...literature on mental fixation and how it can be overcome. The first paper looks at inhibition processes as a means to aid in creating problem solving. The second paper uses an incubation period as an alternative method for aiding in creative problem solving. Overall, both methods proved to be effective for understanding how to overcome mental fixation. All experiments explained in these two studies resulted in support of the researchers’ original hypotheses. This literature expands on some key concepts in problem solving and creativity discussed in Dr. Huff’s Cognitive Psychology...
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...and a Democratic Society The definition of an informed citizen is having sufficient and sufficiently reliable information or knowledge to be able to understand a subject or situation and make appropriate judgments or decisions regarding it. Meaning, to understand something fully you need to be properly informed. You cannot make an educated guess on most problems or issues. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the concept of Critical thinking and Creative thinking in a Democratic Society .The requirements to become a better critical thinker stems from a realization that complexity, uncertainty, and ambiguity of a person characteristic of their current environment. Most of the material about critical thinking derives from philosophy, education, and psychology. There are, however, competing schools of thought on what critical thinking is and how to best develop it. In most cases a multidisciplinary assessment of a topic leads to a richer body of research, however, in the case of critical thinking it seems to have led to competing and incomplete views of the topic. Critical thinking is the use of those cognitive skills or strategies that increase the probability of a desirable outcome. It is used to describe thinking that is purposeful, reasoned, and goal directed. Critical thinking is a purposeful, directed thought. It is not easy, as it requires explicit mental energy. The great majority of the decisions and issues we face throughout the day do not require critical thinking...
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...It develops creative strategies for solving problems at which it let the player to improve creative thinking and define the pattern of Sudoku using logic approach (easy or hard type of Sudoku). Thus, player can go step further to check for a solving technique. The second skill is lateral thinking which is about approaching the solution from many ways (ex: trial and error). This is done when more than one number is expected to be inserted in a specific box of the Sudoku. On the other hand, the flexibility in problem solving helps in predicting the answer without using trial and error for inserting the number in a specific...
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...Leadership reflective journal As a leader, I will empower others by encouragement, providing the right tools, cultivating a vision that includes everyone, individually and collectively to take ownership. I will admit to my short comings when needed. I will inspire others to act through my actions and words, both oral and written. I will constantly seek to challenge myself and develop as a leader at the same time, I will support and mobilize others to do the same. I have learned how to motivate others using examples and excitement. The leadership theories that support my plan are both Transformational and Transactional. My leadership strengths and weaknesses are clear after taking the required assessments and they required me to become transparent. I am now a leader constantly learning and growing into the leader I envision in the future. My action plan for accomplishing my future leadership goals are specific, realistic, and measureable. I will use my plan to accomplish my future goals as a leader and constantly assess my progress. Strategic planning reflective journal Strategic planning is an organizational management activity that is used to set priorities, focus energy and resources, strengthen operations, ensure that employees and other stakeholders are working toward common goals, establish agreement around intended outcomes/results, and assess and adjust the organization's direction in response to a changing environment. It is a disciplined effort that produces fundamental...
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...Problem Solving and Decision Making: Consideration of Individual Differences Using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator William G. Huitt Citation: Huitt, W. (1992). Problem solving and decision making: Consideration of individual differences using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Journal of Psychological Type, 24, 33-44. Retrieved from [date] http://www.edpsycinteractive.org/papers/prbsmbti.html Return to: | Readings in Educational Psychology | Educational Psychology Interactive | Abstract Improving individuals' and groups' abilities to solve problems and make decisions is recognized as an important issue in education, industry, and government. Recent research has identified a prescriptive model of problem solving, although there is less agreement as to appropriate techniques. Separate research on personality and cognitive styles has identified important individual differences in how people approach and solve problems and make decisions. This paper relates a model of the problem-solving process to Jung's theory of personality types (as measured by the MBTI) and identifies specific techniques to support individual differences. The recent transition to the information age has focused attention on the processes of problem solving and decision making and their improvement (e.g., Nickerson, Perkins, & Smith, 1985; Stice, 1987; Whimbey & Lochhead, 1982). In fact, Gagne (1974, 1984) considers the strategies used in these processes to be a primary outcome of modern education...
Words: 8177 - Pages: 33
...for the new millennium. Organizations are realizing that collective problem-solving, in a team setting, enhances creative and critical thinking skills, thus elevating productivity. This paper will explore the characteristics of and differences between groups and teams. Additionally, workplace diversity relevance to team dynamics will be explored in an effort to better understand this phenomenon called teamwork. Groups Groups consist of two or more individuals who come together to achieve particular objectives. Work groups share information and make decisions that help members perform within each individual's area of responsibility. The group focuses on improving individual results. Work groups do not work together to achieve a communal goal, the result being that no positive synergy exists among members. Each member’s performance is the entirety of his or her contribution (Robbins & Judge, 2009). Teams Teams consist of a small grouping of people with complementary skills, working together to achieve a common purpose for which they hold themselves collectively accountable (Schermerhorn, Hunt, & Osborn, 2009). Work team goals are focused on the collective performance of the members’, the result of which is mutual and individual accountability. Characteristics of high-performance teams include clear performance objectives, a shared sense of purpose, strong core values, the right mix of skills, creativity, and the ability to measure and obtain performance feedback...
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...including remembering, problem solving, and decision-making, from childhood through adolescence to adulthood” (p.1). Incorporating comfortable library areas with various levels of material available, such as books, movies, puzzles, computer activities, and the like, for a wide variety of developmental needs is key to influence cognitive growth for pediatric wards’ diverse patient population. Here, we highlight puzzle toy types. Solving puzzles is multifaceted when it comes to childhood...
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...Children will benefit from structured and creative play. The issue here is the balance between structured and creative play that needs to be considered. Neither one nor the other is better, both are fundamental to a child's development. Creative play is just as important as structured play. This importance comes from the experience creative play allows. When allowed to play creatively, children learn to express themselves, become independent thinkers, and interact with peers. This encourages problem solving, multi tasking, artistic expression and the ability to think outside of the box. All these qualities are important for children to learn. What creative play imparts on children needs to be paired with the skills they learn from structured...
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...months ago Thank you for sharing. It is wonderful. bina at bina, 2 years ago sir its excellent Jeff Bennett, Web/Multimedia Developer at Digital Splash Media, 2 years ago Thanks for sharing Zaid. Your presentation played a key part in a video about critical thinking that I just published. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-85-j7Nr9i4 chuchad at chuchad, 2 years ago Thank you for sharing. This presentation is very useful. ommeone 2 years ago Thank you for sharing the great ideas of critical thinking. It really helps me on doing my thesis. Patti Waterbury, Founder/President at Creative Growth Strategies, Inc., 2 years ago Thank you for sharing...excellent content. Comments 1 - 10 of 21 comments next Embed Video Subscribe to comments Post Comment Speaker Notes on slide 28 98 Favorites Karori International Ventures Limited at Karori International Ventures Limited, 1 month ago Tags creative thinking Greg Williams, instructional designer, eLearning developer, professor, trainer, consultant at University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 1 month ago Wagner Rezende, Professor at UFG, 2 months ago osupa01 3 months ago Monica Giovanovich, capacitacion, comunicacion, recursos humanos at Independiente, 4 months ago asaito 6 months ago Tags critical thinking weme 6 months ago chiggsy 6 months ago celestwoo 8 months ago Shashidhar Venkatesh Murthy, Associate Professor & Head of Pathology at School of Medicine, James Cook University QLD 4811 AUSTRALIA, 8 months ago more ...
Words: 2973 - Pages: 12
...Meeting the needs of gifted learners poses a challenge for most educators, thus gifted leaners need to be identified and nurtured for the benefit of gifted learners, educators and the community at large. This essay is going to examine 3 blanket characteristics of a gifted learner and suggest strategies to enhance giftedness in teaching and learning process. Eric (1985) groups characteristics of gifted learners into general behavioural, learning and creative features. A variety of approaches can be used to meet the needs of gifted learners in the classroom. The teacher or educator has the following our areas when developing the curriculum: * The content of the curriculum subject * The processes that engage the students * The products of their studies * The learning environment Definition of terms Giftedness Definition 1: Giftedness is ‘a synchronous development’ in which advanced cognitive abilities and heightened intensity combine to create inner experiences and awareness that are qualitatively different from the norm. This asynchrony increases with higher intellectual capacity. The uniqueness of the gifted renders them particularly vulnerable and requires modifications in parenting, teaching and counselling in order for them to develop optically (Columbus Group, 1991) Definition 2: Giftedness is the possession and use of untrained and spontaneously expressed natural abilities (called aptitudes or gifts) in at least one ability domain to a degree that places...
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...dependencies on internet is no less than to other utilities such as electricity and water. We need it almost every minutes if not seconds in our life. It serves as a medium of communication among millions of human being to stay connected and share information regardless to gender, race, geographical location and political background. Activities among internet users may be worth as little as USD1 to billions of USD. With this demand and involvement, internet has evolved dynamically from just a method of communication to more important medium of exchanging information, dealing with multi billion dollars worth business value. Information as a key asset in the business world is highly valued by anyone who knows what that piece of information can benefit them thus, information generally is neither something cheap to obtain nor is made available freely out of the thin air. However, newly evolving method of seeking information called “crowdsourcing” has made information much cheaper to obtain if not free. But then, what is “crowdsourcing”? What is the relation to the internet and information technology? What are the advantages it brings to the society? Is there any challenges of “crowdsourcing”? This essay will discuss and elaborate in details on concept, characteristics, advantages, challenges and future trends of crowdsourcing. INTRODUCTION Jeff Howe, a well-known inventor of the term “crowdsourcing” when it was first use in his article appearing in Wired magazine (Howe, 2006), defined...
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...|Master of Business Administration Assignment Cover Sheet | | | |Student Number |1136741 | | | | | | | | |Module code |12-13S20BSHR044-6 |Assignment No. |1 | | | | |Module Title |Mobilizing Creativity and Innovation | | | | | | |Module Tutor |Pauline Loewenberger & Sathya Narayanan | | | | | | |Due Date |09.05.2013 | | | | | | ...
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...Decision Making and Problem Solving: Benefits and Techniques Defining Problem Solving and Decision Making Definition of a Problem: A problem exists when there is a gap between what you expect to happen and what actually happens. Definition of Decision Making: Decision making is selecting a course of action from among available alternatives. The Difference between Decision Making and Problem Solving While both processes are systematic, problem solving involves defining a problem and creating solutions for it. Decision making is selecting a course of action from among available alternatives. Problem solving always involves decision making. However, not all decision making involves solving a problem. For example, a supervisor may have to make decisions about employees, resources, workload, etc. without having a problem to solve. Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Process Problem solving is a process in which we perceive and resolve a gap between a present situation and a desired goal, with the path to the goal blocked by known or unknown obstacles. In general, the situation is one not previously encountered, or where at least a specific solution from past experiences is not known. In contrast, decision making is a selection process where one of two or more possible solutions is chosen to reach a desired goal. The steps in both problem solving and decision making are quite similar. In fact, the terms are sometimes used interchangeably. Steps in Decision Making...
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...1 Welcome to Entrepreneurship and Business Dr Kenny Wong Meng Seng ELG 16 wong.mengseng@nottingham.edu.my 2 Entrepreneurship and Business • Core module for all 1st year undergraduate students in NUBS • Also be offered to students from all other schools at the University of Nottingham • Designed to raise student’s awareness and understanding of some of the key elements of entrepreneurial creativity, as well as entrepreneurship in practice. • Many fundamental principles underpinning successful entrepreneurship can be applied in a much wider variety of situations. • Improve their individual skills in terms of creative problem solving and organisational effectiveness. 3 Entrepreneurship and Business Module Sessions • Combination of lectures and mentored group work sessions. Venue: F1A15, on Wednesday in Semester 1, Time: 11:00 – 1:00 pm. • Mentored group work sessions will be held in separate sittings throughout the day in Four sessions specified in the timetable. It will be announced in Week 5. • Students will be asked to self-select their project teams to fit into one of these four sittings, during which they will work through group work in a mentored environment. Groups will not be allowed to change sittings during the course of the module. Course Time Table • Week 2: Wednesday 25th September 2013 – Lecture – – – – Module Introduction and Rationale Course structure and rationale The importance of an integrative learning approach Why study Entrepreneurship...
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...work team. Some, such as diversity, knowledge, and skill are obvious. However, the most important factor in building a strong team is conflict. Most individuals have a negative view of conflict. While there are negative aspects of conflict, it can also draw team members together and create an atmosphere conducive to a creative and thorough problem solving environment. In today’s business world it is extraordinarily important for individuals to work within teams well. Each team member must be able to consider differing opinions and adapt their ideas to make the decisions that benefit the whole team. There are two main types of conflict to consider when working in teams: functional conflict and dysfunctional conflict. Functional conflict allows for creative ideas and strong team performance. As stated before, many people have a negative view of conflict but it is the very diversity of opinions and ideas within a group that is the most important factor in good decision making. It is these differing opinions that will create alternative solutions, which best utilizes scarce resources. Multiple ideas allow for healthy debate and problem solving. Debate allows everyone with a differing view to state their case and describe why their solution is better, and allows the team to make decisions with more potential solutions. An increased number of solutions will limit the chance of certain factors not being considered in the problem solving process. The discussion and debate of issues will...
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