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Benefits of a Diverse Workforce


Submitted By ajohn
Words 330
Pages 2
Al Johnson
LED 608
September 7, 2010
Professor Peters

Reaping the Benefits of Effectively Utilizing and Managing a Diverse Workforce

Are organizations effectively utilizing the knowledge, skills and abilities of a culturally diverse workforce in corporate America?

In 1908 playwright Israel Zangwill described America as “God’s crucible, the great melting pot where all the races of Europe are melting and reforming.” Indeed, throughout its history the United States has been a haven for millions of the world’s immigrants seeking refuge from famine, tyranny, religious oppression and civil strife. For male immigrants of white European ancestry, entering mainstream American society has been relative easy and successful. For women and other ethnic immigrants, penetrating American society has been more difficult and in some cases near impossible.
There have been several national efforts to improve the lot of immigrants and bring them closer to mainstream America. The “Americanization” movement of World War I, for example, was an attempt post-Civil War movement for racial freedom, women’s suffrage during the Progressive Era, and the Civil Rights movement of the mid-twentieth century were major crusades to improve the rights of women and minorities and move them into a society traditionally dominated by white, Anglo-Saxon Protestant males. Although the rights and standing of minorities have improved, efforts to assimilate them continue as well as the struggle to eliminate discrimination and prejudice. Over the last decade a subtle but nonetheless significant change has taken place in efforts to improve the rights of minorities. Scholars and policy makers now question traditional efforts to assimilate minorities into the mainstream. Instead of highlighting the similarities among various racioethnic groups, a recent trend has been to acknowledge, accept, and value

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