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Instagram Pop Culture

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Instagram Dipping into pop culture?
Instagram is a widely known social media platform. Instagram has taken over pop culture for the last couple of years. This platform racks up about 400 million monthly active users with half of them being under the age of 25. This platform has been proven to attracted mainly younger people. Instagram is used by 68% of females and about 32% of instagram users are male ( Smith 1). Instagram users are divided equally with 50% of the app users use Androids and the other half using iPhones. The platform geographical use tend to favor the more urban areas and the 17% on instagram users are urban while 11% are suburban and rural users. Only 7% of daily uploads come from instagram among the 4 top social media platform. When it was out for about 2 years it had attracted over 100 million users in just about 2 years. Instagram is primarily used for fashion, art, and day to day activities/events. This platform lets you take pictures that reflect you or your personal style. The app also allows you to follow others pages and like their posts.The more popular users on the platform can easily influence everyday activities. It's all about sharing your personal scrapbook and letting some …show more content…
This platform has transformed the way we go about doing everyday activities. We don't have to turn on the tv and go to the news channel instagram has many pages that will update you on the latest news. Many people are finding this platform to be a quicker way to funtion is their daily lives. When I go on instagram I get to see pictures that has been recently posted and what is going on. It gives many young people as myself a purpose to post on instagram. It has also provided brands with the need advertise more sense thousands of people are constantly on the app. When I go on the app I see about a dozen of advertisement on a daily. Advertising has only increased on the platform and continues to grow

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