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Bengal Tigers


Submitted By velakay
Words 1112
Pages 5
Royal Bengal Tiger

The Royal Bengal Tiger, once known as the reigning feline of Asia, are now on the brink of extinction. This beautiful species is quickly disappearing due to human activity. Land development has pushed back forestry, which is making it almost impossible for tigers to survive in their range of natural habitat. Additionally, even though it’s illegal to own, hunt or trap tigers, poachers continue to trap and sell tiger parts on the black market. Furthermore, tigers are being separated by “population fragmentation” which prevents them from mating and producing healthy cubs. Although conservation centers are providing safe havens for tigers, they are not seeing the results they expected. Royal Bengal Tigers are a majestic and alluring animal that will no longer exist if humans continue to poach them and take away their natural habitat. Due to massive human population increase in India, tigers have lost most of their natural habitat in the rain forest. According to the World Wildlife Federation, “Royal Bengal Tigers have lost 93% of their range and habitat in the last forty years. At the expense of tigers, forestry and grass lands were destroyed to develop land for agricultural and housing use to accommodate the accelerated population of humans. Jonathan Wright, an expert on Royal Bengal Tigers, explains that male tigers are loners and do not share their hunting grounds, with other males’ only females; they need a large home range. Each male tiger requires 20-30 square miles to mate, hunt and roam, however, this natural process cannot take place without the sanctuary of trees, grasslands and vegetation tigers need to exist. A large amount of forest range in Asia as has been destroyed to improve the lives of humans but has endangered the existence of tigers. Although, it is illegal to hunt, own or kill a tiger, the reduced size of the forest

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