...Summary: Collaboration is important among educators and support staff to understand the source of negative behavior of students with disabilities. These individuals need to work together to collect data and document the events before, during, and after the behavior is recorded. Once the possible triggers for behaviors are discussed, a behavior intervention plan can be implemented. Reinforcements can be used to help promote the student to not produce the behavior and also to help them to communicate their needs in an appropriate manner. Main Ideas: What is a functional behavior analysis (FBA), who should participate in creating this documentation, how to document student's behaviors using a FBA (Antecedent, Consequence, Student's Reaction,...
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...Behavior Intervention Plan Target Behavior and Client Background Part 1 CLIENT: Sara F. DOB: 05/17/2006 1. Client Background Sara is a five year old female with no major medical problems. She lives at home with her mother, father, and two sisters. Sara attends a school for children with developmental disabilities. Sara attends school five days per week from 830 to 230. Her class is made up of 6 other students, one special education teacher and 2 to 3 aides. Sara has trouble with transitions both at school and in her home. Sara loves to go to school, but has trouble with the transitions throughout her day. Her parents have seen this in the home as well. Sara’s parents report that she will throw scream, cry, bite, kick climb on furniture and swipe items onto the floor Sara also will throw self onto the floor. This behavior occurs daily. It has also been witnessed by the parents the Sara become angry when she is asked to move to the next activity or tasks. The episodes will last from anywhere from 2 minute up to one hour. The staff at school did a recording of the episodes. The durations of the behavior and what prompted this behavior to happen. Sara parents want this behavior to stop, so they will start a plan at home...
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...This Behavior Intervention Plan was completed in conjunction with the Function Behavior Assessment (FBA) during my clinical practice at the high school level. As, I beginning to implement this behavior intervention plan (BIP), I provided 5- days of observation in the Resource classroom to gather information on MK. By examining the information in my FBA, I was able to recognize a pattern and create an intervention plan with a goal to increase MK’s on task behavior. A portion of my data collection for the FBA, I spent 54 minutes for 5 consecutive days observing the student in the classroom environment this ensured that I able to gain authentic information about the student and determine what was causing the behavior. Throughout the observations process, I was able to find a pattern in the student’s behavior. When independence tasks were assigned for the MK to complete, he would engage in off-task behaviors that would result in disrupt behaviors. When this happened, MK would receive attention from staffs and peers. When I completed the 5-days of observations I was then able to reflect on the data and create a BIP to help...
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...Marangelie Childers Capella University PSY7713 Behavior Analytic Intervention Dr. Laura Grant September 1, 2024. The purpose of this Behavior Intervention Support Plan is to address the problematic behaviors exhibited by Lucy, a 7-year-old girl who has shown persistent challenges such as self-injurious behavior, aggression, and difficulty completing work assignments. Through a Functional Behavior Assessment, the plan identifies the functions of these behaviors and introduces targeted interventions such as Functional Communication Training (FCT) and Differential Reinforcement of Alternative Behavior (DRA). This plan is grounded in compassionate practices and supported by scholarly research, ensuring that the interventions not only address the problem behaviors but also promote the development of appropriate...
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...Positive Behavior Support Plan IEP Beckie Johnson Concordia University Classroom Management for Students with Special Needs Positive Behavior Support Plan IEP The purpose of this paper is to discuss Sean Bruner’s, a Clark County School District student, positive behavior intervention support plan (BIP). Sean is a severely emotionally challenged high school student. He has had an IEP for the majority of his school years and has had a BIP ever since he transitioned into high school. The MDT’s hope is that a successful BIP will rectify all of Sean’s negative classroom behavior and allow him to show positive academic growth for the remainder of his school years. In 1997 Congress amended the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The only approach which considered the behavioral aspect within the law was the positive behavioral interventions and supports. These interventions utilized both functional assessment and positive proactive approaches or methods to promote good behavior ("School wide," 2013). In the past students with disabilities were not included in all the available educational opportunities because of their inability to control their inappropriate behaviors. In 2004, IDEA was amended a second time due to congressional realization that positive behavior intervention support helps prevent exclusion and improve academic results ("School wide," 2013). Now, positive behavior interventions and supports promote positive school environment for all...
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...DUNBAR COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH 4232 PARKSIDE AVENUE PHILADLEPHIA, PA 19105 PHONE (215) 878-2198/FAX (215) 860-5103 THERAPEUTIC STAFF SUPPORT PROGRESS NOTE Date:1-15-10 TIME:4:00 to 9:00 CHILD: Quiara Riley DOB: July 20/1993 THERAPEUTIC STAFF SUPPORT: Ghada Mahjoub Treatment Plan Goal Goals for this session: client will comply w/ adult directives Goal #1client will accept adult direction w/0 posing opposition implement tx plan intervention &monitor client response. Goal #2Quiara displays difficulties with controlling her anger in the school &community setting. Goal #3cooperate & resolve conflict appropriately with others. form respectful & trusting relationships& express feelings verbally vs physically. DATA: Describe the location of, and participants in the session, current issues related to the treatment goals and overall description of the session. Please include the frequency intensity and duration of behaviors where appropriate. TSS conducted session in home environment w/ client and mother present . client has been compliant w/household rules and adhered to her directives w/o arguing & displayed a mild increase in compliance. Client completed chores as given & verbalized making an effort to improve compliance. Client presented herself as defiant, argumentative, stubborn and non-compliant toward adult directions frequency 3-5 x’s every 10-20 minutes for 3-5 minutes per episode...
Words: 15532 - Pages: 63
...outcomes will provide insight on plan impact model to determine the success and the mitigating factors on the program and participants. Additionally, it will identify the impact analysis factors in the plan design, content, and stakeholder’s engagement effects. The logic model design and theory will influence the impact model and final analysis in whether the program achieved its initial and intended purpose. The age and/or school grade range of the children iTn the evaluation were from first-grade through sixth-grade and the age range was from 6 to 12 years. Targeting this age group is useful since dietary and physical activity behaviors start to develop in these years and interventions...
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...“Functional Behavior Assessment and Behavior Support Plan” Wendell Franklin Grand Canyon University SPE - 522 TEM 101 Dr. Brenda Combs The 1997 Reauthorization of the IDEA made Functional Behavior Assessment very important because it mandates “the use of Functional Behavior Assessment and Behavior Support Plan to address chronic and excessive problem behaviors” (Wheeler & Richey, 2014). It says in Sec. 1414(d) (3) (B) (i), that: “In the case of a child whose behavior impedes his or her learning or that of others, the child’s IEP team must consider, when appropriate, strategies, including positive behavior intervention strategies and supports to address that behavior” (Wheeler & Richey, 2014) The reason that the Functional Behavior Assessment and the Behavior Support plan where put in action to help the individuals that have special needs that also present challenging behaviors. The Functional Behavior Assessment also the Behavior Support Plan main goal is to gain an understanding of the behaviors that are being displayed, determine the factors that may reinforce their occurrences along with the function of the behavior. Since the establishment of the Functional Behavior Assessment and the Behavior Support Plan several definitions and factors for considerations where added to what constitutes impeding behavior. The learning of the children is not only affected by impeding behavior as well as other students could be included in the behaviors that are inclusive...
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...service department of a company to write my report, I do know from my own experience some things pertaining to programs that employ behavioral or genitive intervention and or models. In this paper I will attempt to explore some areas within a cognitive intervention such as: • What population participates in the program? • Who presents the program? • How the effectiveness of the intervention is measured • How do they determine a need for the program? • Do they have plans for other programs that use behavioral models and techniques? • What other models and theories are represented in their programs. As we look into the population of participants, it ranges based on the type of behavior being addressed, intervention and motivation strategies. Last year, when I attended my counseling session, it was held in a group session with different people of all ages. This particular group session addressed issues of anxiety and depression. I quickly learned that many people have issues with anxiety and depression, yet they are hesitant to get counseling to change the behavior. Although some may want the help, they often have the fear of having to take medication to alter the behavior without realizing that there are other methods to correcting a behavior. Over time, through educating more people about behavioral intervention, the population of participants may increase. The people presenting the program, weather in a group or individual setting, are therapists or people...
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...Abstract In this action research project the researcher talked to several teachers discussing the concerns they had in education. Most teachers cited discipline in the schools as the concern they most worry about in their classrooms. I researched several articles where schools have implemented School Wide Positives Behaviors intervention Supports (SPBIS) were put into place schools showed a decrease in discipline and an increase in academic achievement. In this action cycle we implemented the first intervention to see what significant data could be reviewed. Steps in Action Research Educators use action research just about every day they are working with students. The educator could be teaching a lesson or looking a class discipline you are using action research without realizing it. The steps in action research are: Identification of the problem area, Collection and organization of data, Interpretation of data, the action based on the data, and finally reflection (Ferrance, 2000). The first step in action research is to identify the problem. If there is a discipline problem in the classroom, the first question may be why? What is causing the inappropriate behavior? Is the problem something that the educator can help solve? When choosing where to begin in your research the educator will need to ask himself several questions. The questions should higher-order in nature. The questions should be stated in common language, avoiding education jargon. The questions should be concise...
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...revealed attention was a maintaining factor in aggression, self-injury, and disruptive behaviors. Not only did the results show that FCT with the added component of punishment was more effective than either FCT alone, or FCT with extinction, it also demonstrated a clear preference by the children for the FCT with punishment. The punishment phase consisted of a 30-second hands down procedure involving physically holding the participant’s hands to their sides for both participants, with the addition of a visual screen through placement of the therapist’s hand over the participant’s eyes in addition to the FCT component. Only...
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...Kyle is a twenty one year old individual with Autism, who is has demonstrated disruptive and often distracting behaviors throughout the day. It has been noted that Kyle continuously yells and screams at a high pitch volume while inside the house. While the other group home individuals find Kyle’s behavior upsetting and distracting at times they also state that despite its annoyance it is not harmful. Due to Kyle continuing behavior it is believed that he is also struggle with other behaviors such as compliance to take pain medication due to throat pain. Kyle’s live-in head counselor does not believe that an intervention where Kyle...
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...After reading the article Early Warning, Timely Response: A Guide to Safe Schools, I noticed that offering support and having a plan in place in case of an emergency is key to maintaining a safe school environment. This includes documenting, creating and implementing behavior interventions to prevent a violent behavior from happening. Also having a positive relationship by allowing students to express their feelings and offering support to all students will create a safe environment that students will be less likely to have a violent behavior. In the schools that I have been in, I have seen behavior interventions implemented to reduce violent behaviors. Many students will be put on a CBM to monitor and show the student their behavioral expectation....
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...First, a fifth of all children ailing from this condition do not gain significant benefits through medication. Secondly, some children suffer from the side effects of such medicinal intervention. Thirdly, primary symptoms persist even after using medicines. Fourth, some children suffering from ADHD are effectively helped by behavior therapy when symptoms are minor. This paper is a proposed action plan of treating John who suffers from inattentive ADHD through a functional behavioral assessment (FBA). a) Operational definition of behavior This is the first stage of the FBA. Prior to selecting effective data collection methods to perform the FBA, the paraprofessional should define the behavioral problem. This definition should take into account the measurable, observable, and objective terms. The behavioral problems identified should be clear. Otherwise, it increases the difficulties involved in measuring the behavior with accuracy. Moreover, it complicates the identification of the function of the behavior and the formulation of an effective intervention method. After a collection of concrete information, regarding he behavioral problem, then the teacher or paraprofessional can refine the definition of the problem (Functional Behavioral Assessment, Behavioral Intervention Plans, and Positive Intervention and Supports: An Essential Part of Effective School Wide Discipline in Virginia, 2009). In our case study, John is inattentive for the greater part of the day. His specific problems...
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...facility. Her experience has been working with clients with various mental illnesses and the majority of the population display danger to self and danger to others behaviors. Many of her clients display conduct disorders as a result of their severe neglect and abuse they suffered as a child. Her clients who have Conduct Disorders do not respect authority, have little regard for others, and breaks major rules; they also exhibit aggressive behaviors that threaten physical violence, theft, property damage, or attempting to run away. Often times their continued AWOL behaviors and being a flight risk is what gets them place in a level 14 facility. A client with a Conduct Disorder is often times resentful and short-tempered. The basis of Conduct Disorder is a combination of genetic susceptibility and environmental factors. Treatment plans should include behavior therapy with the client, family therapy, if they family is involved and medication support from a psychiatrist. In this paper the author will discuss treatment and intervention strategies to work with people who have this disorder. In addition, the author will describe the theoretical basis for the approaches, present how the counselor would work individually with the client, and discuss outcome research. Current approaches Children who display conduct disorder behaviors should obtain an evaluation. Many adolescent clients with a conduct disorder have parallel conditions such as anxiety, PTSD, mood disorders, and ADHD which can...
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