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Cleopatra Research Paper

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Would you let yourself be bitten by a poisonous snake? Cleopatra would ! I am going to tell you three amazing facts about Cleopatra!

“Cleopatra was known for her incredible beauty. One common and well told story about queen Cleopatra was that she took baths in donkey milk to preserve her beauty. In fact, myth and legends says that nearly 700 donkeys were used to provide enough milk for her daily bath.”
“Cleopatra was not egyptian. She was born in egypt, she traced her family origins to Macedonian, Greece, and Ptolemy 1 soter. Cleopatra embraced many of her country's ancient customs, and was the first member of Ptolemaic line to learn Egyptian language.”
“At age 18, she became the queen of egypt, but she felt betrayed when her brother ordered

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