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Battle Of Algiers Summary

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change that allowed them to make up for their military incompetence. The confidence gained by the French after they wont the Battle of Algiers blinded them to consider the possibility that the FLN would fight back yet again. The French authorities won a significant battle but ultimately failed in their goal to sustain their political control over the region as Independence for Algeria was granted in 1962. The significant loss of army men, resources and territories during the battle in Algiers did not deter the will of the FLN to fight which proves how this strong strategy of defense used by the weak is key to securing victory.
Record includes Ivan Arreguin-Toft’s theory of how a specific strategy used by both sides greatly affects the outcome. He …show more content…
It is seen that “democracies are softer targets of coercive insurgent violence.” Merom explains, “democracies fail in small wars because they find it extremely difficult to escalate the level of violence and brutality to that which can secure victory.” The stronger side’s gruesome and violent tactics only decrease national and international support, as it is looked upon as immoral and unjust. The French’s violent use of torture, illegal executions and kidnapping provide examples for the lack of support received back in France when news broke of these atrocities. “The stronger side relied on conscripted armies that incurred substantial casualties, and in a democracy there is nothing so toxic in weakening domestic political support for limited war as dead and maimed conscripts.” The financial and political backing falters and they are unable to continue imposing the threats that were allowing them to initially win. In Record’s article, Mack, Toft and Merom offered insight into how the French were ultimately defeated by a weaker enemy. This insight provides lessons to be learned when faced with similar wartime

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