...Barrack Hussein Obama was born to America by Ann Dunham and Kenyan father, Barrack Obama Sr, who were college students at the University of Hawaii. His father later came back to Kenya to work as a government economist leaving the junior Obama and his mother in America. His mother later remarried an Indonesian oil manager and they moved to Jakarta when Barrack was six. In Indonesia he experienced real weight of poverty and he later moved back to Hawaii where he lived with his grandparents. His grandfather was furniture salesman while his grandmother was a banker. He managed to join Punahou School, the best preparatory school in Hawaii. His father used to write to him regularly but he managed to visit Barrack only once when he was ten. Obama attended Chicago University. Later on he worked as a community organizer of a small Chicago church-based group for three years helping poor South Side residents to deal with a wave of plant closings. He visited Harvard law school and in 1990 he became the first African-American editor of the Harvard Law Review. He married Michelle Robinson a fellow attorney and has two daughters, Malia Obama and Sasha Obama. In 2004 he was elected as a democrat to the US Senate to represent Illinois and gained national attention by giving a rousing speech during the Democratic National convention in Boston. In 2008 he ran for the presidency despite having four year experience in politics and he won defeating his close rival McCain. In 2009 he was sworn the...
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...POTUS" Introduction Barrack Obama became the 44th President of the United States of America on January 20th, 2009. He is the first African American to take office and with his presidency he promised to make changes to America that would liberate the American people from crisis into a bright new beginning. In his Inauguration speech, he claimed to mend the financial crisis by stimulating jobs and laying a “new foundation for growth” (Naughton, “Inauguration speech”). He promised to rebuild the Nation’s foundations such as roads, bridges, electric grids, and digital lines, to revive the prosperity and importance of science, to increase the care and lower the cost of health care, to mend the threat of global warming, to enact peace with Afghanistan, to withdraw from Iraq, and to transform the educational system to meet the conditions of a new era (Naughton, “Inauguration speech”). Throughout his first year as president Obama has enacted many policies and regulations such as the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, Recovery and Reinvestment Act, and Health Care Bill. However, has Obama stayed true to his original promises stated throughout his campaigns, in his Inauguration speech, as well as his first State of Union speech. Has Obamba’s first year been a success or a failure? This essay will explore the history of Obama’s ascend to presidency, his success and failures, and an overall evaluation of Obama’s first year in office. The Rise of Barrack Obama Obama was born on August 4, 1961...
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...will have On High School Dropouts Male and female A directed study project submitted to the faculty of the Graduate school of business candidacy For the degree of masters of Education Definition of terms………………………………………………………………8 Significance of the study………………………………………………………...9 Organization of the study………………………………………………………..9 II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Current Literature…………………………………………………………………….13 III. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODLOGY Research methodology……………………………………………………………….16 IV. FINDINGS Results………………………………………………………………………………..17 V. CONCLUSION Introduction………………………………………………………………………….30 Summary and Conclusion……………………………………………………………31 Recommendations……………………………………………………………………32 REFERENCES References………………………………………………………………………...33 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Context of the problem Every year the statistics reveal that more high school students are dropping out of school at an alarming rate. There are many factors that contribute to the high school dropout rate such as: teen pregnancy, substance abuse and socio-economic standards, peer pressure and familial factors. Three-quarters of state prison inmates are high school drop outs, 90% of the 11,000 youth in adult detention facilities...
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...Critically analyse methods which might be used to overcome prejudice. According to the oxford shorter dictionary prejudice is; a previous judgement especially a premature or hasty judgement, preconceived opinion; bias, favourable or unfavourable prepossession, usually with unfavourable condition, an unreasoning prediction or objection. Therefore prejudice is usually theorized as an attitude that has a cognitive element e.g. how people hold a certain belief about another group. It has an emotional element e.g. either they dislike or like the other group or it has an impulse element e.g. they might have a natural predisposition to have negative thoughts towards the other group. However most researchers define prejudice as a negative attitude. Alport (1954) in his seminal volume the nature of prejudice defined prejudice as “an antipathy based on faulty and inflexible generalization i.e. it’s an outgrowth of normal human function. He believed that “the human mind must think with the aid of categories…. Once formed categories are the basis for normal prejudgment. Humans cannot possibly avoid this process. Orderly living depends upon it (p.20). This explanation tells us that prejudice is not something logical or based in fact, but rather, on a series of assumptions, half-truths and guesses. Based on recent evaluations of what prejudice is, I have come to understand prejudice is based on an individual’s attitude whether positive or negative toward groups which creates a standard...
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...Table of Contents Abstract 4 Introduction 4 Gender Diversity 7 Diversity in Sexuality 8 Racial Diversity 10 Diversity in Age 11 Cultural Diversity 12 Religious Diversity 13 Importance of Diversity Training 18 Recommendations for Managers 22 Conclusion 26 References 28 Abstract This research paper addresses the importance of diversity training in the workplace. Having realized how pertinent workplace discrimination is globally, this paper will give a broad look into the various ways that diversity is displayed in the workplace. The diversity issues involving gender, sexuality, race, age, culture and religion will be explored, and the benefits that diversity training brings in each area will be outlined. Examples of the approaches that many Fortune 500 companies are taking will be touched on throughout the paper, as well as, the strategies behind corporate inclusion. Finally, manager’s recommendations will be given on ways to incorporate diversity training into an organization, and the potential outcomes that it brings to an organization. Introduction People differ in many aspects of their lives. We differ in race, color, sex, religious beliefs and origin to name a few. These diverse characteristics are what make us so unique from one another. Some people see diversity as an opportunity to learn and grow from other people, but others see it as a hindrance, which should be eliminated. Discrimination is defined as treatment or consideration...
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...Barack Obama Dreams from My Father “For we are strangers before them, and sojourners, as were all our fathers. 1 CHRONICLES 29:15 PREFACE TO THE 2004 EDITION A LMOST A DECADE HAS passed since this book was first published. As I mention in the original introduction, the opportunity to write the book came while I was in law school, the result of my election as the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review. In the wake of some modest publicity, I received an advance from a publisher and went to work with the belief that the story of my family, and my efforts to understand that story, might speak in some way to the fissures of race that have characterized the American experience, as well as the fluid state of identitythe leaps through time, the collision of cultures-that mark our modern life. Like most first-time authors, I was filled with hope and despair upon the book’s publication-hope that the book might succeed beyond my youthful dreams, despair that I had failed to say anything worth saying. The reality fell somewhere in between. The reviews were mildly favorable. People actually showed up at the readings my publisher arranged. The sales were underwhelming. And, after a few months, I went on with the business of my life, certain that my career as an author would be short-lived, but glad to have survived the process with my dignity more or less intact. I had little time for reflection over the next ten years. I ran a voter registration project in...
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...Occupy movement From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search This article's use of external links may not follow Wikipedia's policies or guidelines. Please improve this article by removing excessive or inappropriate external links, and converting useful links where appropriate into footnote references. (June 2013) Occupy movement Part of response to the late-2000s financial crisis and subprime mortgage crisis and the impact of the Arab Spring Combination of October 2011 global protests.jpg Worldwide Occupy movement protests on 15 October 2011 Location Worldwide (List of locations) Methods Occupation Non violent protest Civil disobedience Picketing Demonstrations Internet activism General strikes Direct action Arrests/Injuries/Deaths Arrests: 7,700+,[1] Injuries: 400+,[2] Deaths: 32[3][4][5][6][7] The Occupy movement is an international protest movement against social and economic inequality, its primary goal being to make the economic and political relations in all societies less vertically hierarchical and more flatly distributed. Local groups often have different foci, but among the movement's prime concerns is the belief that large corporations and the global financial system control the world in a way that disproportionately benefits a minority, undermines democracy and is unstable.[8][9][10][11] The first Occupy protest to receive wide coverage was Occupy Wall Street in New...
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...Contents Cover Title Page Dedication Prologue: The Day my World Changed PART ONE: BEFORE THE TALIBAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A Daughter Is Born My Father the Falcon Growing up in a School The Village Why I Don’t Wear Earrings and Pashtuns Don’t Say Thank You Children of the Rubbish Mountain The Mufti Who Tried to Close Our School The Autumn of the Earthquake PART TWO: THE VALLEY OF DEATH 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Radio Mullah Toffees, Tennis Balls and the Buddhas of Swat The Clever Class The Bloody Square The Diary of Gul Makai A Funny Kind of Peace Leaving the Valley PART THREE: THREE BULLETS, THREE GIRLS 16 17 18 19 20 The Valley of Sorrows Praying to Be Tall The Woman and the Sea A Private Talibanisation Who is Malala? PART FOUR: BETWEEN LIFE AND DEATH 21 ‘God, I entrust her to you’ 22 Journey into the Unknown PART FIVE: A SECOND LIFE 23 ‘The Girl Shot in the Head, Birmingham’ 24 ‘They have snatched her smile’ Epilogue: One Child, One Teacher, One Book, One Pen . . . Glossary Acknowledgements Important Events in Pakistan and Swat A Note on the Malala Fund Picture Section Additional Credits and Thanks Copyright Prologue: The Day my World Changed I COME FROM a country which was created at midnight. When I almost died it was just after midday. One year ago I left my home for school and never returned. I was shot by a Taliban bullet and was flown out of Pakistan unconscious. Some people say I will never return home but I believe firmly in my heart that...
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...Contents Cover Title Page Dedication Prologue: The Day my World Changed PART ONE: BEFORE THE TALIBAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A Daughter Is Born My Father the Falcon Growing up in a School The Village Why I Don’t Wear Earrings and Pashtuns Don’t Say Thank You Children of the Rubbish Mountain The Mufti Who Tried to Close Our School The Autumn of the Earthquake PART TWO: THE VALLEY OF DEATH 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Radio Mullah Toffees, Tennis Balls and the Buddhas of Swat The Clever Class The Bloody Square The Diary of Gul Makai A Funny Kind of Peace Leaving the Valley PART THREE: THREE BULLETS, THREE GIRLS 16 17 18 19 20 The Valley of Sorrows Praying to Be Tall The Woman and the Sea A Private Talibanisation Who is Malala? PART FOUR: BETWEEN LIFE AND DEATH 21 ‘God, I entrust her to you’ 22 Journey into the Unknown PART FIVE: A SECOND LIFE 23 ‘The Girl Shot in the Head, Birmingham’ 24 ‘They have snatched her smile’ Epilogue: One Child, One Teacher, One Book, One Pen . . . Glossary Acknowledgements Important Events in Pakistan and Swat A Note on the Malala Fund Picture Section Additional Credits and Thanks Copyright Prologue: The Day my World Changed I COME FROM a country which was created at midnight. When I almost died it was just after midday. One year ago I left my home for school and never returned. I was shot by a Taliban bullet and was flown out of Pakistan unconscious. Some people say I will never return home but I believe firmly in my heart that...
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...ETHICS IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Third Edition This page intentionally left blank ETHICS IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Third Edition George W. Reynolds Australia • Brazil • Japan • Korea • Mexico • Singapore • Spain • United Kingdom • United States Ethics in Information Technology, Third Edition by George W. Reynolds VP/Editorial Director: Jack Calhoun Publisher: Joe Sabatino Senior Acquisitions Editor: Charles McCormick Jr. Senior Product Manager: Kate Hennessy Mason Development Editor: Mary Pat Shaffer Editorial Assistant: Nora Heink Marketing Manager: Bryant Chrzan Marketing Coordinator: Suellen Ruttkay Content Product Manager: Jennifer Feltri Senior Art Director: Stacy Jenkins Shirley Cover Designer: Itzhack Shelomi Cover Image: iStock Images Technology Project Manager: Chris Valentine Manufacturing Coordinator: Julio Esperas Copyeditor: Green Pen Quality Assurance Proofreader: Suzanne Huizenga Indexer: Alexandra Nickerson Composition: Pre-Press PMG © 2010 Course Technology, Cengage Learning ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this work covered by the copyright herein may be reproduced, transmitted, stored or used in any form or by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including but not limited to photocopying, recording, scanning, digitizing, taping, Web distribution, information networks, or information storage and retrieval systems, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without the prior written permission...
Words: 204343 - Pages: 818
...FRONTLINE JANUA RY 1 3, 2 012 WWW.FRONTLINE.IN INDIA’S NATIONAL MAGAZINE RS.25 WORLD AFFAIRS IRAQ FOOD SECURITY PDS CLIMATE CHANGE DURBAN Exit America 49 What people say 96 Uncertain stand 114 Remembering TAGORE On his 150th birth anniversary VOLUME 28 NUMBER 27 TH E STAT E S Fiery trap in Kolkata 41 SC IE NCE Higgs signal? 44 WOR L D A F F A I R S Iraq: Exit America War crimes in the trash Russia: December Revolution Pakistan: Volatile state India & China: Troubled equations DECEMBER 31, 2011 - JANUARY 13, 2012 C O V ER S T O RY 49 52 ISSN 0970-1710 Timeless Tagore As an activist, thinker, poet and rural reconstructionist, Rabindranath Tagore continues to be relevant. A tribute on the 150th anniversary of his birth. 4 WWW.FRONTLINE.IN Jayati Ghosh: Mess in eurozone R.K. Raghavan: A lost battle? 108 118 BOOKS LE TTE R S 73 127 54 57 61 TR AVE L Jungles of Borneo 64 AR T Achuthan Kudallur’s journey 85 H ISTOR Y Of Quit India, Nehru & Communist split 89 FOOD SEC UR I T Y Understanding the PDS Kerala: Power of literacy Bihar: Coupon fiasco Jharkhand: Strong revival Chhattisgarh: Loud no to cash E CONOM Y Losing momentum Interview: C. Rangarajan, Chairman, PMEAC CL IM A TE C H A N G E Uncertain stand in Durban CONTR OV E R S Y Mullaperiyar dispute: Deep distrust Fallout of fear OBITU A R Y Humble genius: Mario Miranda Korea’s...
Words: 77117 - Pages: 309
...The Economist 本 PDF 由人人网《经济学人》翻译组提供翻译、整理 新浪微博请关注 http://weibo.com/tett 原文版权归经济学人集团所有 小组地址 http://xiaozu.renren.com/xiaozu/228064 主宰自己人生的秘诀在于求知与冒险,前者让你预见未来,后者让你掌控你所预见的未来。 鸣 组长:钮成拓 组长:胡伟凡 谢 翻译 A 组(一周时事 The world this week 文艺 Books and Arts) 组员:史心语 李雅婷 罗智 朱田牧 沈鱼 唐宇 熊朋迪 姚欣悦 翻译 B 组(财经 Finance & Economics 科技 Science & Technology) 组员:陈默 汤旭武 熊佳 黄文琦 王紫珊 徐莉钦 袁子葳 陈玉梅 许青 汤永永 翻译 C 组(精粹 Briefing 亚洲 Asia) 组长:贺鹏 组员:董董 王英莲 金婧华 杨婕 郑玮 闵昂 董平 苏秋秋 刘畅 杨畅 翻译 D 组(商业 Business 社论 Leaders) 组长:卢爽 组员:程娟 曹宝平 张力 巩子笠 王同同 谢乙德 赵一蓉 管浩波 翻译 E 组(美国 United States 美洲 The Americas) 组长:程蒙 组员:慧子 孔德威 栾子越 裴静 郑恒 胡文玉 王思思 马绍博 李苏 翻译 F 组(中东与非洲 Middle East and Africa 国际 International) 组长:单李扬 组员:樊睿 沈骜 林冰洁 李小千 黄献禾 蔡丽艳 李骏 刘超 翻译 G 组(英国 Britain 欧洲 Europe) 组长:周薇薇 组员:徐文婕 周开文 郭伟华 战培良 郭爽 芳菲 柳杨 王征 李慧彗 郭心睿 李寅 罗丹 张亚玲 校对组 组长:尹茜 组员:李晓敏 任昊 汪楚航 胡心云 张诗玲 张理中 王晴 刘洋 杨舒雅 费凡 ——组员专访 没有赶上这周的小组会议, 但是也得服从组织安排啊。 这周的题目是政治和金融的结合体, 尽管不长, 也让我大费周章。 虽然嘴上说再也不要碰经济类的文章了,但是心里还是有种想要去正视自己软肋的冲动。每次都是拖拖拉拉直到最后,有时 候还要翻译到一点多,厚着脸皮向刘总、组长和校对组的同学们表示深深的歉意。 因为考研,我加入了这个小组,从当初看不得群里一片喧哗,气愤从网横行的河蟹,然后为分组纠结,再到后来认识了 好多朋友,成长的确是一件值得开心的事情。那么多伙伴祝我生日快乐,我一条一条看过去,留下了一个一边笑一边想哭的 扭曲表情。 今天刘总把人人小组对翻译团的超好评发出来了,今后也请各位继续多多努力,我们的目标还很远大呢! C 组-苏秋秋 2011.9.10 《经济学人》中英文对照版 2011 年 9 月 10 日刊 免费订阅地址:http://s8.hk/5vqm -1- 本刊旨在提供学习交流之用,请于下载后 24 小时内删除,我们鼓励购买正版! The Economist 本 周 政 治 要 闻 BY 史 心 语 &罗 智 本 周 商 业 要 闻 BY 唐 宇 &熊 朋 迪 本 PDF 由人人网《经济学人》翻译组提供翻译、整理 财 经 Finance & Economics 红币在国外 新浪微博请关注 http://weibo.com/tett 原文版权归经济学人集团所有 小组地址 http://xiaozu.renren.com/xiaozu/228064 ...
Words: 122696 - Pages: 491
...Media History Contents 1 Introduction 1.1 Mass media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.1.5 1.1.6 1.1.7 1.1.8 1.1.9 Issues with definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Forms of mass media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Purposes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Professions involving mass media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Influence and sociology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ethical issues and criticism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . See also . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 2 6 6 7 8 10 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 12 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 19 20 21 21 21 1.1.10 Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1.11 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1.12 Further reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1.13 External links . . . . . . . . ....
Words: 146891 - Pages: 588
...THE POWER OF HABIT Duhi_9781400069286_2p_all_r1.j.indd i 10/17/11 12:01 PM Duhi_9781400069286_2p_all_r1.j.indd ii 10/17/11 12:01 PM HABIT W h y We D o W h a t We D o and How to Change It THE POWER OF CHARLES DUHIGG Random House e N e w Yo r k Duhi_9781400069286_2p_all_r1.j.indd iii 10/17/11 12:01 PM This is a work of nonfiction. Nonetheless, some names and personal characteristics of individuals or events have been changed in order to disguise identities. Any resulting resemblance to persons living or dead is entirely coincidental and unintentional. Copyright © 2012 by Charles Duhigg All rights reserved. Published in the United States by Random House, an imprint of The Random House Publishing Group, a division of Random House, Inc., New York. RANDOM HOUSE and colophon are registered trademarks of Random House, Inc. ISBN 978-1-4000-6928-6 eBook ISBN 978-0-679-60385-6 Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper Illustrations by Anton Ioukhnovets www.atrandom.com 2 4 6 8 9 7 5 3 1 First Edition Book design by Liz Cosgrove Duhi_9781400069286_2p_all_r1.j.indd iv 10/17/11 12:01 PM To Oliver, John Harry, John and Doris, and, everlastingly, to Liz Duhi_9781400069286_2p_all_r1.j.indd v 10/17/11 12:01 PM Duhi_9781400069286_2p_all_r1.j.indd vi 10/17/11 12:01 PM CONTENTS PROLOGUE The Habit Cure GGG xi PA R T O N E The Habits of Individuals 1. THE HABIT LOOP How Habits Work 3 31 60 2. THE...
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...500 extraordinary islands G R E E N L A N D Beaufort Sea Baffin Bay vi Da i tra sS t a nm De it Stra rk Hudson Bay Gulf of Alaska Vancouver Portland C A N A D A Calgary Winnipeg Newfoundland Quebec Minneapolis UNITED STATES San Francisco Los Angeles San Diego Phoenix Dallas Ottawa Montreal ChicagoDetroitToronto Boston New York OF AMERICA Philadelphia Washington DC St. Louis Atlanta New Orleans Houston Monterrey NORTH AT L A N T I C OCEAN MEXICO Guadalajara Mexico City Gulf of Mexico Miami Havana CUBA GUATEMALA HONDURAS b e a n Sea EL SALVADOR NICARAGUA Managua BAHAMAS DOMINICAN REPUBLIC JAMAICA San Juan HAITI BELIZE C a r PUERTO RICO ib TRINIDAD & Caracas N TOBAGO A COSTA RICA IA M PANAMA VENEZUELA UYANRINA H GU C U G Medellín A PAC I F I C OCEAN Galapagos Islands COLOMBIA ECUADOR Bogotá Cali S FR EN Belém Recife Lima BR A Z I L PERU La Paz Brasélia Salvador Belo Horizonte Rio de Janeiro ~ Sao Paulo BOLIVIA PARAGUAY CHILE Cordoba Santiago Pôrto Alegre URUGUAY Montevideo Buenos Aires ARGENTINA FALKLAND/MALVINAS ISLANDS South Georgia extraordinary islands 1st Edition 500 By Julie Duchaine, Holly Hughes, Alexis Lipsitz Flippin, and Sylvie Murphy Contents Chapter 1 Beachcomber Islands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Aquatic Playgrounds 2 Island Hopping the Turks & Caicos: Barefoot Luxury 12 Life’s a Beach 14 Unvarnished & Unspoiled 21 Sailing...
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