...About Grains Peeling Machine of The Type Described in Detail Our company had researched and developed six model Grain Peeling Machine Types, following is introduction in detail. MTPZ-8×3 multifunctional compound peeling machine is one of the Grain Peeling Machine Types and main used in various grains peeling, degerming and polishing. It can process grains into peeled kernels once. MTPZ-8×3 multifunctional compound peeling machine can be used as the supporting equipment for our other grain peeling machine type. MTPS Series Oat Peeling Machine is one of the grain peeling machine types and used as the supporting equipment in oat processing technology or as the single equipment. Oat peeling machine has the outstanding features of high yield and low breakage rate. MTPS oat peeling and awn removing machine can remove oat bran and awn. It is the ideal supporting equipment in modern oat processing plants. It has the features of high yield and low breakage rate. MTPS Series Sorghum Peeling Machine is one of the grain peeling machine types and used as the supporting equipment in sorghum processing technology or as the single equipment. The material is conveyed by the screw propeller to the peeling chamber which is at the machine’s core part. It utilizes the emery with high speed rotation and cuts and rubs the sorghum skin continuously, which destroys the bonding strength among corn skin, material skin and endosperm, and makes corn skin separated gradually. Then the material is conveyed...
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...About Grains Peeling Machine of The Type Described in Detail Our company had researched and developed six model Grain Peeling Machine Types, following is introduction in detail. MTPZ-8×3 multifunctional compound peeling machine is one of the Grain Peeling Machine Types and main used in various grains peeling, degerming and polishing. It can process grains into peeled kernels once. MTPZ-8×3 multifunctional compound peeling machine can be used as the supporting equipment for our other grain peeling machine type. MTPS Series Oat Peeling Machine is one of the grain peeling machine types and used as the supporting equipment in oat processing technology or as the single equipment. Oat peeling machine has the outstanding features of high yield and low breakage rate. MTPS oat peeling and awn removing machine can remove oat bran and awn. It is the ideal supporting equipment in modern oat processing plants. It has the features of high yield and low breakage rate. MTPS Series Sorghum Peeling Machine is one of the grain peeling machine types and used as the supporting equipment in sorghum processing technology or as the single equipment. The material is conveyed by the screw propeller to the peeling chamber which is at the machine’s core part. It utilizes the emery with high speed rotation and cuts and rubs the sorghum skin continuously, which destroys the bonding strength among corn skin, material skin and endosperm, and makes corn skin separated gradually. Then the material is conveyed...
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...Whole-grain refers to grain seeds after shelling no refined. Most belong to coarse grains whole grains, such as millet, big yellow rice, a variety of rice (including ordinary brown rice, black rice, purple rice), wheat and other grains, but also has been pulverized or crushed crushed food, such as oatmeal , whole wheat flour. Nutrients lotus seed, Gorgon, barley and other cereals and similar, can be used as whole grain consumption. The benefits of whole-grain cereals Increasing the supply of nutrients. In the same weight, the same premise of energy, whole grain rice can provide the equivalent of more than 3 times the vitamin b1, b2, and potassium, magnesium and other minerals. Energy intake of disease prevention and health ingredients. Whole grain cereals not only contain more dietary fiber and vitamins, it also contains more antioxidants, such as anthocyanins, carotenoids, β-glucan, these substances have health benefits, such as help prevent cancer and coronary heart disease, help control postprandial blood glucose and blood cholesterol, anti-aging eye. High dietary fiber content, can help reduce the risk of colon cancer. Under the same weight, whole grain cereals provide more dietary fiber and resistant starch, which can not only help bowel purge of constipation is very good, and in the large intestine can promote the proliferation of beneficial bacteria, improve bowel channel micro-ecological environment, help reduce the risk of colon cancer. Postprandial blood glucose...
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...经水洗之后晒干粉碎成面的全天然食品。 Whole Grain Vs Whole Wheat Vs Whole Meal Vs Granary Refined Bread? Which is best? What to choose? By Ike Muoma Bsc (Hon) Few foods can claim to play such a prominent part of the staple diet in so many different cultures around the world as bread. From French breads to Mexican Tortillas, rye breads to Indian Naan. All as well as many more have been a universal part of many cultures diet for hundreds of years providing essential nutrients such as vitamins & minerals, proteins as well as fibre and carbohydrates. With all said very few people would know the difference or health benefits between the different breads. To most, apart from the taste, a loaf of bread is a loaf of bread. One or two may recognise that wholemeal has health benefits over white bread but out of these few would be able to pin point these benefits. And ask most people what the differences between Whole Meal, Whole Grain, Whole Wheat and Refined White Bread very few would be able to say for sure. So what is the difference and health benefits some of those breads stacked on the super market shelves? What breads are the best when say on a calorie controlled or to low cholesterol high fibre diets? To know the answer to all these questions a discussion of grains is needed. Breads are usually made from wheat flour, but may be made from any variety of grains, and may contain seeds, nuts, and fruits for flavour and texture. Whole grain or Wholeweat breads are seen as those being the most nutritionally...
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...#2941 Comp I Process Paper 12 April 2013 Monkey Bread It has been widely known as one of the most phenomenal breakfast foods ever, or as a snack throughout the day. I know in my case it’s an all day long kind of snack. The gooey, mouth-watering, caramelized cinnamon and sugar of monkey bread hits the spot no matter what time of day; but without one simple step to this mouth-watering medley it just wouldn’t be the same. To make monkey bread you want to initially make sure you have all your ingredients; which might mean taking a quick trip to the store. Most of the common household things you won’t need to pickup up: such as margarine, sugar, cinnamon, pam (or your choice of cooking spray), a pot, wooden spoon, bunt pan, and a platter to put your finished product on. Unless you’re running low on any of these items, the only things needed from the store are a can of Grand’s Flaky Layer biscuit’s and a can of Grand’s Home-style Buttermilk biscuit’s. Once you have obtained your ingredients and materials, you want to open up both cans of biscuit’s and preheat the oven to 350 degrees so that it is nice and warm by the time you are ready to use it. With the biscuits you just opened, you will also want to mix up about two cups of cinnamon and sugar. Once you have that mixture as you like, you can begin cutting up the biscuits. You want to cut one biscuit from each can into bite size pieces and place them both in the cinnamon and sugar. The cinnamon and sugar should...
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...Eating Meat: Organic Vs. Corn Fed Vs. Grass Fed There are many debates any differing opinions going around, concerning which type of beef—or meat in general, for that matter—is the best for humans to ingest. Having these many6 different opinions and facts floating around makes the average consumer go crazy in the shopping lines. Many people simply want to know what is best for them—the healthiest option for themselves or their family. Finding this information, however, has proven to be quite a difficult task, one that does not seem to be easily completely. Contrary to popular belief, the vast amount of information, views, opinions, and statistics out there, concerning the different types of beef feed actually make the search for the truth more difficult, not easier. The information, what little fact is actually out there, is hard to decipher, due to its complicated nature, and the fact that it looks as though it was written for biologists to understand. The average shopper just wants the facts, in laymen’s terms; however, this is rarely what they find. Unfortunately, what facts they actually find ids obscured by the many opinions and views that have nothing to do with the actual facts. The simple fact remains, though: humans’ bodies are more apt to take-in and digest the type of meat that is more nutritious and able to used the most in our systems—either ads fuel, bone support, vitamins, or minerals. Many consumers now purchase grass-fed or organic beef, thinking...
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...BIOL120 Assignment 1: Practical Report THE GERMINATION RESPONSE OF BARLEY AND MAIZE TO TEMPERATURE Practical Report ABSTRACT An experiment was conducted with the aim of observing the temperature required for the optimal germination of barley and maize. Given that barley and maize embryos are known for germinating in autumn and summer respectively it was to be expected that maize would have a higher threshold to temperature than barley. To investigate this, samples of both maize and barley embryos were subjected to different temperatures. The results supported the hypothesis. Barley had a maximum germination of 98.2 percent (%) at 25 degrees Celsius (⁰C) and maize had a maximum germination of 98.5% at 25⁰C. Conversely the evidence that supports the hypothesis is that barley had its best chance of germination between 20 and 25⁰C and Maize between 25 and 35⁰C. The accounted problem with the experiment was the number of limitations that could have occurred. Some of limitations being the small amount of germinated embryos counted and possibly having unfertile embryo(s). Page 1 Practical Report INTRODUCTION Seed dormancy is a term for the process of seeds having the ability to delay germination until conditions are ideal for them. (Campbell, Reece and Meyers 2009 pg, 820) discuss the process of dormancy as a condition of where the seed have an extremely low metabolic rate and suspension of growth and development. The requirement for specific cues to break seed dormancy increases...
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...is the yeast. This is a galaxy on its own and really, like the intricacies of water chemistry, best left alone for now. Just keep in mind that much of the flavor of beer comes from the yeast, which ferment the sugars into alcohol and CO2 and there are two major classes of beer depending on the yeast, lagers and ales. The other two ingredients, barley and hops, are where we should really concentrate for someone like you. What are they and what do they do? Barley is a grain, like wheat or rice or corn or oats, and it's the traditional grain for making beer although others can be used like those just mentioned. Barley grains are subjected to a few processes to get them to a stage where they can turn all the starch or endosperm into sugar for the yeast to eventually eat and ferment into alcohol. There are two major types of barley, 2-row and 6-row, quite similar to one another, each of which can be subjected to additional processes to develop flavor characteristics. This is where I think you might benefit from learning something about the process as it relates to your ability to select a beer you will be likely to enjoy. First, after barley is malted, that is germinated and then kilned just enough to halt further germination and sprouting, it can be roasted to varying degrees. Think of a piece of bread; if you eat it straight out of the oven a...
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...can the success of Opteron in the server segment be leveraged to other segments? It would take a lot for AMD to catch up with Intel as the gap in terms of market share between the two companies is huge. Except in very specialized niche markets, Intel has kept a significant leadership in every segments, including the server microprocessor market where AMD best performed. Still in the second quarter of 2010, the domination of Intel over the market was undeniable with 86.1% market share against 13.7% for AMD on the pc processor segment, 72.2% against 27.5% on the desktop microprocessor market and a 93.5% market share against 6.5% on the x 86 server microprocessor segment. (Michelle Maisto citing IDC, 2010). Moreover as mentioned by Ofek and Barley “Intel’s dominant market position could limit AMD’s ability to make inroads to key market segments beyond servers, such as corporate desktops and notebooks.” In order to gain significant market share in processor used in corporate desktops and notebooks, AMD should, in my opinion, focus on differentiating its...
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...afafasfasfasfafafas CASE STUDY – INDIAN BEER INDUSTRY Microeconomics Group Assignment Group 3: Shubham Arora – 3 Karthik B – 4 Manisha Garg – 19 Rama Lakshmi M - 32 Sstitute of Management S.P Jain Institute of Management and Research Research Indian Beer Industry – Case Study Analysis The Indian beer industry has been witnessing steady growth of 7-9% per year over the last ten years. The rate of growth has remained steady in recent years, with volumes passing 100m cases during the 2005-2006 financial year. With the average age of the population on the decrease and income levels on the increase, the popularity of beer in the country continues to rise. Industry Consolidation and Emergence of a new Bi-polar Market Dynamic The Indian beer industry has witnessed a big change during the last five years. The industry was previously dominated by competition between the Vijay Mallya-controlled United Breweries Group and the Manu Chabbriacontrolled Shaw Wallace. The scenario changed, however, with the entry of SABMiller in India. The international beer giant started by acquiring small breweries in the south but then completely changed the landscape with the acquisition of Shaw Wallace’s beer portfolio for a reported US$132m in 2003. This gave SABMiller ownership of strong brands like Haywards 5000, along with its existing brands. After the acquisition, SABMiller focused on spreading its footprint across India, including opening new breweries in states where Shaw Wallace did not have...
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...The Prohibition of Riba in The Holy Qur’an & Hadith Definition of Riba • Lexical: دة • Legal: اexcess, increase or addition excess compensation without due consideration made conditional for either party to a contract 2 Types of Riba 1. Riba al-Nase’ah – ر ا • To charge a specified increase or profit on a specific amount lent for a given period • Also known as: • • 2. Riba al-Jahiliyyah Riba al-Qur’an Riba al-Fadhl – ر ا ه • Excess that is taken in the exchange of homogenous ( ) commodities and is encountered in their hand to hand purchase and sale • Also known as: • • Riba al-Bey‘ Riba al-Hadith Historical Analysis - Verse 1 [ ] (39) And that which you give in riba for increase through the property of [other] people, will have no increase with Allah. But that which you give in charity seeking the countenance of Allah, it is these who will get a recompense multiplied. [30:39] • • • Revealed in Makkah Not prohibitive in nature According to the majority of exegetes, refers to the gift that is extended to another with the intention that the latter will return it with a better gift Historical Analysis - Verse 2 [ ] (161) That they took riba, though they were forbidden … [4:161] • • • • • • Enumeration of the iniquity and wickedness of the Jews Exact time of revelation is uncertain Context indicates before 4th year AH as most Jews had by the departed Madinah According to al-Tabari...
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...support artistic and cultural initiatives across Canada by teaming up with local folk festivals, sponsoring exhibits, theatre productions and film festivals. We have even created our Big Rock Untapped music program to show our support for musicians in need of a leg up so they can reach the next leg of their careers. Even our annual Eddies Awards provide a venue for aspiring filmmakers and actors while raising funds for local charities. Agriculture & the Environment We are strong believers in the long-term sustainability and health of agriculture and the environment. We've proudly supported organizations like the Western Barley Association and the Alberta Beef Producers. We've even created limited edition brews, Canvasback Ale, which benefited wetlands conservation, or Chinook Pale Ale that helped protect salmon habitat. Day-to-day we take the barley used...
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...Drinking beer is a favorite past-time, whether for the variety of types, or the history, or just enjoying an ice-cold mug of brew with your friends. People want to know what makes a light lager light, and what makes a dark lager dark? Is it the ingredients in the brew or is it how it’s made? Light lagers only came about around the 60’s and 70’s because people wanted to drink beer without getting fat. Basically light lagers are made from using less hops and barley in the brewing process and watering down the lager, essentially creating a lighter color and less filling beer. Almost every beer is either ale or a lager. Lagers are fermented at colder temperatures than ales. They tend to have cleaner, crispier flavors and tamper-down aromas. When it comes to the color though, it comes down to the Maillard reaction. The Maillard reaction came around in the late 1800’s by the work of a French chemist known as Louis-Camille Maillard. This reaction is one of the most important reactions to know in how lager looks different from an amber or a stout beer. This reaction may also be known as “browning” in the brewing world. It’s basically heating sugar until the sugar compound is by itself and having amino acids react the reducing sugar. It is to be known that the reaction only happens at elevated temperatures but it can happen at room temperatures as well. Caramelization has similarities to the Maillard reaction as well which gives beer its final color. Color that a lager or ale is measured...
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...In Guns, germs and steel, the Professor Jared Diamond asserts that inequality was brought up by the development of crops like wheat and barley. As a fact, agriculture gave a reliable source of food and triggered specialization. Firstly, the domestication of wheat and barley gave a huge head start to the Middle East because it supplied them with a sufficiency of nutritious crops. As an illustration, the archaeologist, Ian Kuijt mentions “they interrupted the normal environmental cycle and started to select these individual plants and basically rewarding those that were going to be most profitable to them. Once that whole process started, people were starting to control nature”. This quote shows that the people in the Middle East established...
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...customs and names.[1] In 1989, Fred Eckhardt furthered Jackson's work publishing The Essentials of Beer Style.[2] Although the systematic study of beer styles is a modern phenomenon, the practice of distinguishing between different varieties of beer is ancient, dating to at least 2000 BC. The study of what constitutes a beer's style may involve provenance,[3] local tradition,[4] ingredients,[5] and/or empirical impression, which is conventionally broken down into several elements; typically - aroma, appearance, flavour and mouth feel.[6] The flavor may include the degree of bitterness of a beer due to bittering agents such as hops, roasted barley, or herbs; and the sweetness from the sugar present in the beer. Beers of spontaneous fermentation produced in Belgium using wild strains of yeast are referred to as Lambic Barley Barley has been a...
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