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Barrie Public Library Case Study

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The Barrie Public library strives to provide services, programs, and information to meet the needs of everyone in the city of Barrie. One of the most important tools this library uses in order to meet these needs is with the use of the library’s collection. The collection priorities at this particular library includes shaping the collection in a way that increases the rate of customer satisfaction and increases collection usage. At this current time, the library’s collection to include various kinds of resources such as books, DVD’s, CD’s, magazines, newspapers, eBooks, maps, etc. Due to the fact that the city of Barrie is made up of various age groups from young children to senior citizens, the Barrie Public library has created a collection …show more content…
For example, patrons can find braille books for children within the Barrie Public library’s collection. Like many other libraries the Barrie Public library also has a section set aside which is specifically meant for adult fiction books. This particular library has 2 floors the adult fiction section is located on the first floor. The second floor of this library is dedicated to all of the programs, resources and services which were created for the young children in the community while the first floor of this library is divided up among the teen section, the movie section, the non-fiction section, the graphic novel section, the computer area, the check-out area, the magazine area, and the event space. The adult fiction …show more content…
On the various shelves throughout the library including the shelves in the adult fiction area of the library are a few book displays. These book displays sit on top of the book shelves and advertise to the patrons the libraries newest or most popular books. Some of these book displays also advertise several books within the library’s collection that have won awards. The Barrie Public library also uses their website to advertise its collection to their patrons. Those who work at the Barrie Public library have set up various pages that could be used to help patrons find content from their collection that they may enjoy. One of these pages is called Good reading ideas and is located in the section of the library’s website that was created specifically for adults. On this page patrons can find helpful hints on how to use the libraries resources to find good books. some of these resources include a list of new titles that have been recently purchased by the library, several links to book related websites, a yearly list of reading suggestions created by the staff as well as several other lists of staff recommended content including a list of adult fiction, fiction audiobooks, adult nonfiction, nonfiction audiobooks, graphic fiction and nonfiction, movies, tv shows and documentaries, teen fiction,

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