...Beowulf versus Grendel is a classic duel that has been told for centuries. While the majority of people have heard the point of view of Beowulf, not many have also thought about Grendel’s side of the story. In the beginning of the meat of the story, Grendel would sneak into the town in the middle of the night and eat most everyone it could find. Typical monster. Being the great tactician he is, Beowulf arrived and devised a plan to take down Grendel. As the monster would creep down the hall Beowulf hid in a bed simply waiting for Grendel to reach him. At this point is where people might begin to question Beowulf’s plan. On the way to the “sleeping” savior, quite a few people died without any type of reaction from Beowulf. However, finally when he was reached, he opened his eyes and grabbed onto Grendel and started beating the monster down. Being the hero story it was, all the details were ignored as Beowulf fought Grendel but the typical ending was introduced of Grendel running away in pain to die. The real interesting part of the story comes with the reading of Grendel. The entirety of the fight, Beowulf had the advantage over Grendel pertaining to the fact that he had the element of surprise and could have beaten Grendel in a small margin of time, but why didn’t it happen that way? To what...
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...The epic story of “Beowulf” is a story about Beowulf, the man who is the true definition of bravery and heroism. This story recaptures Beowulf's quest as he destroys monsters that terrorize the kingdom of Herot and the people who subside within it. Throughout the story vivid imagery and detailed monologue help upholds the story to an epic quality. But, for for it to truly to be an epic it must have a few needed elements such as references to god and battles between good and evil. A moment in Beowulf that truly captures this epic mentality can be found near the end of the story. Beowulf is out of his youth and is living in his old age as king. He along with some of his geats are set up outside the cave, where a diabolical dragon awaits to destroy anyone in sight. Beowulf stands up and begins his great final speech to his geats, unweary what there future holds.(2510-2510) This moment adds so much momentum to the story and so the way it embodies Beowulf as a story and a character. This moment shines above the rest and fully demonstrates the elements of bravery, self-sacrifice, and overall heroism. Of all the things Beowulf is, Beowulf is the true definition of bravery. He demonstrates this in many different ways through the text but it is the most apparent in his...
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...For centuries mankind has regarded self-sacrifice as an act of heroism. To risk pain, loss, and even death for another person demonstrates an excellence of character that few possess. But how does sacrifice occur in today’s culture? Does it resemble the acts of valor shown in the great epic, Beowulf? In this thrilling tale, Beowulf, a mighty warrior, defeats both a demon and a dragon in the service of others. While many today display reserve in their abnegation towards others, sacrifice hold just as much honor today as it did in Beowulf’s time. Modern opinions of who one should die for differ significantly from Beowulf’s. First, he saved a kingdom of complete stranger, risking death in the process. Additionally, as his final act, Beowulf slayed a dragon, giving it’s gold to his subjects to help them prosper. In stark contrast, most people today have only a few close friends and relatives who they would suffer for. Most deem sacrifice for a stranger abnormal, meant only for the most saint-like among us. Why do so many of us withhold our selflessness when Beowulf...
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...The definition of sacrifice is a loss incurred deliberately to avoid a greater loss or to obtain a compensating advantage. Sacrifice contributes more to heroism than success. Being a hero is a matter of opinion, sacrifice is a matter of fact. A hero is one that is willing to sacrifice their own life for what they believe will create a greater good, for what they believe is right. In Beowulf, “ In his far-off home Beowulf, Higlac’s follower and the strongest of the Geats-greater and stronger than anyone anywhere in this world-heard how Grendel filled nights with horror and quickly commanded a boat fitted out, proclaiming that he’d go to that famous king, would sail across the sea to Hrothgar, now when help was needed” (Page 23). Beowulf set out sea to Hrothgar to defeat Grendel and Grendel’s mother on his own choice and that it was his duty to do so. Beowulf could have ended his life trying to defeat Grendel and Grendel’s mother. It often seems that heroes survive. They are the ones that are there at the final battle, defeating what they believe to be the thing that prevents good, peace, righteousness, or whatever it is they...
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...can be ordinary human beings where “saving the day” becomes a risk and where something valuable may get lost. Although heroes receive recognition in response to their success, sacrifice contributes more to heroism because, it portrays selflessness, courage,...
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...Anglo- Saxon hero, Beowulf, most perfectly fits into this category and truly defines what it means. At all times, Beowulf is never afraid to put his life on the line for the sake and protection of his people, which helped him gain approval from the people of his area. Throughout the course of the adventure and journey, Beowulf exemplifies what it means to be an epic hero showing loyalty, courage, intelligence, and selflessness in his efforts to save his people and achieve immortality. Beowulf proves that he is a great Anglo-Saxon epic hero through his loyalty. Loyalty was held paramount by...
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...viciously gallant epic Beowulf, Steve Baron’s capricious film Merlin, and Niccolo Machiavelli’s enlightening treatise The Prince all portray the struggle between good and evil, teach morals, and convey what it takes to be a superior king. Merlin has successfully brought up King Arthur to become a virtuous man and a worthy king who is exceptionally capable of fulfilling Machiavelli’s guidelines. For example, Machiavelli states in “Concerning Things for Which Men, and Especially Princes, are Blamed” from The Prince that “…a man who wishes to act entirely up to his professions of virtue soon meets with what destroys him among so much that is evil.” Merlin taught Arthur integrity and goodness. King Arthur takes this wisdom to build the perfect kingdom “devoted to peace and charity” (Merlin). Arthur is the first king without egocentric intentions. Even in his last battle, King Arthur puts his morals before his own life. His desolation proves his righteousness. Rather than leaving his people afraid, his death leaves his people with hope of a better place and rebirth. In life and death, King Arthur ruled his nation. Beowulf brought riches to his people, defended his people, and essentially devoted his life to his people, which made him an ideal prince in the eyes of Machiavelli. For instance, Machiavelli states in The Prince that a ruler should “have no other aim or thought, nor select anything else for his study, than war and its rules and discipline.” In Beowulf, war is glorified and...
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...Loyalty defines a person’s great devotion to another. These two works of literature integrated this theme of loyalty in both The Kite Runner and Beowulf. Beowulf from the epic poem Beowulf emphasizes the importance of loyalty. Beowulf is extremely loyal, as perceived in his commitment to his king Hygelac, to his entertainer Hrothgar, to his own loyal men, such as Wiglaf, and to his people. In contrast, Hassan from the “Kite Runner” shows loyalty for his friend Amir. It is in Hassan’s letter, years after their separation, that puts Amir on the way to redemption. And so, Hassan saves Amir twice, previously as a boy and later in the future, even after his own death. In both The Kite Runner and Beowulf, the authors express loyalty from friendship and from commitment....
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...In the anonymously written epic poem Beowulf, Beowulf’s meaningful status as a hero and his ability to display honor in what he does is due to the fact that he is heroically able to exhibit the virtues of loyalty, courage, and friendship. The exceptional loyalty and faithfulness of Beowulf is shown through his allegiance to Hrothgar, king Hygelac, Wiglaf, and to the Geats. In fact, Beowulf is heroically willing to sacrifice himself if it means that he “[proves himself] / [...] and [fulfills] his purpose” of killing Grendel and assisting Hrothgar. (636-37). Along with his loyalty, Beowulf’s bravery is a quality that underlies the entire story, as it is a guiding virtue that ends up saving Hrothgar and his people. Beowulf’s fatalistic view of life and death is what makes up his courage in the face of danger, and it is a code of honor that Beowulf evidently takes very seriously....
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...Beowulf Essay The ideal hero, thats funny to think about, because they seem to always let you down in the end. The true meaning of a hero is someone that you can follow, not a ‘“don’t do what I do but do as I say” kind of man. A hero/heroine refers to characters who, in the face of danger and adversity or from a position of weakness, display courage and the will for self sacrifice that is, heroism for some greater good of all humanity. This definition originally referred to martial courage or excellence but extended to more general moral excellence. Roma Chatterji has suggested that the hero or more generally protagonist is first and foremost a symbolic representation of the person who is experiencing the story while reading, listening or watching, thus the relevance of the hero to the individual relies a great deal on how much similarity there is between the two. One reason for the hero-as-self interpretation of stories and myths is the human inability to view the world from any perspective but a personal one. The word hero/heroine is sometimes used simply to describe the protagonist of a story, or the love interest, a usage which can conflict with the superhuman expectations of heroism. The larger-than-life hero is a more common feature of fantasy (particularly sword, wizards and epic fantasy) than more realist works. Christianity traditionally has emphasized humility as its main form of heroics. To illustrate that no virtue can possibly be perfectly acquired or continue...
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...Eng 201 September 7, 2012 Analysis of Christian and Pagan Themes in Beowulf The heroic poem, Beowulf, written circa ninth century after the Common Era (C. E.), presents a bloody chronicle of a king’s role in the violence and tumultuous Germanic tribes shortly after the Roman Empire’s expulsion from the low countries of Northwestern Europe. Evolving from oral narrative’s, Beowulf’s origins, while traceable to a general place and time in history, remains obscure, and comes to modern readers through a manuscript written around the year one thousand C. E.. Written in the language of the Anglo-Saxons, Beowulf, namesake for the title, defeats three monsters, Grendel, Grendel’s mother, and finally after many years of ruling his lands, a dragon. While fictional, the author weaves the main plot centering on defeating these vicious adversaries with a mixture of both pagan and Christian customs. Beowulf illustrates numerous biblical references and Christian influences, while simultaneously reflecting a core of Germanic pagan customs. Christianity and its religious elements, alongside, pagan customs and practices, play a fundamental role in the heroic poem, Beowulf’s narrative. Grendel, the monster that terrorizes Hrothgar’s great Hall of the Hart, traces his lineage back to Cain, one of the two sons of Adam and Eve. Cain commits the first murder according to Christian teachings, slaying his brother, Abel (The Holy Bible, Genesis 4-8). Grendel sprang from, “Cain’s clan, whom...
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...Strength, Power, Heroism, and Courage. These are among the central themes that encompass the epic of Beowulf and allow the reader to take an intimate look at Anglo-Saxon society. Beowulf, the hero of this story, is the focal point, demonstrating his phenomenal super human abilities throughout the epic as he conquers and kills anything dangerous or beastly in his path. Although Beowulf is viewed as a superhero, Hrothgar, does not hesitate to present Beowulf with the best advice that he can muster. Hrothgar’s guidance is essential in outlining the basic and most vital themes of the epic. He warns Beowulf about overweening, resenting tradition, and dishonoring customs, among many other points. As seen in this passage, the themes of wyrd, paganism, and heroism are clearly distinct in Seamus Heaney’s Beowulf through the harrowing adventures retold. The concept of wyrd, or a sense of inevitable doom, is a central theme in Beowulf, demonstrated by the constant reminder that the destruction of events or people will most definitely occur. When Hrothgar bestows his advice upon Beowulf, it is stated that “ancestral possessions/ and the goods he hoarded are inherited by another/ who lets them go with a liberal hand”, which clearly exemplifies a belief in ultimate ruin (ll 1756-7). Despite the honor that one must earn in order to receive such goods, once one dies it no longer has any meaning, showing how gloomy the Anglo-Saxon society was in it’s outlook about death. Additionally,...
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...image of a “knight and shiny armor”. A modern hero like Harry Potter, from the Harry Potter series, and an Anglo- Saxon hero like Beowulf, from Beowulf, are fairly similar, yet are completely different. These heroes have different motives, these two heroes are set in different times. Harry Potter was set in the nineties and Beowulf in the eighth century. Having different time settings makes the motives of the heroes different. Harry Potter’s reasoning to do things is based out of love. Love is a big part of his life even though his parents, his godfather and his mentor died he is still able to love. Without love he wouldn’t be alive, he would have died an infant. Harry relies on love to trust in his friends to help him in his battles. Beowulf never really had anything close to family, so he did not have anything equivalent to love. Which made him have different motives. That were simply fighting in favor of his king. His battles were never for personal reasons because he did not have an emotional attachment to anything. For example, when he went to go fight Grendel it was because he owed him a favor not because the battle was centered around him. Beowulf is very self-confident. When he was waiting in the hall he said that “Grendel is no braver, no stronger than I am! I could kill him with my sword; I shall not, easy as it would be.” (Raffel 44). Beowulf claims that he can defeat a demonic monster that was spawned by Cain and that it would be too easy a fight if he used a sword....
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...In the Old English epic, Beowulf, the book’s namesake, (Beowulf), is seen maturing from a young hero, to a wise king, and it is through this progression and growth that the old English bards developed Beowulf’s ultimate goal of eternal glory. From impressively defeating Grendel and liberating the Danes, to the revenge killing of Grendel’s mom, and even later by saving his nation through self-sacrifice, Beowulf captures the heart of those of the Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian world to ultimately go down in history forever. Firstly; however, Beowulf had to start as the equivalent of a nobody to us, (the reader), and the world. All that is known is his quest to slay Grendel on accounts of its attacks on the Danish mead-hall, Heorot. “ ‘I come...
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...Beowulf is an epic poem written in Old English encompassing the mythical tale of the eponymous character of Beowulf. The tale includes his heroic struggles with monstrous beings such as Grendel, Grendel’s Mother, and an avaricious dragon. The primary of those, beast Grendel, serves as the protagonist of a philosophical novel of the same name, Grendel. Written by Anglo-Saxon Scholar John Gardner, the novel presents the fictitious tale of Grendel in the world of Beowulf as he struggles to find meaning and purpose in its life. Grendel is a bastard of man and monster. Yet, he feels himself separated from both. This lust and yearning for purpose sets out on his adventures. His purpose is to find purpose. Now, naturally Grendel is monstrous, but...
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