...Overview: Bangladesh, a densely-populated country of 155 million people in an area the size of Iowa, has registered steady annual GDP growth of 5-7 percent since 1990driven by a booming garment industry and rising remittance flows. • A stable macroeconomic environment and dynamic private sector have helped increase GDP to nearly $120 billion in Fiscal Year 2012 (from July 1, 2011 –June 30, 2012) with $33.3 billion in imports and $24 billion in exports. • The IMF estimated that real GDP growth declined slightly from 6.7 percent in FY 2011 to 6.3 percent in FY 2011 while inflation fell from 10.2 percent to 8.7 percent for the same periods. • U.S. exports to Bangladesh increased by 2% from $864 million in FY 2011 to $887 million in FY 2012, while U.S. imports from Bangladesh rose 1% from $4.86 billion to $4.9 billion in the same periods. • Nearly ten million Bangladeshis, concentrated mainly in Dhaka and Chittagong, have annual incomes well in excess of $10,000, offering a sizable market for a wide range of goods and services. • Bangladesh’s garment industry currently produces roughly 80 percent of the country’s exports. Garment exports have expanded steadily since 1990 despite chronic energy shortages, infrastructure constraints, occasional labor unrest and periods of weakening global demand. • With a workforce growing by roughly 2 million per year and one of the world’s lowest wage rates, Bangladesh has an opportunity to replicate its success in ready-made garment production...
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...flow in Bangladesh (Source: http://www.bangladesh-bank.org/) 2015-2016 | | | 2016-2017 | | | Year/Month | Remittances | | In million US dollar | In million Taka | 2014-2015 | 9920.00(April’15) | 770047.12 | 2013-2014 | 14228.26 | 1105823.62 | 2012-2013 | 14461.14 | 1156460.78 | 2011-2012 | 12843.43 | 1018827.79 | 2010-2011 | 11650.32 | 829928.90 | ***Year Wise Foreign currency Reserve in Bangladesh Bank: (Source: http://www.bangladesh-bank.org/) Period | Reserves(In million US $) | 2016-2017 | | 2015-2016 | | 2014-2015 | 23B (26th Feb, 15) | 2013-2014 | 21558.0 | 2012-2013 | 15315.2 | 2011-2012 | 10364.4 | 2010-2011 | 10911.6 | The inflation rate in Bangladesh was recorded at 6.32 percent in April of 2015. Inflation Rate in Bangladesh averaged 6.63 percent from 1994 until 2015 Inflation in Bangladesh in 2015, January-6.04, February-6.14, March-6.27 And April-6.32. 10.59 million tons in the year 1971 when the country's population was only about 70.88 millions. However, the country is now producing about 25.0 million tons to feed her 135 million people. This indicates that the growth of rice production was much faster than the growth of population. This increased rice production has been possible largely due to the adoption of modern rice varieties on around 66% of the rice land which contributes to about 73% of the country's total rice production However, there is no reason to be complacent. The population of Bangladesh is still...
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...[pic] |Bangladesh at a Glance|[pi|[pi|[pic| | |c] |c] |] | |Introduction | |General information | |Geography | |People | |Economy | |Key indicators | |Transportation | |Communication | |Health and education | | | |Introduction ...
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...Bangladesh Economic Update Bangladesh Economic Update Capital Market Capital Market October 2011 October 2011 Bangladesh Economic Update Volume 2, No. 9, October 2011 Acknowledgement: Bangladesh Economic Update is an output of the Economic Policy Unit of the Unnayan Onneshan, a multidisciplinary research centre based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The report is prepared by a team, under the guidance of Rashed Al Mahmud Titumir. The team comprises Md. Aslam Hossain and A. Z. M. Saleh. The report is an output of the programme titled Enhancing the responsiveness of the government to address exclusion and inequality. The programme has been supported from a grant of Christian Aid. © Copyright: Unnayan Onneshan-The Innovators The content of this publication may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes with proper citation (please send output to the address mentioned below). Any other form of reproduction, storage in a retrieval system or transmission by any means for commercial purposes, requires permission from the Unnayan Onneshan-The Innovators. For orders and request please contact: Unnayan Onneshan - The Innovators 16/2, Indira Road, Farmgate Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh Tell: + (880-2) 8158274, 9110636 Fax: + (880-2) 8159135 E-mail: info@unnayan.org Web: www.unnayan.org Bangladesh Economic Update, October 2011 2|P a g e SUMMARY This issue of Bangladesh Economic Update discusses the continuous fall in the capital market of Bangladesh. Continuous decrease in the capital market...
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...Bangladesh Economic Update Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) February 2012 Bangladesh Economic Update Volume 3, No. 2, February 2012 Acknowledgement: Bangladesh Economic Update is an output of the Economic Policy Unit of the Unnayan Onneshan, a multidisciplinary research centre based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The report is prepared by a team, under the guidance of Rashed Al Mahmud Titumir and Palash Kanti Das. The team comprises Nibedita Roy and A. Z. M. Saleh. © Copyright: Unnayan Onneshan-The Innovators The content of this publication may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes with proper citation (please send output to the address mentioned below). Any other form of reproduction, storage in a retrieval system or transmission by any means for commercial purposes, requires permission from the Unnayan Onneshan-The Innovators. For orders and request please contact: Unnayan Onneshan - The Innovators 16/2, Indira Road, Farmgate Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh Tell: + (880-2) 8158274, 9110636 Fax: + (880-2) 8159135 E-mail: info@unnayan.org Web: www.unnayan.org Bangladesh Economic Update, February 2012 2|P a g e Bangladesh Economic Update Vol. 3, No. 2, February 2012 Economic Policy Unit Unnayan Onneshan 1. INTRODUCTION The current issue of the Bangladesh Economic Update focuses on the magnitude, dynamics, sectoral distribution, and countrywise sources of FDI inflow in the country. The flow of foreign direct investment is of utmost importance in the current backdrop of overall...
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...Revenue Mobilisation and Economic Growth Bangladesh Economic Update November 2013 Bangladesh Economic Update Volume 4, No. 11, November 2013 Acknowledgement Bangladesh Economic Update is a monthly publication of the Economic Policy Unit of Unnayan Onneshan, a multidisciplinary research organisation based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. A team works under the guidance of Rashed Al Mahmud Titumir, comprising Shahida Pervin and Abid Feroz Khan. © Copyright: Unnayan Onneshan The content of this publication may be reproduced for noncommercial purposes with proper citation (please send output to the address mentioned below). Any other form of reproduction, storage in a retrieval system or transmission by any means for commercial purposes, requires permission from the Unnayan Onneshan. For orders and request, please contact: UNNAYAN ONNESHAN 16/2, Indira Road, Farmgate Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh Tell: + (880-2) 8158274, 9110636 Fax: + (880-2) 8159135 E-mail: info@unnayan.org Web: www.unnayan.org Bangladesh Economic Update, November 2013 Page | 2 1.INTRODUCTION This issue of Bangladesh Economic Update probes into the tax system of Bangladesh in the backdrop of falling investment, missing revenue target and growing pressure on revenue. This issue of Bangladesh Economic Update probes into the tax system of Bangladesh in the backdrop of falling investment, missing revenue target and growing pressure on revenue. Bangladesh has comparatively lower tax to GDP ratio, even compared to most of its South...
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...An Evaluation of the Tax System in Bangladesh Ahsan H. Mansur, PRI Mohammad Yunus, BIDS Presentation Outline Salient Features of Bangladesh’s Current Tax System, Trends in Growth and Revenue Structure VAT System of Bangladesh: Performance, Recent/Past Reforms, Revenue Potential, structural and administrative deficiencies, and alleviating measures Discussions on personal and corporate income tax systems have been covered in this study, but not discussed in detail in in this presentation due to time constraint. Finally the presentation assess the scope for further reforms that the authorities may consider in order to gain more buoyancy in revenue generation POLICY RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF BANGLADESH 01 Introduction: Salient Features of Bangladesh’s Current Tax System Notwithstanding the various fiscal reforms of the recent past, Bangladesh Tax system continues to suffer from a number of major weaknesses: • • • • • • • • Low Level of Revenue Mobilisation Regressive Nature of Taxation (especially VAT) High Tax Incidence Low Tax Base High Degree of Tax Evasion Limited Administrative Capacity Resource Constraints (Human and Logistics) Cumbersome Legal Procedures 02 POLICY RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF BANGLADESH Growth Trends and Revenue Structure of Bangladesh Over the past years total revenue and tax receipts as % of GDP have increased – from 6.5% and 5.5% respectively in FY1982 to 10.9% and 9.0% respectively in FY2010. Tax receipts roughly generate...
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...Introduction Bangladesh is a country of more than 140 million people, and it is one of South Asia’s least developed countries. The country has under gone a major shift in its economic philosophy and management in recent years. At Bangladesh’s birth, the country embraced socialism as the economic ideology with a dominant role for the public sector. But, since the mid-seventies, it undertook a major restructuring towards establishing a market economy with emphasis on private sector-led economic growth. Bangladesh achieved good economic progress during the 1990s by adopting a series of structural and economic reform measures. The stabilization program reduced inflation as well as fiscal and current accounts deficit and established a healthy foreign exchange reserve position. Economic performance improved with gross domestic product (GDP) growth averaging 5 percent in the 1990s compared with 4 percent in the preceding decade. The acceleration in economic growth was accompanied by decreased incidence of poverty and a distinct improvement of some key social indicators. Rapid growth in food grain production has been a remarkable feature of the country’s economic performance in recent years. In FY2000, Bangladesh reached self-sufficiency in food grain production. A combination of factors accounts for the robust growth of the agriculture sector, and in particular of food grains. According to a World Bank estimate, Bangladesh has the 36th largest economy in the world in terms of GNP based...
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...Economic structure and growth When the Europeans set up trading posts around the area of Bangladesh, the British dominated the region. As such, Bangladesh was part of British India until the region was split up into India and Pakistan in 1947. Pakistan was comprised of West Pakistan (current Pakistan) and East Bengal (current Bangladesh. This awkward arrangement of a two-part country with its territorial units 1,600 km apart left the Bengalis marginalized and dissatisfied. In 1971, East Bengal separated from Pakistan and was renamed Bangladesh. Ever since, economic development has been very slow, hampered by political turmoil. It is one of the poorest countries in the world with nominal GDP per head of only USD 1,483 and 36% of the population living below the poverty line of USD 1 per day. The low level of human development is also reflected in the UN’s human development index, which ranks Bangladesh 146th out of 182 countries. Economic development is also hampered by a high vulnerability to inundations. Each year, about a third of the country is flooded during the annual monsoon rains. This severely affects the agricultural sector, washing away crops. While the agricultural sector is not especially important in terms of economic size, since it accounts only for 18% of GDP, it employs 45% of the country’s labor force. The industrial sector contributes 29% to GDP and within this sector the textiles and garment sector is a key growth driver. Unfortunately, the industrial sector...
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...over a particular time period. Transactions that reflect inflows of funds generate positive numbers for the country’s balance, while transactions that reflect outflows of funds generate negative numbers for the country. Current Account: The current account is one of the two primary components of the balance of payments, the other being capital account. It is the sum of the balance of trade (net revenue on exports minus payments for imports), factor income (earnings on foreign investments minus payments made to foreign investors) and cash transfers. Calculating Current Account: (Export – Import) + Net Income (abroad) + Net Current Transfer Current Account Overview of Bangladesh: From the chart below we can observe the last five year current account condition year 2007 – 2011, the chart states that Bangladesh had a surplus condition all...
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...FIN 382 COMPANY ANALYSIS GROUP ASSIGNMENT PREPARED FOR : PUAN NORSALIZA BINTI ABU BAKAR PREPARED BY : KHAIRIL AZMAN BIN RADZALI 2010459076 DHARWIS BIN HASNIM 2010699142 MUHAMMAD FAIDI BIN SAFARRUDIN 2010408132 ELMIRUSHUDA BINTI AMERUDIN 2010248112 FAZLIAH NOOR BINTI MOHD FOUZI 2010834506 GROUP : JBM114 6A DUE DATE : 21st DECEMBER 2012 ECONOMY ANALYSIS 1.0 WORLD ECONOMY The world economy can be evaluated in various ways, depending on the model used, and this valuation can then be represented in various ways. It is inseparable from the geography and ecology of Earth, and is therefore somewhat of a misnomer, since, while definitions and representations of the "world economy" vary widely, they must at a minimum exclude any consideration of resources or value based outside of the Earth. For example, while attempts could be made to calculate the value of currently unexploited mining opportunities in unclaimed territory in Antarctica, the same opportunities on Mars would not be considered a part of the world economy – even if currently exploited in some way – and could be considered of latent value only in the same way as uncreated intellectual property, such as a previously unconceived invention. It is common to limit questions of the world economy exclusively to human economic activity, and the world economy is typically judged in monetary terms, even in cases in which there is no efficient market to help valuate certain goods or services,...
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...A long term value opportunity BAT Bangladesh overview (Ticker: BATBC BD BDT) BAT Bangladesh (“BATBC”), which is a 65.9% owned subsidiary of British American Tobacco and has a market cap of $431m, is the leading tobacco company in Bangladesh, with 50% market share, dominating the premium and medium price segments of the tobacco market (where it holds 75% market share). The brand portfolio of BAT Bangladesh includes Benson & Hedges, John Player Gold Leaf, Pall Mall, Capstan, Star, Scissors, Bristol, Pilot and Hollywood. BATBC engages in the production and distribution of cigarettes (89% of sales) and in tobacco leaf export (11% of sales). Interestingly Bangladesh is among the 20 largest global producers of tobacco with c. $1.8bn of production in 2011. BATBC plays a key role in the economy since it is the largest private sector tax payer of the country, collecting ~$650m for the government in 2011 (including supplementary duty, value added tax and other taxes). This represents 2/3 of total tax collections from cigarettes industry in Bangladesh). In 2011 BATBC achieved $329m of net sales and $36m of net income. The company has no debt and holds $10m of cash. BATBC employs ~1,200 people directly and about 50,000 people indirectly as farmers, distributors and local suppliers. BATBC production capacity has recently been increased to 30bn sticks. Tobacco Market in Bangladesh According to the Global Adult Tobacco Survey: Bangladesh 2009, 23.0% of adult aged 15 years or above...
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...An Evaluation of the Tax System in Bangladesh Ahsan H. Mansur, PRI Mohammad Yunus, BIDS Presentation Outline Salient Features of Bangladesh’s Current Tax System, Trends in Growth and Revenue Structure VAT System of Bangladesh: Performance, Recent/Past Reforms, Revenue Potential, structural and administrative deficiencies, and alleviating measures Discussions on personal and corporate income tax systems have been covered in this study, but not discussed in detail in in this presentation due to time constraint. Finally the presentation assess the scope for further reforms that the authorities may consider in order to gain more buoyancy in revenue generation POLICY RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF BANGLADESH 01 Introduction: Salient Features of Bangladesh’s Current Tax System Notwithstanding the various fiscal reforms of the recent past, Bangladesh Tax system continues to suffer from a number of major weaknesses: • • • • • • • • Low Level of Revenue Mobilisation Regressive Nature of Taxation (especially VAT) High Tax Incidence Low Tax Base High Degree of Tax Evasion Limited Administrative Capacity Resource Constraints (Human and Logistics) Cumbersome Legal Procedures 02 POLICY RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF BANGLADESH Growth Trends and Revenue Structure of Bangladesh Over the past years total revenue and tax receipts as % of GDP have increased – from 6.5% and 5.5% respectively in FY1982 to 10.9% and 9.0% respectively in FY2010. Tax receipts roughly generate...
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...Bangladesh GDP Growth Rate The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Bangladesh expanded 6.30 percent in 2012 from the previous year. GDP Growth Rate in Bangladesh is reported by the Bangladesh Bank. Historically, from 1994 until 2012, Bangladesh GDP Growth Rate averaged 5.58 Percent reaching an all time high of 6.70 Percent in June of 2011 and a record low of 4.08 Percent in June of 1994. Bangladesh is considered as a developing economy. Yet, almost one-third of Bangladesh’s 150m people live in extreme poverty. In the last decade, the country has recorded GDP growth rates above 5 percent due to development of microcredit and garment industry. Although three fifths of Bangladeshis are employed in the agriculture sector, three quarters of exports revenues come from producing ready-made garments. The biggest obstacles to sustainable development in Bangladesh are overpopulation, poor infrastructure, corruption, political instability and a slow implementation of economic reforms. This page includes a chart with historical data for Bangladesh GDP Growth Rate. Bangladesh Consumer Price Index (CPI) Consumer Price Index (CPI) in Bangladesh increased to 176.38 Index Points in August of 2012 from 173.18 Index Points in July of 2012. Consumer Price Index (CPI) in Bangladesh is reported by the . Historically, from 1993 until 2012, Bangladesh Consumer Price Index (CPI) averaged 96.51 Index Points reaching an all time high of 176.38 Index Points in August of 2012 and a record low of 51.99 Index...
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...Socio-Economic Indicators of Bangladesh General Geographical Location/Characteristics Location 200 34' & 260 38' North Latitude 880 01' & 920 41' East Longitude Area (Sq. Km) Standard Time 147570 GMT+6 Hours Rate (%) of Poverty Based on Report on Household Income & Expenditure Survey (HIES)- 2010 [ Based on Cost of Basic Needs (CBN) Method ] Using upper poverty line National Rural Urban Using lower Poverty line National Rural Urban Gross Domestic Product (GDP), 2011-12 (provisional) GDP at Current Price (In billion Tk.) GDP at Constant Price (Base Year = 1995-96, In billion Tk.) GDP Growth at Constant Price (%) Per Capita National Income (In Tk.) Per Capita National Income (In US$ ) Per Capita GDP (In Tk.) Per Capita GDP (In US$) Savings and Investment (Percentage of GDP), 2011-12 (provisional) Life Expectancy (yrs), 2009 Both Sex Male Female Mean Age (yrs) at First Marriage, 2011 Male Female 67.2 66.1 68.7 24.9 18.6 Domestic savings National savings Total investment Public Private Balance of Payments, 2011-12 (In Million US $) Export Earning Import Payments Current Account Balance (Provisional) Overall Balance (Provisional) Foreign Exchange Reserves (As on 30.06.2012) Workers’ Remittances 24288 35516 1630 494 10364 12843 19.4 29.4 25.4 6.3 19.1 9147.8 4093.8 31.5 35.2 21.3 17.6 21.1 7.7 Vital Statistics General Vital Statistics Population (In Million) Population census, 2001 Population census, 2011 Population Growth Rate (Percentage), 2011 Male-Female Ratio, 2011 Population Density/Sq...
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