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Being Brave Research Paper

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Being brave is the most hardest thing that i had to do in my life. The dictionary definition of bravery is courage, courageousness, bravery -- a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger of pain without showing fear. And i just could not figure out how to be it. When I think of bravery I usually think of war, The soldiers had to fight for their countries without any doubt. But bravery doesn't always have to be a big, outrageous situation. It also could be a 5 year old child killing its first bug. Bravery comes in all different types of categories, But I felt as if I just could not figure it out.

The summer of August was the summer that changed my life. I'm not great at many things and I also fear many things, But my greatest fear is …show more content…
Me and a couple of my friends went down to Jacksonville Florida to run at a track meet. We stayed in a hotel down there for a whole week and we only had to run for Two days, So that gave us 5 days of freedom in Jacksonville Florida. we went to the mall, two beaches, a few restaurants and an Amusements park. First we ate food like sushi, and then a took a few pictures. When my friends brought up riding rollercoaster I felt a frog in my throat. I was terrified but I did not want to show it. My friends finally chose a ride and it happened to be the biggest rollercoaster in the whole park. as we waited in line I kept feeling the big butterfly in my stomach. I was nervous and my friends were thrilled. When it was our turn to get on I almost passed out. I gave the instructor my ticket and took a seat in the backseat of the rollercoaster. I felt the rollercoaster start to go very slowly, I grabbed my sisters hand and wrapped my arm around one of my friends. When the rollercoaster took off

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