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Bad Work Ethic Research

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How to Deal with Bad Work Ethics in a Coworker:

A work ethic is a set of values have about the benefits and importance of working hard and being productive.
Values can be changed , depending on the coworker, they can have different opinions on what should be done. Anyone can have their own opinion, without having a bad work ethic. However, you should state the coworkers work ethic if its interfering with your job duties. Address the problem with an employee, or sometimes a manager.


1.) Avoid the Temptation to Wait for a Coworker to Figure it Out: If your coworker 's bad work ethic is affecting you, speak to the coworker face-to-face and let them what they are doing wrong, and how it affected you while on the job. Explain as …show more content…
Some when assigned a certain task, avoid to fulfill their duty. Recommend a coworker to ask when there is a problem when completing a certain task, if they do not understand. If you know what needs to be done, you may help them instead.

3.) Bear in Mind that a Coworker might not be Getting their job: This can happen when your coworker may be going through personal problems at home, that may be distracting them when they are at work. Don't feel pressured to complete all their tasks for them, but show them respect, and try to put yourself in their shoes as if you were going through the same problem. In some cases, you can ask if it would be beneficial to take time off of work, to sort out everything.

Workplace Ethics and Social Media:

In the world we live in today, technology can consume our time, but not only that, it is changing the business world. An example came from a social media presentation, that claimed that social media use is increasing 3 times as fast than the internet's

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