleep and a healthy breakfast to begin your day. It would be wise to prepare your school supplies at night, because it is obvious that you will need them for class. So, just like you do not see construction workers asking around for hammers or a doctor for a scalpel, neither should a college student show up to class unprepared. By establishing a curfew you can get your 8 hours of sleep, so that you can wake up early enough to get to school well fed, rested, prepared and on time. Another great tip is creating a...
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...Ethical Actions Worksheet Write a 100- to 150-word response to each of the following questions: • Was there anything in either the University Of Phoenix Student Code Of Conduct or the Student Code of Academic Integrity that surprised you? If so, what was it? Why were you surprised? If not, why not? The University of Phoenix Student Code Of Conduct didn’t surprise much because we all should have respect regardless if we are in a classroom setting on going to school online. People should mindful when writing a discussion in a proper tone to avoid coming off offensive to another. Going to school should be a good experience not an environment that’s uncomfortable for a person to share their idea, opinions and experiences. Academic Integrity did surprise me and also educated me on different types of plagiarism. I didn’t know the different know what it meant. I like that it brake them down with examples. Individuality play a major part and when I find information make sure I have all the resources. • What did you learn about the behaviors considered important for an ethical learner or student in the University of Phoenix learning community? I’ve learned there’s a lot of different types of behaviors such as strive for honesty in all scientific communications. Integrity, be open to criticism and new ideas, avoid discrimination against students on sex, and ethnicity. Have social respect prevent social harm through research and public education. Be mindful what...
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...”Back to school event” In Barack Obama’s speech “Back to school event” his main topic is how important it is to focus on your studies. He is not only encouraging the students that are present in the room, but also every person in America that are currently in school to keep strong, even though the odds are against you, so you can finish your education. To get out the importance of the speech, Barack Obama is taking a heavy use in the rhetoric forms. For an instance, one of the rhetoric methods Obama is using is ethos. It is important that you trust, believe and feel with the person who is trying to get his words through to the listener. Here Obama is being highly successful with his connection to the people in the room, due to the fact that he is using himself as an example in his speech, which makes it more trustworthy. He makes an example of himself as an example as to why it may seem hard to study at the moment, but how it will be worth it in the end. He uses himself to get the message out that if you are heading towards a bad road, focusing on completing your studies will take you back to a more even and safe path. He is refers to education as your safety net, your only safety net. He simply let down all other options to succeed in life. Education led him to where he is today, so he wants to encourage the young society to continue pursuing their studies. Another rhetoric method Obama takes into use is pathos. The tone in his voice, his body language, and his passion for...
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...In the western world, education is seen as a human right. It is seen as something that a human cannot be without, and it is especially seen as something everyone should have the opportunity to get an education. Whether you are American or European, there comes a time in your education, where you will have to take responsibility for your own education. President Obama talks about the importance of this responsibility in his speech Back To School from 2009. He encourages students to take their responsibility seriously, as well as understanding the importance of it. President Obama seems to know exactly whom he is speaking to; throughout the entire speech, he addresses his audience in the right way. From the very first sentence , he has set the tone of the speech. He starts out by making himself approachable by speaking less formally, which is an important stylistic device, as he is the president of the United States of America, and therefore not someone most people can relate to. He continues to make himself approachable, by putting in a personal story, of when he says: “I know that feeling” and then continues to tell a story of his earlier life, where he lived in Indonesia . This gains the attention of the audience, not only because he makes himself approachable, but also because he makes himself relatable. This he continues to do throughout the speech – for example, he mentions activities the audience knows well (watching TV, playing Xbox ) as well as successful people the audience...
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...Back to School A country thrives when its citizens contribute and make an effort to make the most of what they are offered in life. President Barack Obama is very aware of this and has made it an important subject and goal in his presidential career to inspire youngsters in the right direction, both for their own sake and their country’s. Barack Obamas’ speech “Back to School” at Wakefield High School in Arlington, Virginia was held in September 8, 2009. The age of the present audience varied to children from kindergarten and all the way up to twelfth grade. In addition to that, the speech was also broadcasted to students all over the country. The audience is obviously extremely great, and the speech will therefore have a tremendous impact on several individuals. The first thing Obama seems to focus on in his speech on the first day of the children’s school day are in fact the children themselves. He speaks directly to them, and initiates the whole thing by telling everyone that being nervous is perfectly normal. He has obviously tried it himself when he was their age. Very easily he finds a way to make everyone relate to him by telling stories from his own life. Barack Obama did not grow up under the best circumstances. He was raised by a single mother whom was very passionate about doing what was best for her son. She even sought to homeschool Obama, when he wasn’t at school. She wanted to make sure he would have the best possible future. This particular section of the speech...
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...Going back to school has its challenges. When we were young, going to school was just a part of our life. School fit into our daily routines and it was just accepted. Everything we had to do was planned for us; all we had to do was show-up. Even getting to school was planned for us. Whether it was riding a school bus, or your parents driving or walking you to school, it wasn't an issue to think about. Our parents would make sure we had all our required requirements in-place and ready to go so, when we arrived at school we were ready and prepared. When we had questions, or did not understand the material/assignments our parents or even our brothers and sisters whichever the case maybe would tutor us. In some cases, they may have even done our assignments with us watching...
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...Going back to school can be a major, life changing decision for most people with children, especially mothers. I always knew that I wanted to go to college after high school. But along with major decisions, sometimes in the mean time life can throw some curve balls. In spite of those curve balls and my growing family, I decided to take that big leap of faith. Deciding to go back to school has been one of the best decisions I could ever make. Okay so we will take time back to 2007, when I was pregnant with my fifth child and I decided to register for the Ged test. When I went in the morning of the test, I was so nervous, because I haven't been to school since 1998. Well what do you know? I passed the test with flying colors and my score were pretty high as well. As soon as I received my diploma in the mail, I immediately wanted to go to college. Unfortunately I knew it was almost impossible to start college and me fixing to have another baby, so I thought it would be better to wait awhile longer. Flash forward to 2008, my friend was enrolling in college and talked me into going in on it with her. I decided to enroll for my first time, only thing was it was online, so that made me super nervous. We ended up taking two courses together and did very well. But due to unfortunate tragedies in my family, I had to put school on the back burner again. After withdrawing I went on to having three more children! So by then I didn't think it would ever be possible to go back to school...
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...My Return to School English 121 William My Return to School I was nineteen the last time I took a college class. Now at forty, I have been out of school longer than I was ever in school. I might be a little crazy but I decided it’s time to go back to school. There are many factors that influenced this decision and although I have many reasons to be apprehensive, I know that with hard work, proper time management and a supportive family, the end result is going to be worth it. Going back to school was an easy decision. One of the main reasons I am returning is to attain my Community College of the Air Force degree. At this point in my career this degree is tied to my advancement. Without it, I can no longer be promoted. Without further promotion I will soon reach mandatory Air Force retirement age. As I look beyond my Air Force career, I realize that my future employment opportunities are also tied to my education. Without a degree, I will not be able to fulfill my desire to become a middle school football coach. In almost all school systems the sports coaches are required to be certified teaching staff. For the last two years I have been preaching to my thirteen and eleven year old sons about time management. Since going back to school, I have found myself in the same boat. Trying to manage family life, student demands, as well as work requirements has become difficult. Self doubt has also reared its ugly head. It has always been my job to motivate...
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