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Tardigrade Research Paper

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Nevertheless, there are multiple processes which occur as a Tardigrade prepares itself for this state. It will begin to produce trehalose, described in depth as a, “special protective sugar that forms a gel-like medium that suspends and perseveres the organelles and membranes that make up the animal’s cells.” (Bradford) To simplify, trehalose wraps around the remaining water molecules in the body, to prevent evaporation in a sporadic temperature increase, and further preserve the Tardigrade. Some theorize this technique of survival was only acquired by some Tardigrades. But due to their unbelievably small size, the sugar may also just be undetectable. Tardigrades continue to find ways to push their survival, defying all odds. Considering …show more content…
Not only do these animals live out their days on a preferred piece of lichen or moss, but they also move minimal amounts of distances, and exert the smallest amounts of energy on a day to day basis. Despite these variables, they continue to prove invincible, being able to survive not only on Earth, but beyond as well. Most believe this is simply due to their knack for survival, considering that most animals simply do not need to be that tough. There is no point in the evolution if it will not be utilized. So whether it’s because they must withstand the drastic changes of a secluded lake, or they are just so small they chose to make up for it in ability, Tardigrades prove to be some of the strongest, inexplicable animals in …show more content…
They have the capabilities other species could only dream of, yet live such tedious lives, they fail to see the uniqueness of the qualities they possess. Tardigrades, averaging out at no more than a millimeter in length, defy extreme weather conditions, thrive under pressure (quite literally), and have the abilities to preserve their own bodies for decades on end. Due to processes like cryptobiosis and the production of trehalose, Tardigrades can withstand shortages in water, oxygen, and live through extremities such as drought, famine, and countless other disasters that have been calculated by

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