Premium Essay

Badaracco's Four Frameworks For A Decision Summary

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Pages 4
Businesses operate to make money and will react to a problem that is affecting their profitability. In this case, my employees' actions on social media are adversely affecting the profitably and public image of the company. A company with poor social media policies leads to a multitude of risks such as loss of revenue and negative publicity. To prevent further damage to the company, policies should be enacted to prevent employees' from using their social media in a damaging way to the company. Policies to reign in rogue employees do not need to be personally intrusive, but they do need to be proportional to the company's public visibility. For a high exposure company like a television network, the policies need to be more aggressive than a low exposure company. I would implement policies regulating employees and their use of social media; violation of these polices would result in some form of punishment whether it be a fine, demotion, or dismissal from the company. Employees are not allowed to associate themselves with the company when on social media, and must claim online posts as personal and solely their own. This prevents the public from interpreting the employees' beliefs as those of the company. The company should not be held liable for any backlash the employees' content may generate. If an employees' social media activity results in …show more content…
It is the best net-net decision because allowing the actions of a few to negatively affect an entire company, goes against Badaracco's Framework. If the few employees were allowed to use social media as they do currently, the company's profitability would be affected. If the company became less profitable, then lay-offs would be inevitable, and the lay-offs would not affect those on TV who are the same people stirring controversy online. Lay-offs would affect the workers behind the scenes, which would be the worse net-net

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