...Executive summary:This assignment focuses on energy efficiency in both refurbishing buildings and in Commercial Buildings.It also investigates methods such as the SPP, ROR and IRR to calculate the most energy efficient solutions.The assignment outlines the role of the COAG and summarises the legal requirements in accordance with NCC Volume 1 Part J1 (energy efficiency).It also explores energy efficiency regulations in commercial building services such as the CBD Program and its compliance issues, NABERS and BEEC. | | | CONTENTS Title Page 1 Contents 2 Question 1: Council of Australian Governments 3-4 Question 2 (i): SPP and ROR Calculations 5 Question 2 (ii): Internal Rate of Return 4 Question 3: NCC Volume 1 Part J1 (Building Fabric) 6 Question 4 (i): CBD Program 7 Question 4 (ii): Compliance Issues 7 Question 4 (iii): NABERS and BEEC 8 References 9 Question 1 How does the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) hope to improve energy efficiency in the Australian economy? How will this affect the building industry? In 2009, retail buildings accounted for the largest share of energy consumption in commercial buildings with office buildings not far behind. The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) states that the total energy consumption for all commercial buildings is expected to rise by 24% over the period 2009 to 2020. The COAG implemented a method to improve energy efficiency...
Words: 2009 - Pages: 9
...University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University T.Y. PuneSemester V & VI of Pune of B.C.A. University University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune Pattern 2008, w.e.f. 2010-11 Semester – V Course No. 501 502 503 504 505 506 Subject Name VB.NET or VB.NET Programming Internet Programming and Cyber Law Principals of Marketing Core Java Project work ( VB ) Computer Laboratory and Practical Work (.NET + Core Java ) Semester – VI Course No. 601 602 603 604 605 606 Subject Names E-Commerce Multimedia Systems Introduction to Syspro And Operating Systems Advance Java Project Work (Banking & Finance, Cost Analysis, Financial Analysis, Payroll, EDP, ERP etc.) Computer Laboratory and Practical Work (Multimedia + Advanced Java) University of Pune, T.Y. B.C.A., Semester V & VI 2 T.Y. B.C.A. Semester V Subject Name -: VB.NET or VB.NET Programming. Course Code -: 501 Sr. No. 1. TOPICS .NET Framework (Introduction to .NET Framework) 1.1 Introduction 1...
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...Proses Training di BCA Wendy Wijaya 14130110086 Andy wong 14130110078 Triana 14130110164 Kevin Ewing 14130110156 Richard Christofer 14130110085 Kevin Jonathan 14130110089 Profil Perusahaan Pendiri : Sudono Salim Tanggal : 21 Februari 1957 Visi & Misi : Visi : Bank pilihan utama andalan masyarakat, yang berperan sebagai pilar penting perekonomian Indonesia Misi : 1. Membangun institusi yang unggul di bidang penyelesaian pembayaran dan solusi keuangan bagi nasabah bisnis dan perseorangan 2. Memahami beragam kebutuhan nasabah dan memberikan layanan finansial yang tepat demi tercapainya kepuasan optimal bagi nasabah 3. Meningkatkan nilai francais dan nilai stakeholder BCA Tata Nilai : 1. Fokuspada nasabah (customer fokus) 2. Integritas (integrity) 3. Kerjasama tim(teamwork) 4. Berusahamencapai yang terbaik (continous pursuit of excellence) Struktur Organisasi : Program Training IT di BCA Nama : IT Trainee Gambaran : Dalam program ini, para peserta akan mengikuti training penuh waktu selama 6 bulan yang terdiri dari teori, praktek dan juga magang di Divisi IT di BCA. Peserta yang lulus seluruh rangkaian training diatas akan ditempatkan sebagai karyawan tetap di Divisi IT, BCA. Masa Training : 30 Bulan / 2 ½ Tahun Persyaratan : 1. Pendidikan minimal S1 dari jurusan Komputer / Teknik Informatika / Sistem Informasi 2. Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) minimal 3.00 (Strata 1) dan 3.25 (Strata 2) dari skala 4...
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...BCA Section and Part BCA Performance requirements Proposed Project Complies Y/N FIRE RESISTANCE BCA Part C2 Compartmentation and Separation C2.0 Deemed to Satisfy Provisions This Clause specifies that the planned development complies with BCA Section C Performance Requirements if the deem to satisfy provisions are met. ---- NA C2.1 Application of Part Fire section sizes and volumes do not apply to either a carpark provided with a sprinkler system, an open deck carpark or a spectator stand, or residential occupancies. All other classes of building to comply as required. Deemed to Satisfy C2.2 General Floor Area & Volume Limitations This Clause specifies the maximum floor areas and volumes for all classes of buildings and for each type of construction....
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...BGA1 Student Template 308(1).1.7-01, 03-07 Budget Task 1 Company A Selling price: 100 Balance Sheet December 31, Year 10 Assets 0.08 Current Assets: Factory Building Amortization Table Running Balance Cash 62460 Payment Interest Principal 240000.00 Accounts Receivable 228000 1 6,038.57 4,800.00 1,238.57 238,761.43 Inventories: 2 6,038.57 4,775.23 1,263.34 237,498.09 Finished Goods 44800 3 6,038.57 4,749.96 1,288.61 236,209.48 Raw Materials 16236 4 6,038.57 4,724.19 1,314.38 234,895.10 5 6,038.57 4,697.90 1,340.67 233,554.44 Prepaid Expenses 27000 6 6,038.57 4,671.09 1,367.48 232,186.95 Total Current Assets 378496 7 6,038.57 4,643.74 1,394.83 230,792.12 8 6,038.57 4,615.84 1,422.73 229,369.40 Property, Plant, and Equipment: 9 6,038.57 4,587.39 1,451.18 227,918.22 Factory Building 430000 10 6,038.57 4,558.36 1,480.20 226,438.01 Machinery 240000 11 6,038.57 4,528.76 1,509.81 224,928...
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...Chapter 03 Balance of Payments True / False Questions 1. Over half of all dollar bills in circulation are held outside American's borders. True False Multiple Choice Questions 2. The current account balance, which is the difference between a country's exports and imports, is a component of the country's GNP. Other components of GNP include A. consumption and investment and government expenditure. B. consumption and government expenditure and net exports. C. consumption and net exports and government expenditure. D. consumption less imports. 3. If the United States imports more than it exports, then this means that A. the supply of dollars is likely to exceed the demand in the foreign exchange market, ceteris paribus. B. the demand for dollars is likely to exceed the supply in the foreign exchange market, ceteris paribus. C. the U.S. dollar would be under pressure to appreciate against other currencies. D. both b) and c) are correct 4. Balance of payments A. is defined as the statistical record of a country's international transactions over a certain period of time presented in the form of a double-entry bookkeeping. B. provides detailed information concerning the demand and supply of a country's currency. C. can be used to evaluate the performance of a country in international economic competition. D. all of the above 5. If a country is grappling with a major balance-of-payment difficulty, it may not be...
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...BAB III PEMBAHASAN 3.1 Gambaran Umum Perusahaan 3.1.1 Sejarah Singkat PT. Bank Central Asia PT. Bank Central Asia, berawal dari NV Semarang Knitting Factory, yang didirikan pada tanggal 10 Agustus 1955, dengan akte notaris no. 38. Bagian perusahaan tekstil yang telah surplus dimasukkan dalam NV Central Bank Asia pada tanggal 13 Februari 1957. Resmi didirikan/beroperasi awal pusat perniagaan Jl. Asemka Jakarta pada 21 Februari 1957, yang akhirnya diberi nama PT Bank Central Asia pada tanggal 18 Maret 1960. Sejak pertengahan tahun 1970-an, PT. Bank Central Asia mulai berkembang pesat, pada tahun inilah dapat dikatakan merupakan era cepat landas PT. Bank Central Asia. Tahun 1974 misalya, Bank Central Asia bersama-sama lembaga keuangan terkemuka dari Jepang, Inggris, dan Hongkong mulai menjalin kerja sama mendirikan Lembaga Keuangan Bukan Bank (LKBB) yang dinamakan PT. Multi National Finance Coorporation ( Multicor). PT. Bank Central Asia menjado pemegang saham terbesar di Multicor yaitu sebesar 51% dari total saham. Dengan kerja sama yang dilakukan oleh Bank Central Asia dan disertai pengelolaan yang profesional, sumber dana dan jangkauan PT. Bank Central Asia menjadi luas dengan aset yang cukup besar yaitu Rp 12,8 Milyar pada tahun 1977. PT. Bank Central Asia mulai menunjukkan sebagai bank yang menguasai pasar perbankan. Dari hanya 2 cabang di tahun 1972, maka PT. Bank Central Asia terus merebak ke berbagai propinsi atau daerah-daerah yang belum banyak dijangkau bank lain...
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...August 27, 2007, when I have some savings on print book teller BNI, listed 50,000 refund on August 24, 2007. But, August 28, 2007 when I re-requested printed, 50,000 of money, it has taken / credited back. According to customer service BNI, it happened because it was considered there was no difference in the ATM transaction otherwise altered so successful and did not return my money. Although there were not many, but nevertheless I still impaired by ATM BNI. Previously, I have also experienced a similar ugly incident at the ATM BCA (Bank Central Asia) with a lack of money is greater. Around May 15, 2009, I withdraw cash at BCA ATM in Jakarta about Rp1,000,000 but in fact, money that comes out just Rp250,000 or less Rp750,000 whereas the contents of my bank account has been reduced Rp1.000.0000. I immediately make a report by phone to the BCA Access Center. Furthermore, I also suggested make repeated telephone and written report on the BCA branch, the exact location while I withdraw the money. However, after...
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...A study by the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) Sustainable Building and Construction Initiative (SBCI) have shown that the building and construction industry worldwide is responsible for a third of total energy use and in most parts of the world, the greatest contributor of greenhouse gas (GHG) (UNEP-SBCI, 2009). One would therefore think that the efforts resulting from the Kyoto protocol which sets binding targets to reduce GHG emissions would focus on the Building and Construction industry, and this is an opinion which may be true. The effect of the protocol have seen a paradigm shift in the industry towards a ‘Sustainable Development’ movement, being more conscious to the effects the industry has on the environment. The building and construction industry in Singapore has also recognised the need to protect the environment and there have been various efforts to encourage construction activities which may reduce GHG emissions such as the use of alternative energy, recycling construction materials, alternative materials and various government-led initiatives. Singapore however is a small city-state which the UNFCC recognises as an alternative energy-disadvantaged state, facing difficulties in using alternative energy given its small size and compact area (NEA, 2014). Nevertheless, Singapore continues to moderate its GHG emissions by exploring the use of alternative energy sources, particularly natural gas and solar energy. The switch to natural gas has effectively...
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...Recheck IV. Allegations of Non-Compliance 5 V. Appeals 5 VI. Star Grading Criteria 6 a) Mandatory Minimum Requirements b) Criteria for Star Grading Classifications Two star 7 Three star 9 Four star 12 Four plus star 15 Five star 18 c) Criteria for Cars and Limousines 21 VII. Appendix a) ADS Code of Conduct – requirements for buses and coaches b) Terms and Conditions of Star Graded Vehicles 22 22 23 https://busandcoach.sharepoint.com/Shared Documents/BCA STAR GRADING/Star Grading Docs/Star Grading System Guide - 2014.docx 1 Star Grading System Guide I. Star Grading Introduction Star Grading is open to all BCA members and is a great way to showcase the quality of vehicles. Star Grading makes it easier for customers to compare the standards of service offered by individual bus and coach operators, and allows tour operators and travelers to select products in advance with confidence. The Approved Destination Status (ADS) Code of Conduct requires that all buses and coaches used for ADS tours must be BCA Star Graded three stars or higher. The ADS system is based on a bilateral tourism arrangement between the governments of New Zealand and the People’s Republic of China that allows groups of Chinese nationals to travel as tourists to New Zealand. Compliance with the ADS system is monitored by the government agency, Tourism New Zealand. Bus and coach operators providing services for ADS tours are also required to become Qualmark endorsed. The Qualmark assessment criteria...
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...Business case analysis BCA can be defined as a decision support and planning tool that projects the likely financial results and other business consequences of an action. The analysis essentially asks “What happens if we take this or that action?" The analysis answers in business terms—business costs, business benefits, and business risks. The word case in the term signals that BCA results are often used with proposals, or arguments, to “make the case” for taking action or for choosing one decision option over another. The shorter term, business case, can be defined as a recommendation for action based on BCA results. Some business people use the terms cost benefit analyis, financial justification, total cost of ownership, or return on investment analysis to emphasize the special purpose of the study, though what is usually meant by these terms fits the business case analysis (BCA) definition above. While all are essentially "business cases," decision makers and analysts should remember that none of these terms is supported by universally agreed standards. Individual organizations and companies sometimes establish their own standards for content, structure, and the case building process, but cases built elsewhere, under other local standards, can be quite different. Business case results support decision making and planning, but they also provide valuable guidance for managing and controlling projects, programs, or the life cycle of assets. Good case analysis, for instance...
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...Invest in your most valuable asset Master of Science - Technology Programs for Working Professionals We can reach our potential, but to do so, we must reach within ourselves. We must summon the strength, the will, and the faith to move forward - to be bold - to invest in our future. John Hoeven Governer - North Dakota The World of Manipal Manipal University is widely recognized for imparting high quality professional education. Founded 57 years ago by Dr. T. M. A. Pai, Manipal University is located in the bustling student town of Manipal (in Karnataka). Manipal University was the first institute to be recognized as a Deemed University by the Government of India in 1993. Manipal University offers programs in Medicine, Dentistry, Engineering, Nursing, Allied Health, Pharmacy, Life Sciences, Management, Mass Communication, Information Sciences, Hotel Management, Regenerative Medicine and many more. India's top ranked institutions, including Manipal Institute of Technology (MIT) and the Kasturba Medical College (KMC) are part of Manipal University. These colleges have consistently been rated among India's top 10 institutions, in their respective fields, in different surveys over the last few decades. Manipal has come to be recognized for its excellence in Medical and Engineering programs and continuing education in the areas of IT, Semiconductor, Mechanical, Chemical, Management and Healthcare for employed professionals. In its endeavor to provide Continuing Education...
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...No. 99-159C (Filed: July 13, 2001) __________ CENTEX CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, * INC., * * Plaintiff, * * v. * * THE UNITED STATES, * * Defendant. Summary Judgment; Contract Interpretation; FAR; Specifications and Drawings for Construction Clause; Detail in Drawing Held Part of Contract; Additional Compensation Denied __________ Gina M. Vitiello and Seth Price, Atlanta, Georgia, for plaintiff. Erin E. Powell, Civil Division, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, D.C., with whom was Assistant Attorney General David W. Ogden, for defendant. ___________ OPINION __________ ALLEGRA, Judge: The basic issue in this case is whether the contract in question, to construct an addition to a Veteran=s Administration medical facility, required the installation of channel bracing in stud walls with door openings. If it did not, then plaintiff is entitled to additional compensation for ultimately having to install those braces; if the contract did so provide, then plaintiff is entitled to no compensation. After careful consideration of the briefs filed and the oral argument, and for the reasons discussed below, the court concludes that the contract required the channel bracing and, therefore, GRANTS defendant=s motion for summary judgment. I. Statement of Facts On or about September 30, 1993, the Department of Veterans Affairs (AVA@) entered into Contract No. V101DC0086 with Centex Construction Company, Inc. (ACentex@ or Aplaintiff@) to construct a clinical addition and Spinal Chord...
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...Understanding Green Building Construction in Singapore Abstract: Given the pressing environmental issues that is plaguing the world in the 21st century coupled with the global changing of the climate each day, Green Building Construction is starting to be more recognized among counties. Most countries around the world are looking more towards sustainable development in the long term. Such is the case of Singapore as it established various schemes and initiatives to address the environmental degradation problems that it is facing at the moment. In this paper, I will be elaborating the approach that has been undertaken by the Singapore Government in its efforts to developing Green and sustainable buildings in Singapore. From up to date, the initiatives were quite successful but there are still certain limitations which will be addressed at the later part. No doubt that Singapore has enjoyed some success in the area of Green Construction, it will still be imperative for Singapore to continuously improve itself and maintain its success should it want to keep its competitive advantage internationally in the long run. Key words: Green Building Construction, Climate change, sustainable development, environmental degradation, continuous improve Contents Page | | Abstract | 2 | 1.0 | Introduction | 4 | 2.0 | Research Methodology | 6 | 3.0 | Benefits of Green Construction | 6 | 4.0 | Singapore’s Commitment to Green Construction | 8 | 4.1 | Green Mark Scheme 2005...
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...SESSION: MARCH 2011-SEPTEMBER 2011 NIPS COLLEGE OF IT AND MANAGEMENT ALL AHABAD [Synopsis and Project Guidelines] MCA-6th Semester BCA-6th Semester PGDCA-2nd Semester And MBA-4th Semester IMPORTANT DATE S ynopsis Approval Last Date Project S ubmission Date MBA S ynopsis Approval Last Date MBA Project S ubmission Date : : : : 20/05/2011 27/07/2011 30/05/2011 10/08/2011 IMPORTANT INFORMATION MCA-6th S em Project Coordinator PGDCA-2nd S em Project Coordinator BCA-6th Sem Project Coordinator MBA- 4th S em Project Coordinator : Mrs Seema S rivastava : Mr.Gangesh Kumar :Mr.Deepak Mishra Ph:9451686685 :Mr. Jitendra Kumar Keswani Ph: 8081313153 SYNOPSIS GUIDELINE SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT GUIDELINES MCA- BCA- PGDCAMCA -6 BCA-6 & PGDCA -2 Synopsis Format 1. Introduction Of Project 2. Objective Of The Project 3. Scope Of The Project 4. Project Plan 5. The Existing System 6. Background Of The Organization 7. Current Problems 8. Areas For Improvement 9. Proposed System 10. Input/Output Requirement 11. Hardware And Software Requirement 12. Database Requirement 13. System Design 14. Tables And Fields For Database 15. Database Dictionary 16. E-R Diagram 17. ‘0’ Level DFD 18. ‘1’ Level DFD 19. Security Control 20. Future Scope Of The Project 21. Conclusion NIPS COLLEGE OF IT & MANAGEMENT ALLAHABAD Ph: 0532-3291133 th th nd 1 SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT GUIDELINES 22. Reference Or Bibliography Some Suggested Project Title 1. Bank Transactions Management 2. Hotel...
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