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The Prohibition of Riba in The Holy Qur’an & Hadith

Definition of Riba
• Lexical: ‫دة‬
• Legal:

‫ ا‬excess, increase or addition excess compensation without due consideration made conditional for either party to a contract 2 Types of Riba

Riba al-Nase’ah –
‫ر ا‬
• To charge a specified increase or profit on a specific amount lent for a given period
• Also known as:


Riba al-Jahiliyyah
Riba al-Qur’an

Riba al-Fadhl – ‫ر ا ه‬
• Excess that is taken in the exchange of homogenous
) commodities and is encountered in their hand to hand purchase and sale
• Also known as:

Riba al-Bey‘
Riba al-Hadith

Historical Analysis - Verse 1

] (39)

And that which you give in riba for increase through the property of [other] people, will have no increase with Allah. But that which you give in charity seeking the countenance of Allah, it is these who will get a recompense multiplied.

Revealed in Makkah
Not prohibitive in nature
According to the majority of exegetes, refers to the gift that is extended to another with the intention that the latter will return it with a better gift

Historical Analysis - Verse 2

] (161)

That they took riba, though they were forbidden …

Enumeration of the iniquity and wickedness of the Jews
Exact time of revelation is uncertain
Context indicates before 4th year AH as most Jews had by the departed Madinah
According to al-Tabari – refers to predetermined excess taken upon the lending of a specified amount for a specified period
Not explicitly prohibitive for Muslims
Prohibition for Muslims is inferred, otherwise Jews would not be blameworthy

Historical Analysis - Verse 3

] (130)

O you who believe! Devour not usury, doubled and multiplied; but fear Allah, that you may prosper.

According to Ibn Hajar – revealed in 2AH as preceding and succeeding verses are about the
Battle of Uhud
Prevented Muslims from usurious loans to equip their armies in response to the action of the pagans Explicit prohibition of compound interest
Qualification is not exclusive but rather suggestive of prevalent practice

Historical Analysis - Verses 4 & 5
[ ] (276)
Those who devour riba will not stand except as stands one the Satan has driven to madness by his touch. That is because they have said: "Trade is but like riba." but Allah has permitted trade and forbidden riba. So, whosoever after receiving admonition from his Lord desists, he shall be pardoned for the past, and his case is for Allah (to judge); but one who reverts (to the offence), those are the companions of the fire. They will abide therein (for ever). Allah destroys riba and gives increase for deeds of charity, for Allah loves not any ungrateful/non-believing sinner.

Historical Analysis - Verses 4 & 5
• Those engaged in riba are consumed by greed leaving them ‘intoxicated’ thereby which will be mirrored on the Day of Judgement
• Consequence of their mocking justification – both earned a profit
• Obviously erroneous similitude was not countered on the basis of reason
• Prohibition was not retrospective

Historical Analysis - Verses 6 & 7


] (279)


O you who believe! Fear Allah, and give up what remains of your demand for riba, if you are indeed believers. If you do it not, take notice of war from Allah and His Messenger. But if you repent you shall have your capital sums. Deal not unjustly, and you shall not be dealt with unjustly.

Dispute between Banu ‘Amr b, ‘Umeyr of Banu Thaqif [who embraced Islam in 9AH] and
Banu Mughirah over vast outstanding claims of interest earned prior to prohibition.

Prohibition of Riba in Hadith






Abu Hurayrah

reports that the Prophet


“Refrain from seven deadly things: The companions asked him:
What are these? He said: To associate partners with Allah, sorcery; to kill a soul without valid reason in the eyes of Allah; to devour interest; to devour the property of the orphan; to flee from the battlefield; and to falsely implicate chaste, innocent, believing women of vulgarity.”
[Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, Nasai]

Prohibition of Riba in Hadith





Jabir b. Abdullah reports that the Prophet cursed the receiver of interest and the payer thereof, the one who records it and the two witnesses thereof. He said: "They are all alike [in guilt]."
[Muslim, Tirmidhi, Ahmad]

Prohibition of Riba in Hadith


In another hadith it says:





[Ibn Majah]
‘Riba has 73 doors or 70 grades, least serious is equivalent to committing adultery with his own mother’.

Riba al-Fadhl


It is reported from Abu Sa‘eed al-Khudari , he said: the
Messenger of Allah said: “[Exchange] gold with gold, silver with silver, wheat with wheat, barley with barley, dates with dates, salt with salt in equal quantities and spot. Anyone who increases the quantity or asks for increase indulges in riba. The receiver and payer are equal in this.”





It is reported from ‘Ubadah b. al-Saamit

, he said: the

said: “Gold for gold, silver for
Messenger of Allah silver, wheat for wheat, barley for barley, dates for dates, and salt for salt, like for like, equal for equal, and hand to hand. If these commodities differ, then you may as you wish, provided that the exchange is hand to hand.”

Umar is reported to have said:
‫ا: ا‬
‫ِ إ‬
‫ٌ و ِدت أن ر ل ا‬
‫ث د‬
‫وأ اب أ اب ا . روا ا‬
Three issues are such where I wish the Prophet had explained them to us in further detail. [Two of these relate to inheritance, viz.] the grandfather and kalaalah [deceased who has no ascendants or descendants], and certain chapters of Riba.
[Ibn Majah]

6 different commodities
1. Gold
2. Silver
3. Wheat
4. Barley
5. Dates
6. Salt

Weight and genus [
‫(] ا زن ا‬gold & silver)

Volume and genus [
‫( ] ا‬wheat, barley, dates & salt)

Medium of exchange and genus [
‫( ] ا‬gold & silver)

Edible and genus [
‫( ] ا‬wheat, barley, dates & salt)

Medium of exchange and genus [
‫( ] ا‬gold & silver)

Preservable and genus [
‫( ] ا د ر ا‬also edible [
‫ ] ا‬according to some) Hanbali

Same as Hanafi

Same as Shafi‘ee

Edible, weight and volume

Misconceptions about Riba
1. The verses on Riba were revealed in the final days of the
Prophet Mohammed (SAW)’s life and he therefore did not have time to explain them properly.
2. Interest only becomes Riba when the poor are exploited.
3. Interest is only Riba when the amount loaned is ‘doubled and re-doubled’ –
4. Interest is only Riba when loans are given for consumption needs, not productive needs.
5. We can justify Riba on the basis of it being a necessity of the current time and economic climate.

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