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Being a Man


Submitted By heller
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Being a man by Paul Theroux

Paul Theroux is an American writer and novelist. He has wrote many stories and essays. One essay he is famous for is called “Being a Man”. In “Being a Man” he talks about his point of view of his life from when he was a little boy to being a man, and also he talks about his insecurity of being a man. In the essay he says: “everything in stereotyped manliness goes against the life of the mind”. This quote is true because this is what is stereotyped everyday.

Theroux tells us that America's view of "Being a Man" means to be stupid, obedient, and soldierly. This idea goes against everything that Theroux is. Theroux has many examples that back up his belief ."In paragraph nine he says “everything in stereotyped manliness goes against the life of the mind”. This means that writing is not a manly behavior. Theroux believed the idea which is why he hates being a man.Theroux goes into detail about how sports harms little boys and how it make boys every violent."Just as high school basketball teaches you how to be a poor loser, the manly attitude toward sports seems to be little more than a recipe for creating bad marriages, social misfits, moral degenerates, sadists, latent rapists and just plain louts I regard high school sports as a drug far worse then marijuana.."

I have witnessed two experience similar to Theroux. One was when I was in the 3rd grade. My teacher had gave the class an assignment to do. We either had to write a peom nature or make a picture collage of nature. Most of the girls chose the poem and all the boys did the collage expect for 2 boys. Those 2 boys did the poem. When the other boys found out that they were doing the poem they kept on teasing them and kept calling them “girly girls”

Another experience I witness was in the 5th grade. The teacher has asked us what we wanted to be when we grow up. Most of the girls said doctors, lawyers and models, fashion people. The boys said the manly jobs such as firefighters and police men and pilots. One boy had said he wanted to be a writer. The other boys can laughed and him because he had a girly handwriting and they didn’t think it was a boy thing to do and they told him to be a police officer. The boy didn’t change his mind. Now he is in NYU studying writing.

In conclusion The view point of Paul Theroux is true. In todays world different stereotypes about men has not change. It remains the same. The passage, "Being a Man", by Paul Theroux relates to life today by showing how society has created a mold in which they believe you must fit. It goes for men and women. If you do not follow the standards of manliness or feminine, you will be looked down upon.

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