...Essay on the Role of Banking in India's Developing Economy One of the major considerations that led to the nationalization of the fourteen major commercial banks of India in 1969 was the fact that banks, in general, had been negligent of the vital priority sectors of the economy, viz., agriculture and small-scale industries. The commercial banks had remained largely indifferent to the credit needs of the farmers for agricultural operations and land improve¬ment. A handful of people were able to exploit the bank finance to serve their own individual interests and convenience. Very often, they used bank funds for the hoarding of essential articles and for specialization, thus nurturing anti-social elements. Nationalization brought about a major policy shift in the working of these banks. The economic development of our country depends more on real factors like the industrial development, modernization of agri¬culture, organization of internal trade and expansion of foreign trade, especially exports, and less on the monetary factors contri¬buted by banking— Economic planning like laying down of specific targets and allocating particular sums of money that constitute the economic policy of the government also plays a significant role. Still we cannot under-estimate the importance of banking and the monetary mechanism. One of the most important problems of a developing economy is that of capital formation. There is a good deal of difference between hoarding and saving and the people...
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...Implications of M&As of Banking sector on Indian economy Author Author Shilpa Vivek Agrawal Shreya Deepak Saraf Novel Institute of Management Studies, Novel Institute of Management Studies Chinchwad, Pune. India. Chinchwad, Pune. India. Co-Author Dr. D.M Gujarathi Chairman BOS, Cost and Works Accounting University of Pune, India --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abstract Financial System is the most important institutional and functional vehicle for economic transformation of any country. India is slowly but surely moving from a regime of 'large number of small banks' to 'small number of large banks. The process of mergers and acquisitions has gained substantial importance in today's corporate world. This process is extensively used for restructuring the business organizations. In India, the concept of mergers and acquisitions was initiated by the government bodies. M & A in banking sector have been on rise in recent past both globally & in India. With the help of mergers and acquisitions in the banking sector, the banks can achieve significant growth...
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...healthy economy, a sound and effective banking system is fundamental requirements. Banking system of India is not hassle free but it must have ability to face the new challenges imposed by external as well as internal factors. The history of banking industry can be summarized within three stages. In this stage the economy planning was introduced, and an effort was made for regulating monetary and banking activity as the planning was required and essential. Imperial bank was renamed as State bank of India under the State Bank of India act, 1955. In 1960 and 1969, 7 subsidiary banks were nationalized and in the year 1980 the number increased to 14, as SBI nationalized total 14 major banks. The flow in industrial and agricultural...
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...CHINA’S PERCEIVED ONGOING BANKING CRISIS By Group B Giang Nguyen 1385858 Kiet Nguyen 1402739 Tu Nguyen 1390178 Ngoc Lo 1329692 Dung Dao 1390184 Hiep Ngo 1385862 Thanh Nguyen 1385991 Anh Nguyen 1390169 Khoi Pham1385967 An assignment for ECO 3353 - Spring term, Dr. Dominic Minadeo Troy University April 30, 2014 Abstract In 2013, China, the second largest economy in the world, has experienced a banking crisis that had severely consequences on China itself and several other countries. This resulted from a rapidly rise of short-term lending from the shadow banking system, which has been considered an unofficial lending market that operates outside the scope of regulations and has recently been plunged into crisis. This paper synthesizes the overall indexes and information about the ongoing banking crisis in China, which includes: recent China economic analysis, how the crisis impacts on domestic and global economy, comparing China’s banking system to several countries in the world and the forecast for China in the near future. How the crisis took off In today’s globalized world, no country is immune from the financial crisis, even the second largest economy of the world. An increase in risky and complicated financial practices in China can possibly drive the economy to a terrible crisis. The financial crisis resulted from a rapidly rise...
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...Analysing advantages and disadvantages of banking reforms in Mekong countries in comparative perspective Introduction In a number of transition economies the banking systems are at different stages of the transformation process from mostly planned to market economy structures. But the past two decades led to further distinctions in developments within these countries. This paper will review recent banking reform efforts in the lower Mekong countries (LMCs), including Cambodia, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, and Vietnam. Associated by close economic and cultural links, the three LMCs have tackled the challenges of both economic development and transition to more market-based economies. These links are apparent as they are some of the countries that make up the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) which is a natural economic area bound together by the Mekong River. In 1992, with the assistance from the Asian Development Bank (ADB), these countries entered into a program of subregional economic cooperation designed to enhance economic relations among them. It is important to explain the economies of these countries to lay the grounds for analysis of banking reforms. It has become clear that increasingly, modernization and industrialization are emerging from a process of transition and transformation. The Mekong countries are gradually shifting from subsistence farming to more diversified economies, and to more open, market-based systems. In parallel with this are the growing...
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...Banking system in the lower Mekong system Introduction In the last century, many reforms of the banking system have been done in Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Cambodia and Vietnam, the lower Mekong countries. Various policies and regulations were formulated in order to resolve the problems which were caused by planned economics system in these three countries. The development of financial system was mainly controlled by government and less freedom can be given so that it caused the less-developed problems among these Mekong countries. However, during the last decades, with the distribution of market-oriented economy government released the control of private enterprises and the discrimination of small and medium enterprises have been gradually eliminated. The banking system faced new challenge. New reforms should be done to adapt to the changing circumstance. The new regulatory and supervisory was strengthened for more efficient banking system. This essay will first illustrate the banking system in these three countries respectively and then find some similarities or differences between them during the reforms. Finally conclusion will be illustrated. Banking system in Vietnam In order to adapt to the transformation of economy system in Vietnam, much attention are paid on the banking reform and optimization. The financial liberalization process has been continued to accelerate. (1) The government made the duties of specialized banks clear and commercialized the operation...
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...The sector was characterized by small sized banks with high overheads; low capital base averaging less than $10million; heavy reliance on government patronage and loss making. Nigeria’s banking sector was still characterized by a high degree of fragmentation and low levels of financial intermediation up until 2004. In the light of the foregoing, banks are compelled by the Central Bank of Nigeria to raise their capital base from N2 billion to 25 billion on or before 31st December, 2005. Most banks resorted to mergers and acquisition as a survival strategy, which saw a reduction in the number of banks from 89 to 25. This study contributes to the concept of bank recapitalization by critically examining the impact of bank consolidation on the performance of banks using a sample of randomly selected Nigerian banks. It is the intention of the researcher to give more validity to empirical evidence that have been obtained by previous researchers on the subject matter. Relevance of the study The earliest set of studies evaluates the effects of bank consolidation through mergers and acquisitions comparing pre- and post- merger performance by measuring performance using either accounting or productive efficiency indicators.The results from both indicators have varied and at sometimes been contradictory. This can be explained by performance-influencing variables like size, brand name, diversification and cost reduction, there is still no reconciliation between these indicators. I intend...
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...consequently rising of sea level, which will directly affect the low lying countries of the world like Bangladesh. The world conscious people are also concerned about the increase of Green House Gases and Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and thereby depletion of Ozone layer. As such, every person and especially the professionals must have greater role to check the environmental degradation. The contribution of the banking sector is playing significant role to save the environment through their CSR, investment or other activities. To save the environment, Green Management is the great initiative which is taken by bank all over the world. The word „Green Banking‟ is very common concept in the world. Global warming is a great issue in protection of hygienic society. There is high possibility of playing significant role of Green Banking in the global warming issue. The green banking concept is evolved in western countries and now is practiced in most of the countries in the world. It indicates endorsing environment-friendly practices and reducing carbon footprint from banking activities. Green banking is not just another corporate...
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...topics keeping pace with their future career. Banks are dominent inatitutions of national & international financial system. It has become the heart of the economy. Banks cannot remain indifferent to developments in national as well as international financial system. Banks are highly leverage & exposed to exchange rate risk, international interest rate risks. Now a days we are living in a global village- no economy is insulated from the world economy. Banking sector of the world is contributed in the present global economy. To establish a strong banking sector it is required to have good study in banking operations. Today’s Economic policy is concerned to obtain the optimum economic success in a country’s economy. Banking sector and banking activities are playing a vital and important role to achieve that optimum goal of the economy. The successful running of banking business depends upon effective banking operation. As a new commercial bank FIRST SECURITY ISLAMI BANK LTD. has a huge responsibility to ensure efficient and effective banking operation all over the Bangladesh in a sound manner with other Banks as a competitor.Banking sector is indispensable part in a modern age and modern society. Italways plays a vital role to the economic development of a country. In modern age of science and technology the banking sector all over the world has been undergoing a lot of changes due to deregulation, technological innovation and globalization. Basically bank take deposits...
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...dependability on banks is in fact making this banking industry highly competitive and concentrated as discussed below. As these industries take their time to analyze the merits and demerits of each bank in the industry and which is likely to benefit them more, the banks on the other hand strive to make their business attractive to those potential customers. What will result is onset of competition that will increase the innovativeness of the banks as each struggle to attract the highest number of industries in form of customers. Attractiveness in Banking Investment Introduction The recent years have seen a rise in large and well-established banks in developed economies. This has raised concerns on the effects such banks will have on the countries’ economy. Many economists are of the view that large banks may have a negative impact on a country’s economy as well as the borrowers. As such, there have been debates on whether or not large banks should be broken up into small banks that have less market power. Scholars from Vietnam and China advocated for the need to break up banks in order to reduce taxpayers and depositors’ risk and enhancing the bank’s leverages level. There are various benefits relating to breaking up banks. As such, China and Vietnam might be right in listening to the claims that large banks should be broken up. This paper will examine this claim in detail by examining whether Vietnam and China banking sector are in trouble or not. This is a fact...
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...THE BANKING INDUSTRY IN NIGERIA. BY Adegboye Folasade Bosede Department of Banking & Finance Covenant University Ota, Ogun state. Tel: 07032678252 e-mail:sadeadegboye@yahoo.com THIS PAPER IS TO BE PRESENTED AT: THE 8TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE NIGERIAN SOCIOLOGICAL SOCIETY AT TEMPRANCE HOTEL OFF THE BELLS UNIVERSITY ROAD OTA, OGUN STATE. DATE: TUESDAY NOVEMBER 25- THURSDAY NOVEMBER 27, 2008 ABSTRACT Professionalism in banking is violated when ethical or legal fundamentals are breached or blatantly disregarded. Ethics is a strong code of morality, which for an occupation such as banking, plays an important role in the well being of individuals, businesses, national and international economies. Unethical conduct manifests itself in various ways, including insider abuse, fraudulent dealings; irregularity/inaccuracy in rendition of reports, these are problems bordering on business ethics as evident in the Nigerian banking crisis. A multiple regression analysis was used and from the summary of the finding, we can infer that the consequences of insider dealing and problem of business ethics can be disastrous and could result in loss of confidence and trust in the industry, loss of business for the institutions, shareholders, board/management disputes, operational losses, distress of the sector, and liquidation of institutions, capital flight, and stagnation of the economy. INTRODUCTION Traditionally, the role of banks whether in a developed or developing economy, consists...
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...Role of Banks for developing the Economy of Bangladesh Role of Banks for developing the Economy of Bangladesh Introduction Banks over the years, have become a significant aspect of an economy. With the on going financial depression, the position of banks have become all the more important in the course of working of the money market and hence the economy of a nation. The banking sector forming a portion of the financial sector primarily works as a financial intermediary generating money supply. From the different macro economic models , banks have been found to be a part of the supply side of the economy . However, over time banks have transformed from merely money generating organizations to a multi tasking entity. In this paper, we shall deal with the role of banks in the context of the world economy as well as the Bangladesh economy . The first section will illustrate the functions of a bank along with its classification. In the second section, we shall discuss the role of a banks as a major component of the service sector rendering to the economy as a whole. In the third section, we would like to empirically validate our hypothesis with a comprehensive data analysis. The recession in the US market and the global meltdown termed as Global recession have engulfed complete world economy with a varying degree of recessional impact. World over the impact has diversified and its impact can be observed from the very fact of falling Stock market, recession in jobs availability...
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...Swiss Private Banking Table of Contents: I. Introduction: 1) Economy of Switzerland; 2) Overview of Swiss Private Banking Sector; II. Strengths and Opportunities of Swiss Private Banking: 1) Privacy; 2) Protection and Safety; 3) Stability and High Quality Standards; III. Weaknesses and Problems that Swiss Private Banking is facing: 1) Dependency on socio- demographic factors; 2) Shifting of wealth concentration; 3) Speed of recovery of markets; 4) Threat to offshore banking; 5) Hard to ensure sustained profitability; IV. Offshore banking in the light of current financial crisis V. Differences in the way different sized banks were effected: 1) Megabanks; 2) Small – medium sized banks; VI. Strategies adopted by private banks after financial crisis: 1) Credit Suisse; 2) UBS; VII. Conclusion Switzerland is one of the most stable, modern and highly developed economies in the world nowadays. Percentage of Swiss Workforce by Sector of Economy is as following: - 1960: Services (39%); Manufacturing (47%) ; Agriculture (15%) ; - 2008: Service (73%); Manufacturing (23%); Agriculture (4%). Economic history of Switzerland is characterized by steady movement to higher productivity industries and services. Traditionally, the Swiss economy used to ran as calmly and soundly as a Swiss clock, well-oiled by the money inflows to Swiss private banks. The country of Switzerland has a small territory compared to surrounding countries and...
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...1 Introduction Banking is an important institution in the economy and plays a very important role in the economic life and economic growth of any society. While it is of common understanding that banking is not “The Economy”, it is agreed that the health of the country’s economy is closely related to the soundness of its banking system which can be sustained through strict regulations and supervision in order to monitor and control business risks such as Capital Risks, Liquidity Risks, Credit Risks, Exchange Risks, Operational Risks, Market Risks and Legal Risks. Bank regulations and bank supervision are required to facilitate a ‘Systematic Risk Reduction’ approach thus reducing the risk of adverse trading conditions and to ensure that Financial Institutions satisfy at least the minimum ‘Prudential’ requirements in order to reduce the risk factor that creditors are exposed to. Lack in regulations and slack in supervision may lead to Financial Institutions risking bankruptcy thus exposing their clients of potentially losing their investments and financial assets while distressing the country’s economy. 2 What is the actual function of a bank within an economy? Banks' traditional role is primarily that of an intermediary for money, i.e. granting loans, processing payments, accepting deposits, carrying out investments, etc... Although banks do not create new wealth, through borrowing, lending and related activities they facilitate...
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...Growth of Banking and Development in India The world’s second largest populated country, India, is the apple of the eye for the world now. The world economies are seeing it as their potential market. This has been going on since quite some time now, ever since 1991 reforms of liberalization, globalization and privatization. Indian markets in urban areas have grown appreciably and are on the verge of saturation, so corporates have started tapping rural markets, since more than 60 per cent of India’s population lives in rural areas. During this global meltdown and fall of exports, if the Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) sector has been able to show rising quarterly growths, it is because of the Rural Markets and their rising spending power, which have not been affected by this meltdown. If we look at the strategies followed by Rural Marketers in the FMCG sector, it is to sell many small sachets of Rs. 2 shampoo pouches, Rs. 5 Maggi packs and the Rs. 5 chota Pepsi, because here, the strength lies in volume sale, considering the large consumer base in these rural markets which won’t spend altogether at once on buying large family packs of 500ml shampoo or super saver packs of Maggi or a Pepsi pet bottle of 2 litres. Therefore, consumption trends followed by the rural Indian are considered to be the driver of future growth of companies. And this trend of tapping rural markets is visible across all sectors now, be it FMCG, IT, Banking, education etc. For example, today...
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