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Barrel Racing Research Paper

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Barrel racing is one of the most popular uses of the American Quarter Horse in North and South America with approximately $14 million dollars awarded annually in prize money. However, this popularity takes a heavy toll on horses most commonly resulting in forelimb lameness. The National Animal Health Monitoring System published The National Estimate of Economic Costs associated with animal events and production. The number one cause of economic loss in the horse industry is lameness. The NAHMS report indicated that for every 100 horses there are 9-14 lameness related events with each event costing approximately $430.00, taking approximately 110 days to recover from each event, making lameness issues one of the most costly and performance …show more content…
• IRAP (Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist Protein) is an anti-inflammatory therapy which blocks interleukin-1, a major inflammatory substance released due to an injury, reducing further tissue damage. A blood sample is collected from the injured horse and incubated with specially designed glass beads which stimulate anti-inflammatory and regenerative cytokines. The serum is collected from the sample and then injected back into the injured horse.
• Stem Cell Therapy- Fat cells are collected from the injured animal. The stem cells from the fatty tissue are concentrated and injected into the injured area, delivering active fibroblasts to the area needing healing. Horses treated with this therapy have returned to normal work levels prior to injury.
• Tildren- is a bisphosphonate drug shown to be highly effective in treating osteoarthritis in horses and humans. It acts by decreasing osteoclast formation. Tildren can be given locally but is more commonly given systemically, allowing multiple areas of injury to be treated at once. Most effective in horses that experience acute

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