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Bed Bugs Research Paper

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Bed bugs are oval, small insects which live off thje blood of animals and humans alike. Adult begbugs in particular have flat bodies which resembles the size of a small apple seed. Once they feed, their bodies become swollen and consist of a reddish color. Even though they can't fly, they move very quickly acroos floors, walls and even ceilings. Female bedbugs have the ability to produce hundreds of eggs which are approxiamtley the size of a dust particle. The problems with beg bugs, is that they are extremly invasive and do not travel durng daytime or when there is the presence of light. And, in as little as one month, they can produce an entire colony. Here are some things to consider when it comes to determinign if you have bed bugs.

1) Unexplainable Itching/Welts …show more content…
Bed bug bits are typically painless at first. However, eventually their bite sites turn tino welts which cause an itching sensation. They usually bite areas of the skin, which are exposed while sleeping, such as your neck, arms, feet and face.

2) Places They Usually Hide

Beg bugs can enter your home through luggage, used couches, beds and clothing. Therefore, if you have been experiocing any physical symtoms, ensure that you check any used item such as a couch that you may have brough into your home. It's aslo worth notign that since they tend to nest in areas and household furniture that you used the most, check the corners of couches, beds, chairs and even tables to see if you can spot them. It's also worth notign that they tend to hid in:
Bed frames
Box springs

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