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Naturalistic Observation

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I decided to do my research paper on a naturalistic observation about sleep. Sleep, to me, is a varied choice to measure. Sleep can determine a person’s mood or day. For my research subject, I choose sleep and rewards. The experiment that I conducted on both my sister’s children, nephew hours of sleep and mood. Additionally, my sister showed concerns about her children growth and development, and the possible impact on her children sleep. My nephew Cairo has never been a good sleep and I remember he suffered from colic as a baby. He may on occasion sleep two nights in a row, but most nights he wakes up every hour. His parents had tried the controlled crying method, but Cairo got sick from crying each time they tried and his toddler sleep problems …show more content…
Layla was afraid of being left alone in her room. I advised that they have some fun playtime in her bed when it’s not bed time so that she would learn that the bed is a fun place to be. Furthermore, so she can learn to be comfortable in her bed. We set a structured bedtime routine so Layla was well aware of when bed time would be and what would happen. We advise her that it’s sleeping alone is part of growing up, and there is nothing to be afraid of. In addition, I created a chart with the days of the week, and recommended my sister to give gold stars every night Layla sleeps in her bed. The chart will improve Layla’s sleeping habit, you can use a reward chart when your child needs to work on changing her behavior. Your child collects stickers or tokens for the chart each time she behaves the way you want. She then gets a reward based on the number of stickers she has gathered. The stickers and the reward reinforce the positive behavior. When Layla awoke during the night I advised that Layla got positive reassurance so she would know she was not alone. I advised that initially Layla would not be left in her room alone when she went to sleep and when she was comfortable falling asleep in her bed they would then leave the room, however returning regularly to check on her and not leaving her to cry. During the night Layla’s parents also needed to respond …show more content…
Rewards and getting praised for it, can create a kind of addictive behavior: children can get addicted to recognition, and thus lose touch with the simple joy of doing what they love. So many of us are addicted to prestige: we get depressed as well as lose admiration and love. Instead of doing what we do for its own sake, we fish for flattery or reassurance, and when the applause dies away, we sink into despair. Giving rewards or praise can be habit-forming. This is because the more rewards we use, the more we have to use them to keep children motivated. Praise cannot create a personal commitment to "good" behavior or performance. It only creates a commitment to seeking praise. Praising and rewarding are deeply ingrained habits, particularly as that's how most of us were raised and educated. It may take practice to replace them with appreciation and acknowledgment, but the latter feels more fulfilling, and can bring you and your child

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