...1. Analyze the problem Wong Gillmore was a very good branch manager in a bank. Everything was fine until one of her assistant manager Yvone Frechette has been promoted to a better job and larger branch. The problems are the employee in the bank was not sufficient to accommodate all of the customers and because of that the employees are overworked including Wong Gillmore. For me their biggest problem is their having difficulty in managing their time. 2. Possible solution to the problem First of al, they must hire a new assistant manager as a replacement for Yvone Frechette so that the work of Wong Gillmore will be lessen and don’t suffer under constant time pressure. Second Will Gillmore must tell to her personnel to be flexible because they don’t have enough employee and they must manage their time well so that there will be no pressure on the part of their manager. 3. Case Questions 1. To what extent does Wong Gillmore’s day coincide with the managerial work methods identified by Mintzberg? What roles are evident in her activities? She arrives at the bank at 8 am she is busy in many activities starting from meeting customers, staff meetings, follow-up phone calls, loan applications and viewing her circulation file. She keeps a contact with her customers, local CPA firms and different business clients. These show the variety of activities, in which she is engaged with for the whole day. It involves the relationships she has kept with different people...
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...Rhoda C. Williams National Graduate School of Quality Management QSM581 Professor Andrews November 30, 2011 Strategic planning efforts are effective in developing a strategic plan, because they help an organization to determine their direction. In order to determine the direction, it is necessary to understand its current position and the possible avenues through which it can pursue a particular course of action. Strategic planning is effective in plotting a company's long-term and short-term directions. It is the cornerstone for an organization to survive during turbulent business times. Their strategy is a roadmap or the path chosen to move towards the end vision. The most important part of implementing the strategy is ensuring the company is going in the right direction which is towards the end vision. All strategic planning must answer at least one of three key questions: 1. "What do we do?" 2. "For whom do we do it?" 3. "How do we excel?" This starts with a shared mission. The key concepts within strategic planning include an understanding of the organization’s vision, mission, values and strategies. An advantage of having a statement is that it creates value for those who get exposed to the statement, such as prospective customers, managers, employees. Statements create a sense of direction and opportunity. They are an essential part of the strategy-making process. Vision defines the way an organization or enterprise...
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...Chapter One Scope of Strategic Management 1 Major Issues to Consider Global considerations impact virtually all strategic decisions. E-commerce has become a vital strategic management tool. The natural environment has become an important strategic issue. 2 Strategic Management Defined Art and science of formulating, implementing, and evaluating crossfunctional decisions that enable an organization to achieve its objectives. 3 Terminology “Strategic Management” Synonymous with “Strategic Planning” • Strategic management Used more often in academia • Strategic planning Used more often in the business world 4 Terminology Strategic management Refers to: Strategy formulation Strategy implementation Strategy evaluation Strategic planning Refers to: Strategy formulation 5 Brief History 1950s Term strategic planning originates 1960s – 1970s Strategic planning very popular Widely viewed as panacea for problems 6 Brief History 1980s Strategic planning cast aside Planning models did not yield higher returns 1990s–2000 Revival of strategic planning Widely practiced in business world 7 Strategic-Management Process Three Stages Strategy Formulation Strategy Implementation Strategy Evaluation 8 Strategy Formulation Vision & Mission Opportunities & Threats Strengths & Weaknesses Long-Term Objectives Alternative Strategies Strategy Selection 9 Strategy Implementation Annual Objectives Policies ...
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...theory and practice of Strategic Planning in Tourism. Introduction Tourism is simply defined as the travel for variety of purposes such as: leisure, recreational and business. It is the fastest growing industry worldwide. In other words, tourism refers to all sorts of trips done by residents of a country for non-migratory purposes both within the country and abroad thus, includes all journeys exceeding 24 hours for business, health, recreation, or study purposes. (WTO, 1986). Clearly the tourism definition has not yet stabilized. (Beaver 2005). Similarly, Tourism is a lucrative economic activity where international corporations and hospitality industry in the global travel is dominant. (Jaakson 1998). Franklin (2003) argues that tourism is no longer something that occurs away from everyday life rather tourism is everyday activity that has turned out to be one of the ways in which our life functions. Tourism helps in bringing both economic and non-economic benefits and costs to the host destination. Tourism is considered as the fabric to most of the industries including transportation, the food industry, clothing and retail, sports, health care, etc. Unlike other industry, tourism plays a significant role in variety of industries with multi-functioning abilities; particularly in media sector- travel section of Newspaper contains various advertisements on tourism. Thus, media is considered to be very effective way of marketing tourism so as to gain benefits and even to other engaged...
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...LITTLE ROCK CHURCH OF DELIVERANCE: PROPOSAL FOR STRATEGIC PLANNING __________________ A Paper Presented to Dr. Daniel Moosbrugger Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary __________________ In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for CLED 620 __________________ by Melvin A. Moore 25 May 2011 Preface To the readers of this paper, you will notice that the name of [sic] G-d is not spelled out as it is done with reverence to the name and sovereignty therein. Furthermore, with consideration that this paper might be defaced or destroyed at a later time and this should not come of the name as identified in Deuteronomy 12:3-4. However, this shall not apply when relating scripture as to be obedient to the instruction of Deuteronomy 4:2. Introduction Little Rock Church of Deliverance (the Rock) is a settled church located in the Seventh Ward, South East sector of Washington, the District of Columbia. The church leadership comprises of a pastor, assistant pastor, youth pastor, evangelists, elders, deacons, trustees, and auxiliary leaders; furthermore, its roster is accounted as 250 members with a steadfast increase of new members entering the fold monthly. Serving as the headquarters of the Church of Deliverance Conference (C.O.D.), the leadership gives oversight to several other churches as the pastor is the Chief Apostle, Bishop of Administration, Minister of Music, President of the Women’s Department, and several other departments and ministries. It...
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...Business Proposal Organizational Planning Sheldon Martinez MGT/521 March 15, 2014 Anthony De veto Organizational Planning Netflix has become a very popular Internet-based choice for consumers who watch movies and television shows. Since the company started more than fifteen years ago, it identified and capitalized on the way television consumers prefer to watch movies and television. Netflix recognized that preference was quite simple, which is to watch television programs and movies without interruption from advertisements that you cannot escape when watching regular television. Since 1998, Netflix has set goals, implemented plans and strategies to become the leader of television network on the Internet and to maintain that industry position. This paper will examine the company’s strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats analysis (SWOT) as well as recommend a strategic and operational plan to ensure Netflix remain the leader in Internet television networking. SWOT ANALYSIS A SWOT, which is strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats analysis is a snapshot assessment of the current state of the company. It can highlight what the company does well or better than others as well as present the things the organization does poorly and areas in which improvements are necessary. Such analysis can also determine the various opportunities that a company can capitalize on. Just as important as the previous reasons, the analysis can provide information...
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...Al Khattab, Adel and Anchor, J.R The Use of Strategic Planning Tools and Techniques by Hotels in Jordan Original Citation Aldehayyat, Jehad S., Al Khattab, Adel and Anchor, J.R (2010) The Use of Strategic Planning Tools and Techniques by Hotels in Jordan. Working Paper. Emerging Markets Research Group University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished) This version is available at http://eprints.hud.ac.uk/7507/ The University Repository is a digital collection of the research output of the University, available on Open Access. Copyright and Moral Rights for the items on this site are retained by the individual author and/or other copyright owners. Users may access full items free of charge; copies of full text items generally can be reproduced, displayed or performed and given to third parties in any format or medium for personal research or study, educational or not-for-profit purposes without prior permission or charge, provided: • • • The authors, title and full bibliographic details is credited in any copy; A hyperlink and/or URL is included for the original metadata page; and The content is not changed in any way. For more information, including our policy and submission procedure, please contact the Repository Team at: E.mailbox@hud.ac.uk. http://eprints.hud.ac.uk/ The Use of Strategic Planning Tools and Techniques by Hotels in Jordan ABSTRACT Purpose This paper aims to understand the use of strategic planning tools and techniques and the nature of its...
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...report, sponsored by the Carnegie Foundation also recommended the introduction of the course strongly. Following these reports the business policy course was made mandatory in all business schools in the US for the purpose of recognition. In the course of time the course gained popularity in business schools in other parts of the world as well. It is being increasingly viewed as an integrative course offered to students after completing as set of functional area courses in Finance, Marketing, and Accounting etc. Development of course contents: In the days gone by academicians viewed future as a moving target, difficult to capture analyze and interpret with a certain degree of confidence. So they pinned their hopes primarily on short term planning tools. Around 1930s systematic attempts were made to go deep into future and prepare the organizations for likely changes in future. Budget control...
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...Strategic Management BBA 4126-10F-2, Project Planning Daniela Green 19 February 2011 Introduction Strategic management is increasingly becoming a popular practice in management circles as the business environment becomes increasingly complex. Strategic management involves an energetic restructuring procedure based on the analysis of internal and external environments. It may involve small or numerous changes in operations aimed at guiding the growth of the business. Using well-defined processes and activities under various perspectives, strategic management oversees changes in various functions of the business that ensure sustained growth of the entire organization (Thompson, 1993). This paper will review the concept of strategic management. It will consider the activities and key terms in strategic management as well as variables affecting strategic management, citing the benefits that arise from the process. Additionally, the paper evaluates ethical perspectives of strategic management and, finally, highlights potential risks and, pitfalls of strategic management. Strategic Management Strategic management is a management activity that revolves around three major interdependent poles, the senior management, the environment and, available resources. At the core of strategic management is the term strategy, which refers to a specific pattern of decisions and actions spelled out by top management of an organization to accomplish targeted performance goals (Barnat...
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...evaluation of human resources in health services organizations. Since they support the goals and objectives of the organization, information systems play an important role in planning and management of human resources. These systems will serve as an important personnel administration operational programs, including employee record keeping, budget control, compensation, benefits management, and government reporting. This paper will discuss the project plan overview of human resources information systems (HRISs) and their strategic and operational use in a health care organization. Certain topics include: Role and functions of a HRIS for human resources management Relationship of a HRIS to other information systems Process of planning, developing, and implementing a HRIS Implications of effective HRIS utilization for health services managers Managing human resources effectively requires information from several sources. Computer technology enables hospitals and other health care organizatoin to combine human resources into a single database that can be used to support multiple personnel and managerial functions. A human resources information system (HRIS) is the integration of software, hardware, support functions and system policies and procedures into an automated process designed to support the strategic and operational activities of the human resources department and managers throughout the organization. An HRIS database maintains an inventory of people, job skills, and...
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...evaluation of human resources in health services organizations. Since they support the goals and objectives of the organization, information systems play an important role in planning and management of human resources. These systems will serve as an important personnel administration operational programs, including employee record keeping, budget control, compensation, benefits management, and government reporting. This paper will discuss the project plan overview of human resources information systems (HRISs) and their strategic and operational use in a health care organization. Certain topics include: Role and functions of a HRIS for human resources management Relationship of a HRIS to other information systems Process of planning, developing, and implementing a HRIS Implications of effective HRIS utilization for health services managers Managing human resources effectively requires information from several sources. Computer technology enables hospitals and other health care organizatoin to combine human resources into a single database that can be used to support multiple personnel and managerial functions. A human resources information system (HRIS) is the integration of software, hardware, support functions and system policies and procedures into an automated process designed to support the strategic and operational activities of the human resources department and managers throughout the organization. An HRIS database maintains an inventory of people, job skills, and...
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...Business Strategy Review Questions Chapter 1 The Nature of Strategic Management 1. Distinguish between long-range planning and strategic planning. Long-range planning is used to optimize for tomorrow the trends of today, whereas strategic planning is used to exploit and create new and different opportunities for tomorrow. 2. Compare a company’s strategic plan with a football team’s game plan. A strategic plan is, in essence, a company’s game plan. Just as a football team needs a good game plan to have a chance for success, a company must have a good strategic plan to compete successfully. 3. Describe the three activities that comprise strategy evaluation. The three fundamental strategy-evaluation activities are (1) reviewing external and internal factors that are the bases for current strategies, (2) measuring performance, and (3) taking corrective actions 4. How important do you feel “being adept at adapting” is for business firms? Explain. The strategic-management process is based on the belief that organizations should continually monitor internal and external events and trends so that timely changes can be made as needed. 5. Compare the opossum and turtle to the woolly mammoth and saber tooth tiger in terms of being adept at adapting. Students’ answers will vary, but students are likely to make the argument that those species that are adept at adapting are able to survive, while those that are unable to adapt are more likely to perish...
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...A guide to strategic human resource planning By Workinfo.com, www.workinfo.com 1. Introduction A comprehensive Human Resource Strategy plays a vital role in the achievement of an organisation's overall strategic objectives and visibly illustrates that the human resources function fully understands and supports the direction in which the organisation is moving. A comprehensive HR Strategy will also support other specific strategic objectives undertaken by the marketing, financial, operational and technology departments. In essence, an HR strategy should aim to capture "the people element" of what an organisation is hoping to achieve in the medium to long term, ensuring that:- • • • • it has the right people in place it has the right mix of skills employees display the right attitudes and behaviours, and employees are developed in the right way. If, as is sometimes the case, organisation strategies and plans have been developed without any human resource input, the justification for the HR strategy may be more about teasing out the implicit people factors which are inherent in the plans, rather than simply summarising their explicit "people" content. An HR strategy will add value to the organisation if it: • • articulates more clearly some of the common themes which lie behind the achievement of other plans and strategies, which have not been fully identified before; and identifies fundamental underlying issues which must be addressed by any organisation or business...
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...developing effective strategy which will be helping the achievement of the company’s goals. Humankind has practiced in many and different planning strategies during its existence. Apparently some of them have been more successful than others. However, the most common techniques that are used and proved to be effective are known as strategic planning and tactical planning. In my opinion the planning in our days is with tremendous importance for companies’ well-functioning. Many factors will play role in companies’ functioning. Some are preventable and predictable, while others are quite surprising. However, having a plan of action can be in great benefit. The negative impact always can be minimized by having proper plan, or if we anticipate positive circumstances to happen the benefits we can obtain will be even greater. From historical point of view it is proven that strategic planning is more appropriate for accomplishing long term goals. Basically strategic planning is an organizational management activity that is used to set priorities, focus energy and resources, strengthen operations, and ensure that employees and other stakeholders are working toward common goals. During this process the management is in charge of assessing and adjusting the direction of the organization in case the course is not the desired one. For the strategic planning also can be told that is targeted effort in reaction of which are produced essential actions and decisions. Usually these decisions and...
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...HRM is the organizational function that deals with issues related to people such as compensation, hiring, performance management, organization development, safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication, administration, and training (Heathfield, 2013). HRM is also a strategic and comprehensive approach to managing people and the workplace culture and environment. An effective HRM enables employees to contribute effectively and productively to the overall company direction and the accomplishment of the organization's goals and objectives. HRM must also develop mechanisms that will help multicultural individuals work together. As background, language, custom, or age differences become more prevalent, employee conflict is likely to increase. HRM must make every effort to acclimate different groups to each other, finding ways to build teams and thus reduce conflict (DeCenzo & Robbins 2007). Primary Function of Human Resource Management Human resource management’s primary goal is to improve the contribution of the employees to benefit both the company and the employee. This goal is complicated and always changing as the needs of the workforce and the organization change. According to (DeCenzo & Robbins, 2007), HRM has two primary responsibilities: assisting the organization in its strategic direction and representing and advocating for the organization’s employees success. Human resource management has many additional functions such as: - Recruiting and Hiring ...
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